Status: will be completed shortly.

I Can Disappear in Several Ways


Ryland spent the days that I was at school on the small farm on my property, helping my mother out. Apparently he didn't do much, but as long as mother let him live with us, neither of us cared.

He had to chase a few escaped chickens, pull a few weeds, and feed a couple of animals. Not too much work, but it was more than I'd done lately. He complained about having to walk over to my school every week, but I didn't like driving by myself after talking to Ms. Merrick; sometimes, I'd go home in tears. I needed someone near me to hold my hand.

I pulled up the long, winding dirt road up to my house, Ryland blabbering on about how one of the chickens he put in the coop got himself out again. I turned off my car and laughed as he raced after it, squaking at it as it began to take off. He finally scooped the bird up, yelling at it, telling it that it needed to learn better manners. He carried it to the coop, where my mother was gathering eggs.

"It's about time you did something to help me," My mother growled at him, setting down her basket and wiping sweat from her brow. "All day, I slave out here, getting skin cancer and making sure we all have food. And you? You look like you've been locked in a basement all of your life."

"I do help, that was the agreement," He choked, not as used to her yelling as much as I was. "I want to stay here..."

"Come on! I have to keep you here whether I want you to or not. You're my son."

She'd been calling Ryland for her son for almost a year, though he'd been with us for almost five. It made me smile, though she was usually cold, she approved of my boyfriend. Most overly-religious people wouldn't do the same.

After sulking back over to me, Ry grabbed my hand as I opened the old, heavy door. I guided him through the hall, setting my bag on the ground, then pulled him into our bedroom.

"I'm sorry she's so terrible," I apologized, setting him down on the bed, bending down to look him in the eye and hold his shoulders.

"She's not that bad with me. She just yells," He sighed, then looked up at me, fear in his eyes. "It's the things I've seen her done to you that scares me."

"Don't worry about it. She hasn't done anything in a few weeks."

"Go look in her closet, the liquor is stacked higher than her clothes are," He cocked his head. "We might want to lay low for a while, lock the door, be safe."

I nodded. "You might be right."

"When am I not?" Ryland teased, pecking my nose.

I giggled quietly, then announced that I was going to take a shower to clean off the feeling I had after talking to my counselor that I always had. She almost made me feel dirty from talking about Ryland. After grabbing clothes, stealing a kiss, and saying goodbye, I waddled down the hallway and into the bathroom.

I shed my clothes, stared into the mirror at the imperfections of my face, and sighed. I turned the knob to cause a waterfall of burning water, stepped into the cramped area, and welcomed the painful sensation on my back. I ran my fingers through my hair as I lathered it heavily with strawberry shampoo; Ryland's favorite. I stood in the shower for too long, just letting the water cleanse my soul. I stood, arms outstretched, until my skin was begging for mercy and throbbing from pain.

I got out slowly, regretting the use of such hot water when my house was so cold on the inside. I slipped on clean clothes, then rushed to the safety of my own quarters.

I approached my room, the familiar sound of music coming from within the door. When it was open, I allowed my jaw to drop as it often did.

Shockingly black hair fell onto Ryland's shoulders, grazing the guitar I'd gotten as a child as he played a soulful, slow melody. He bit his lip as he strummed, concentrating hard, not noticing that I'd come back. I cleared my throat to make it known that I was there; it caused his eyes to snap open. He set the guitar down, stood, and lingered in the same spot, giving me enough time to drink up his sheer beauty.

He didn't move as I approached him, towering over me by a little less than a foot. My eyes traced over his body - he was built very thin, though his arms hinted at a built figure beneath the bright purple v-neck. He smiled at me sweetly and looked down at me, whipping his dark hair out of his face. His eyes shone as he looked into mine, and I became lost in his large, bright, amber-green portals, that seemed wise enough to understand everything about the world.

I couldn't take another moment, then lunged myself at him slightly. He allowed me to fall into him, holding me tightly in long, built arms. I stared up at his face, and after he licked his lips, he pressed them against mine.
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More very soon. ^_^