Status: Working with the power of Ryden!...currently working on it :)

American Suitehearts

Dungeons and Dragons is the most fun a guy can have without taking his clothes off

Jon’s POV

I smile widely when Spencer and Brendon opened the front door. Both however ignore me and only pay attention to Ryan, who is examining his fingernails in his typical dreamy state. He looks up in an absent minded way and a faint wave of pink fills his cheeks: I can’t help but hide a smirk.

I must admit I didn’t think Ryan had a chance. I thought that Brendon was the straightest guy in the universe, coming from a Mormon family and all. But one couldn’t help but notice the faint glow that applied itself to Brendon’s cheeks when he looked at Ryan for a little longer than necessary. He blinked suddenly and came back from whatever universe the two had skipped off too and finally invited us into his house. For some unknown reason Ryan laughs, as if there’s a joke there that nobody but him can see....I swear he lives in Narnia half the time. I pulled off the guitar that was strapped too Ryan’s back—he hardly seemed to notice and moved into the house first.

Brendon directed us to where the basement was. Ryan wandered ahead, and swung open the door carelessly. He mustn’t have known it was leading to the basement, or he wouldn’t have stuck his foot out like he thought he could walk on air. I heard Brendon yell out something as Ryan fell into the darkness. It was strange watching everything, it did seem quite really as Brendon pulled Ryan back into the hallway. I noted a dull banging noise in an absent minded way as he pulled him back.

“He hit his head” the panic was clear in his voice

“....On the banister. When he fell he hit his head”

Brendon pulled Ryan into his lap

“Ryan” he whispered softly

Spencer and I exchanged a glance. Our eyes filled with worry and...Perhaps a little bit of unappropriated humour, as Brendon cradled a guy he barely knew in his lap with concern clear on his face. Ryan was still breathing, and eventually his eyes started fluttering: finally opened his eyes and Brendon looked like he was about to die of happiness.

He whispered something to Brendon neither of us could hear before Ryan began getting up in a bedraggled way, still somewhat wobbly on his feet. As he got up there was a gigantic rip in his shirt and Brendon took him up too his room to get him a new one.

Once again I glance at Spencer as they leave to go up stairs

Spencer and I stand together awkwardly before going downstairs.....

Brendon’s basement is about the same size as my house, it has wooden floors and a few walls filled with musical instruments. I drop Ryan’s guitar on the floor and sit on one of the patch work couches that are in the middle of the room. Spencer does the same, sitting on the couch opposite me.

“Soooo” I mutter trying to come up with a conversation and failing

Spencer rolls his eyes “Do you have anything you want to tell me?” he was using this sickly sweet voice that he uses when he wants to know something. For some reason he can always tell when someone knows something he doesn’t.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about” I say trying to keep my voice even

“Tell me...”

“Well...” I began slowly

Spencer wouldn’t tell anyone. For some reason he seems to know everything about everyone, it’s not like this tiny snippet of information would change anything....

“It’s just that...Ryan likes in he really likes Brendon”

I sighed once I had said it. I never was good at keeping secrets, Spencer began smiling to himself

“Why are you smiling?” I said in a disgusted tone

Why am I such an idiot? Stupid Jon! God why couldn’t I just keep my mouth shut!

“Because I’m a genius”

I roll my eyes “And why would that be?”

“...Because as best friend of Brendon, I happen to know that he likes Ryan”

“What? He does?”

How? What? When did this happen? Do I live under a rock or something?

“I wouldn’t tell you if I didn’t trust you, but I have a plan to get them together....But would you describe Brendon?”

“Umm....Calm...reserved a lot of poise”

Spencer smile madly “In actual fact his not...his prescription makes him like that.”
“His prescription?”

“ADHD. If he doesn’t have his pills he gets twitchy and doesn’t think about what his saying...this morning I swapped his normal pills for normal panadol”

I stare at Spencer “I still don’t understand how this makes you a genius exactly”
“Because if his not thinking things through he’ll say what he means—he’ll say what he really thinks”

“Oh” I say softly with a smile “Your are a genius”

If he really does like Ryan, he’ll tell him. If he doesn’t he won’t....simple

At this point Brendon comes down the stars. His cheeks were slightly flushed and his left arm was twitching. Spencer smirked slightly, the effects were starting, or maybe his true personality was coming out....I wasn’t quite sure which one.

“I feel like a red bull” Brendon said loudly

“I haven’t ever, ever, ever, ever tried red bull before because...”

Suddenly Brendon looked at Spencer in confusion

“My meds are, going, leaving, fading—not here anymore and it feels. It feels GREAT!”

Brendon, who always seemed like such a quiet calm person ran up the stairs at lightning speed only to return seconds later with a handful of red bull, bagels and skittles, his eyes wide and a slightly manic smile on his face.

Just as he began stuffing his face with various foods Ryan came down stars in what had to be the tightest shirt in the entire world. Brendon stopped eating for a second to look at Ryan with a slightly gobsmacked expression on his face before returning his attention to the food before him.

Spencer was silent as he watched the events unfold

Ryan did a Zac Effron style hair flick and pretended not to be watching Brendon who looked like he was trying to snort bagel crumbs

Spencer clapped his hands together making Brendon jump

“What should we do for some fun?”

“DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS!” Brendon shouted at the top of his lungs

I turned to Ryan to see if he was reconsidering his crush on Bren. Instead, he was on the floor clutching his stomach from laughter.

He played along, and began throwing skittles into the air and Brendon tried catching them in his mouth

“I know what we can do” Spencer said suddenly with a smile, getting everyone’s undivided attention

“Let’s play hide-and-seek...”

I just can’t believe I thought Brendon and Spencer were just two normal quite guys...
♠ ♠ ♠
I am such a fail. I know. Anyway please comment it means the world to me! And I can pretend I won it at the carnival (Dam it Ryan!)

God I always keep forget to do this but thanks to all the people that have already commented (everyone else always thanks them so...yeah) ....Narnia closet references next!