Status: Will update after midterms

Castle in the Air



Image.  My awesome reader Firestarter101 made this awesome banner! 

A few weeks have passed since the summer ball event. The event was beautiful. I met the queen and I met Prince Charles and Camilla. Camilla was beautiful, so was the queen. Camilla reminded me of my grandmother, who was deceased, and that made me miss her even more than what I already did. Not in a bad way of course!

My grandmother and I, as I was growing up, she would teach me how to make cookies, and decorate cakes while my parents were out doing what they needed to do. When my sister was finally born, my grandmother would take care of her and help me learn new recipes. She was an amazing women, she loved my sister and I and any little child she would come upon. If she saw a lonely child wondering the streets, she would ask where their parents where, if they didn’t know; she would bring that child back to the castle and nurse them back to health while our guards went looking for the parents. Many people fell in love with my grandmother for her kind heart and warm smile. My father always told me, when he would tuck me into bed at night and I asked him what he thought about grandma, he would laugh and smile and saw that she is a wonderful women.

My grandmother later died when I was sixteen due to her kidneys rupturing. No one knew why or how it happened. She was a very healthy elder lady and she exercised daily, even if she was to tired. I was in study, learning mathematics, when my tutor received a call. I remember it like the day like the back of my mind.

“So do you understand how to do exponents now?” my tutor asked me as she placed a piece of parchment in front of me with a few questions printed on.

“Yes, I believe I do.” I replied, an unsure expression on my face.

She laughed, “Just remember it’s not a test. You can ask me for help Airabella.”

I smiled and nodded my head as I picked up the pencil and slowly began answering each of the ten questions that were on the parchment. I had caught myself biting my knuckle as I got stuck on a problem but before I drew any blood, I had already moved onto the next.

I was on question four when the phone in the study started to ring. The tutor excused herself to go answer it and I heard her ask if everything was okay to the person on the other line but when I heard her gasp and say “oh no” I knew it was something bad. Not only that but something in my heart told me that something bad had happened.

“Everything okay?” I asked as I looked up from the paper to see the tutor with her hand over her mouth and tears down her cheeks.

“Is something happening?” I asked her as I pushed my chair back and stood up.

My tutor ignored my concerned questions and continued to talk on the phone. “I’ll bring her right now your highness and ill take Adeline back to my room for the night.”

“What happened?!” I asked as she slowly looked at me.

“Airabella.. i-its.. your grandmother..” she said softly. Trying to compose herself.

“What happened to her?!” I freaked out.

She walked over to me and placed her arms around my should and gave me a quick hug before looking at me at arm’s length. “Your father just called.. You need… you need to get down to your grandmothers room… she’s dying.” Those last two words had me running out of the room and down the hall to where my grandmother’s room was. I didn’t want to believe her but when I rounded the corner and saw my mother gasping for breath as hard tears flowed from her eyes. I knew that what she had said was true.

I walked slowly towards my parents, “Mother? Father?” I whispered causing them to turn towards me. My mother started crying when she saw me, which caused me to start crying.
“Sh-she can-cant le-leave me.” I choked out.

My father wrapped in arm around my shoulders when I got close enough to him. I slowly turned towards the open room to see doctors and nurses running around in the room trying to stable my grandmother. There were wire tubes everywhere on her body. The tube for life support was in her neck because they were not able to get it down her esophagus or nasal.

When I saw my ghostly grandmother laying on her death bed, I kept wishing someone would jump out and yell “Surprise!” but no one did. No one was smiling, laughing, or making jokes. Everyone had on solemn expressions; even the guards had tears in their eyes. I don’t know how long my father was holding my mother and I but I knew he was not planning on letting go anytime soon.

The sun had started to go down when we heard the loud obnoxious beating of the heart machine. We clutched each other tighter as the doctors started yelling commands. After three long, excruciating, minutes, the heart line went flat and I knew one of my best friends was gone.

“NOOO!” I screamed as I pushed out of my father’s arms and dashed into the room. I dodged the doctors who were trying to stop me as I came closer to my grandmother’s bed.
“Please don’t leave me. Who will make cookies with ade and i?” I cried as I laid my head on her still chest.

I don’t know how long I was there, sobbing and clutching her cold hand but when my father placed a hand on my shoulder I saw that only one doctor and two nurses remained in the corner, silently watching us.

“Lets go to bed Bella. Your mother needs to say her goodbyes.” He said softly as he lifted me up bridal style.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he walked away from the bed, only stopping to give my mom a kiss on the forehead. I slowly lifted my head up to meet her bloodshot eyes. We didn’t say anything because we knew no words would help ease our pain.

I softly cried into my father’s chest as he walked towards his and my mother’s room. I was thankful that I wasn’t going to be left alone for the night. “I-is she really gone father?” I asked.

I felt him sigh, “Yes baby girl. But she is alive in your heart and memories.”

I felt someone place their hand on my shoulder, which caused me to lose train of thought. I looked up to see my favorite ginger prince standing there with a worried expression on his face, “What’s wrong love?”

I wiped my eyes and smiled softly, “I’m just remembering someone who was close to me, that’s all.”

He nodded his head but used his thumbs to wipe away the few tears left, “Do you want to tell me about her?” he asked as he sat on my bed and pulled me into his arms.

I curled up into his warm side and let him run his fingers through my long brown hair, “Do you remember how I said that Camilla reminded me of someone I missed dearly?”

“I recall.” Harry replied.

“She reminded me of my best friend. My grandmother was my best friend while I was growing up. She died from her kidney rupturing when I was sixteen and I was just remembering the day she passed.” I told harry, not really wanting to remember the day again and he understood.

“Maybe when you are up for it love, you can tell me all about her.” He suggested as he placed a kiss on the top of my head.

I nodded my head and breathed in his scent as I relaxed. I soon yawned which caused harry to laugh, “Would you like to take a nap?”

I shook my head no but yawned again, “It wouldn’t be fair to you thought Harry. You just got here.”

I felt him shrug, “I’m pretty tired to actually. So a nap won’t hurt and I’m free for the rest of the evening so I’m all yours.”

I smiled and leaned up towards the foot of my bed and grabbed the two quilt blankets that I had always kept there. I handed one to Harry, which he placed over his legs before placing my head back on his chest. I pulled my quilt up to my chin and evened my breathing as I listened to his heart beat, soon falling into a deep sleep..
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I hated the previous chapter and a few people that it was weird lol. totally fine. I was sick when I wrote it..

I'm sorry it's so short. I just re-wrote it. Tell me what you think....