Status: Working with the power of Ryden!...currently working on it :)

American Suitehearts

I've lost all my friends in so called holy places

Ryan’s POV

“I’LL HIDE!” Brendon yelled loudly; I’m thinking about covering my ears each time he opens his mouth....

Spencer smiled “I’ll count—everyone, I’m giving you two minutes”

Brendon and Jon ran straight up the basement stairs and I followed them quietly: Jon vanished into the kitchen while Brendon started fiddling around with the lock on a door. I stood behind him and whispered

“Do you mind if I hide with you?”

Brendon didn’t answer but instead threw open the cupboard doors dramatically. I have no idea what this guy had smoked but I wanted whatever it was, in a matter of minutes he had changed from Alice into the Mad Hatter. He then turned to me with a slightly manic grin on his face and giggled—no wait...he giggled? Before he pulling me into the small cupboard underneath the stairs and shutting the door behind us

“I’m Harry Potter” he managed to whisper in a loud voice

“How an earth can you be—” I was going to ask how an earth could he possibly be Harry Potter if he had an American accent but he covered my mouth with his hand. Just as a call came from down stairs

“Coming! Ready or not”

He pulled me closer to his chest, as he heard Spencer coming up the basement stairs. It was around this time I realised how close we were. It was a small cupboard. Now I may not be the tallest of guys but let’s just say there wasn’t enough room for me to move away—not that I wanted to exactly. I managed to pull away from his hand, just so I could at least breathe. I could feel Brendon’s quick breaths on the back of my neck; he had a silly grin on his face as he peered through the slit in the door...

I heard footsteps creaking around outside. Spencer. I held my breath. I could feel Brendon trying his hardest not to burst into hysterics as Spencer walked around trying to find us. I a rare moment of smart thinking I realized that if Spencer opened the door right now he would find Brendon holding me in a...slightly awkward position. So reluctantly I moved out of his grasp to the other side of the wall, so we were now facing each other. Spencer then walked straight past our hiding place, and into the kitchen where we heard Jon yell out

“Hey that’s no fair! If you’re throwing pepper into the air of course I’m going to sneeze!”

“Exactly. Jon deal with it, you just suck at hiding—who thinks of hiding in the under the kitchen counter anyway?”

We both muffle our laughter and clutch our rattling rib cages. His hair falls over his face in that perfect way as he leans forward and I find myself leaning forward too. Our faces are inches apart, Brendon realises this too and his smile slowly fades with his eyes growing wide.

When Jon and I were walking here he said that he couldn’t see the attraction to Brendon; he talked about how his mouth and nose were out of proportion with his face. I could see what Jon was talking about...Brendon did have gigantic lips—only I didn’t exactly see it as a negative.

I didn’t really think through what I was doing. It’s strange how we do these things and only actually consider the consequences as to what we are doing only after we do it. Before I could have a second thought or reconsider my lips were on his. Even when my lips were on his my mind wasn’t thinking about him pushing me away or rejecting me: my only thought was that this was him...and these were the only seconds of heaven I was ever going to get.
There was a moment of him being completely still before he finally kissed back in a burst of warmth that I could feel run along my body and down to my toes. Apparently one only feels heaven just before they are about to fall into the darkness of hell. My hell was when he suddenly pushed me away, his eyes wide and full of fear: the fear that he wanted more. This was his hell too.

Brendon pushed his way out of the cupboard and walked away. I heard Spencer yell out
“Hey find you Brenny be—wait what’s wrong?”

Brendon didn’t stop; his foot step’s never missed a beat until he reached his bedroom where I heard the door slam.

Spencer walked over to the cupboard slowly

“ everything okay? Bren seems... “

I was still leaning against the cupboard wall that Brendon had pressed me against, I detached myself from it; I could still feel my expression of regret on my face. On auto pilot I grabed my belongings from downstairs, Spencer and Jon followed me asking what happened. I can’t find myself able to answer. I can’t even find the meaning of the questions themselves.

I walk out the front and slam the door behind me. A wind that’s actually half way chilly is running up the street and I pull up my coat up for extra warmth, I needed all the warmth I could get; it didn’t look like I’d be getting any for a while.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay. This is a tad bit depressing (and unbelievably short) which I apologise for but is all part of the magical plot that leads to Neverland ...or Wonderland if you’re as mad as a rabbit (I really have no shame with my Panic! references...oh well!)

Anyways, to everyone that commented on my last chapter—I love you, those really were the sweetest comments in the entire world and truly just made my eyes the size of the moon (from emotional and over dramatic crying)