Status: Will update after midterms

Castle in the Air



As I was younger, growing up from a toddler to a preteen, I always watched the Disney princess movies. Always dreaming of what my dream fairytale would be. Always in wonder of what it would be like to be a daughter to King Triton or Neptune, which ever name the kind of the sea is called, or a daughter to a King and Queen in a small country, which I was. I always wondered if I would be rescued by a prince where we would fall in love and ride away into the sunset. I love my life, I really do. But I couldn’t help but dream of being a different type of royal would be like.

Do you ever find yourself daydreaming about the impossible? Daydreaming about a different life of your imaginary Prince Eric, or Prince Philip? That’s another thing I find myself having to deal with everyday, living in my dream world be where everything is how I want it to be.

My parents were worried for me, afraid that I was going to become too involved in my dreams that I wouldn’t live my life in reality. Is it wrong of me to not want to live in reality where every day you have to deal with different type of problems, attend different type of events and present yourself as someone you’re not? In my opinion, I think not.

I knew I had standards to live up to in my country, or what will be mine in the future. But I couldn’t seem to let go of my dreams. I also knew that I needed to work on making sure that I meet my parents standards, you really don’t want to upset a King or Queen.

I have always wanted to go to Disneyland Paris or Disney world in America and be able to dress up as my favorite princess character, and smile when other parents, besides my own, adore how cute I look in my frilly dress with my plastic tiara upon my head.

I remember at age nineteen I was finally granted my wish to visit one of the happiest places on earth. When we first pulled up into the Disneyland Paris in parking lot in the limo, I couldn’t contain the little five year old girl inside of me, just wanting to come out and finally live in her dreams.

You would think that someone my age would be out on their own by now and in college or away from home, but there is something different about me, which is a reason as to why I still live with my parents, King Americ and Queen Camillia. I’m deaf. I’m not as deaf as what you’re probably thinking, I can still hear without my hearing aids and my voice isn’t hollow. My speech is normal, which I thank my parents and my school teachers for.

Everything became a reality when we stepped foot into the park and faced the Mickey Mouse head in the flower bed. I wasn’t that five year old girl, I wasn’t dressed up to swoon other parents, and I certainly did not have my tiara on. I was wearing a casual outfit of jean shorts, a tee-shirt that sported Stitch in his Hawaiian shirt, and running shoes. We were told to act and dress normal by our royal guard so this is what I was put in.

I looked down at my outfit and sighed, this wasn’t how I wanted to come to the happiest place on earth, but I really had no choice. I couldn’t really argue with the outfit they chose for me, it was a lot better than those five-pound frilly and itchy dresses that I had to wear every day. My younger sister, age five, was living my dream; wearing her pink Aurora princess costume, gold tiara and holding a gold beaded wand. I had to admit, she did look like Aurora, with her blonde hair in waves and her bright blue eyes, shinning up to everything in her sight. I have my own tiara back at home but it wasn’t the type I wanted.
I’m not making much since am I? I didn’t think so either.

“Ariabella, why don’t you take your sister to Sleeping Beauties castle?” I heard my mother asked.

I nodded my head and grabbed Adeline, my sister’s, hand. I didn’t talk much because I was too into my dreams and I felt like I really had nothing to say. Although, I do talk when I am spoken to my someone besides my family, I do speak to my family, but like I said, I like to keep to my dreams.

“Bella, are we going there?” I heard my sister ask in her normal whisper. I looked to where her finger was pointed and looked back down to her. I nodded my head and smiled as she cheered at ushered me to hurry up.

“Avez-vous hậte?”(Are you excited?) I softly asked Adeline. She smiled her little white teeth at me and nodded her head, beaming in excitement.

I wouldn’t say I was jealous because she is living the dream I grew up with, from age five to age thirteen. I was slowly letting my dreams go and letting reality sink in but something in me tells me that my fairytale will be coming soon.

“Je veux être une princesse.”(I want to be a Disney princess) Adeline muttered softly. I came to a stop and got down on my knees to her height.

I smiled as I fixed her tiara, “You are a princess Ade. Even if you don’t want to be Princess
Adeline of Andorra, you are one. Just believe Ade that you’re a Disney Princess, just believe Ade.”

She smiled and nodded her head. I kissed her forehead before standing back up and continuing our walk towards the castle.

There’s one thing I forgot to mention though.

Just like majority of every other girl in Europe or around the world.

I’m in love with Prince Harry of Wales.
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Another Prince Harry Fan Fictions. What do you think?
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