Status: Working with the power of Ryden!...currently working on it :)

American Suitehearts

But than his eyes saved his life.

Brendon’s POV

“...And you’ll notice I’m not on the list, that’s just in case somebody’s sick on the day—and believe you me there always is”

Ryan’s eyes are fixed on me. Everyone’s eyes are fixed on me, but for some reason all I can think about is the fact that he can see me. I’m not invisible to him. He knows who I am. The very thought puts butterflies in my stomach, which is the very reason I can’t look at him, because I know that if I do I won’t be able to look away.

I look at my notes nervously; I’m not usually a nervous person. He makes me nervous. I glance, for a mere second into his eyes. And for that mere second I see into his soul. He blinks back in surprise. I’m as certain as I ever could be that I have...feelings of some sort for Ryan. Feelings I didn’t quite understand, I force another smile for the people around the table and continue with my notes.

Maybe we could be friends? I forced that thought back. We could never be friends. Why? Why could we never be friends—it’s not like I’ve never made friends before!
I finish my speech and the meeting is over. We’re all just sitting around finishing off our drinks (a chai latte if you’re interested) and one by one, are leaving. Just as Jon and Ryan get up to leave I call after them


Ryan stopped and spun round at the sound of my voice. The movment was so sudden that I bumped into him for a moment. I instantly felt the faintest flush of pink in my cheeks. It wasn’t because I bumped into him. It was the look in Ryan’s eyes, his intense beautiful eyes when he saw me. I tried to keep my voice calm and even

“Sorry, but um, I was wondering if you two would like to jam at my place tomorrow
afternoon—Spencer will be there and...yeah”

I pressed my lips together slightly. This was honestly the first thing that had come to my head, I just hope it didn’t sound too retarded.

Ryan’s already gigantic eyes seemed to enlarge for a second before looking slightly confused

“Um...sorry” he said in that gorgeous voice of his

“But what do you mean by “jam” on bread?”

I couldn’t help but let out a soft laugh, it was more nerves than anything else

“Jam” as in meet up and play music” I explained

“Oh...” Ryan muttered softly

“...That sort of jam” he smiled slightly and shuffled his feet awkwardly before looking away.
I didn’t want to stop looking at him...

“Yeah that would be great” Jon said with the brilliant smile he always managed to carry

....I’d forgotten he was even there. I had fallen into the presence of Ryan Ross. For those few seconds it seemed as though nobody existed except for us. Jon looked at me oddly for a few seconds. I’d been staring at Ryan for a little too long now. I forced my eyes away from him

“I’m going to pack up” I mutter and force myself to walk away.

A genuine smile is firmly fixed on my face as I’m walking away from them too my car. I shouldn’t be so happy by this, I mean it’s just meeting up with a few friends after’s not like I’m going to a fancy restaurant with a date or something like that. So why were my cheeks slightly red? Why is my heart pounding like I’ve just run a mile?

It’s just nerves. I tell myself as I drive home while listening to the Beach Boys. I turn the music off as soon as I start going down my street, just in case my parents parents become somewhat suspicious by any song that don’t contain the word “god” and even then it has to be sung by the Church choir.

I parked my car and my smile turns a little forced again. I wish I had Jon’s ability to smile at everything that happened in life, I walk up the steps leading to my house. It was slightly gigantic, several brothers and sisters—the majority of them we’re grown up now. The house seemed so empty without them. The only time it felt properly full was around Christmas and Thanksgiving. Only four were left and none of them payed attention the youngest member of the family.

My mother Grace smiled when she saw, I gave a slight nod when I saw her and jogged up the stairs. A pang of guilt filled me when I saw her, I hadn’t done anything wrong, I told myself but I still didn’t have the courage to tell me parents anything. That for the life of me I couldn’t believe in a man in a beard living in the sky playing a gigantic game of Sims.
I locked myself in my room and pretended to study. My thought couldn’t be further from my science mind was edging more towards a Streetcar Named Desire.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah. Apologise for the Streetcar has no place in a Ryden, and for the fact that it may have the appearance of a filler (beacause it IS okay-shoot me!)

Anyway I had to be a little bit of a stalker for this chapter...I mean I already am Brendon’s stalker (you have no idea how hard it is to stalk someone when they live in America and you’re living in Australia) but I seriously had to research his family.

And I know that most English people would know the meaning of “jam” it’s just Ryan’s a little bit nervous and saying silly things :D

People who comment are awesome sauce! Oh and for the record..... Ryan blinked everybody. He blinked back to let Bren know..(What is my life?)