Status: Will update after midterms

Castle in the Air

Racing father



"Good morning baby girl." My father said as he walked into my room wearing a firesuit that racecar drivers wear. 

I smiled, "Good morning father. How are you today?" I asked as I placed the newspaper down and took a sip of my tea as my father walked across the room and sat in the empty seat across from me.

"I'm doing wonderful thank you. Do you have any plans for the day?" He asked as a maid brought him over a glass of tea with a lemon muffin upon a small plate. 

I shook my head as I took a bite of my own muffin, "No father I do not. What do you have in mind?" 

He smiled as he stirred his tea, "When was the last time you raced?" 

I thought back. It's been awhile, "I'm not sure Father, a while maybe?" 

His smile grew bigger, "Would you like to go racing today?" 

I smiled and nodded my head, "Yes! Yes!" 

He laughed as I jumped up and raced to my closet to grab my own firesuit. My father and I had gotten matching firesuits since we were the only ones who liked to race but after our first few races, my mother thought that it would be cute to get her and Adeline matching ones as well.

"When you are finished getting ready, meet me down in the kitchen and then we will head to the track. Our cars are already on track and ready to go." My father stated as he stood up and handed his empty plate and cup to a maid before saying thank you. 

"Thank you Father!" I stated as I pulled my robe off along with my nightgown. I heard him laugh as he opened and closed the bedroom door.

I didn't want to waist anymore time, so I quickly got dressed and grabbed my helmet off of the top shelf before rushing out of the room and down towards the kitchen where my father had said to me him. To say I wasn't excited to be racing again would be a total lie. I just wished Harry could be here to watch me race.

Speaking of Harry, I haven't seen him since he came over a few nights ago. We've spoken on the phone a couple of times during the last few days but I miss seeing him. I know and understand that he is busy because coming up is when my parents are going to Africa to help build houses for a village that has literally nothing and I'm going with them. 

I loved going on these types of trips with my family. I enjoy building homes, helping little kids write, feeding the families there, and learning about their culture. I do hope to one day, have my own charity. I would like my charity to be a combined one where part of the organization helps homeless animals and the other part to help homeless children learn how to read and write. 

When I walked into the kitchen I smelled nutmeg. When ever someone would smell Nutmeg in the kitchen, that could only mean one thing: my mother made her banana nut bread. Her bread was to die for! It is so huge, moist and delicious that everyone is left feeling full. "Good morning!" I exclaimed as I walked over towards the Island and sat down next to my sister. I leaned over and gave her a kiss on her cheek which caused her to giggle. 

My mother placed a plate of her bread in front of me, "I was up early and I wanted to make my bread that everyone likes so much." She laughed as my father wrapped his arm around my mothers waist. 

"Eat up Bella. You'll need your fuel to beat me today." my father laughed as his "Royal Handler" walked in. 

"your highness." he stated as he approached my father. 

"Please, you dont have to  say that every time you approach me." My father laughed.

"You have a meeting later today with the court in regards to you trip." He informed my father.

My father nodded, "Gives my daughter and I enough time to race. Thank you for reminding me, here have some bread!" He handed a warm plate to Gerald, who thanked him before walking over and sitting next to me on Island. 

"Good morning! How is Marissa?" I asked Gerald as I took another bite of my bread.

"Good morning Princess, she is doing much better now thank you." He informed me as he took his bite out of his bread. 

His daughter Marissa had gotten sick from a bug bite and she is recovering in the near hospital. The bite was nothing to poisonous, they were able to treat it before it got to far into her blood. "Let her know that I will visit tomorrow. I hope you have a good day." I told him as I got up and brought my plate over to the sink. 

"Are you ready kiddo?" My father asked as he grabbed his helmet and walked over to Adeline and gave her a big kiss on the forehead. 

"I'm going to beat you." I laughed as I grabbed my own helmet and walked towards the door that would lead us to our back yard. We had our own race track on the back portion of the backyard. To say the backyard wasn't huge was an understatement. I walked over towards the carts, that would take us to the track, and waited for my father to come. 

He walked towards me with a smile on his face as he sat in the seat next to me and we were soon being driven to the track, "Harry just called," My father stated causing me to lift my eyebrow up in wonder. "He asked if you had any plans today and I told him that we were going to race. I invited him over to watch and he said that he would be here in a hour." 

"Oh." I said as I fiddled with my helmet strap.

"Everything okay?" My father asked as we passed my mothers garden.

I looked up at him, "Yes, everything is wonderful."

He nodded his head, "I can tell that he loves you." 

"What do you mean father?" I asked as I turned to look at him.

"I have watched the two of you interact with each other and I can see that he has really strong feelings for you. When he looks at you, he has the same look I do when I looked at your mother." my father informed me. 

I was speechless. "How do you feel about Harry Bella?" I heard my father ask just as we were arriving to the track. I got off of the cart, making sure I had my helmet, and walked in step with my father.

How did I feel about Harry? Yeah I said that I was falling for him but now i'm not so sure anymore. Harry is. There are to many words to describe what Harry truly means to me. "I don't know Father. Harry is. Different." 

My father turned to me, "A good different?" he asked.

I nodded my head, "A very good different. I can almost really be myself with him."

"Have you told him what happened?" My father asked concerned.

I looked down at my helmet sadly, "No I haven't. I don't know how he will react. We are not in a relationship." 

My father nodded his head as we walked up to the stock cars and started to climb in, "I'll go easy on you," my father laughed as he pulled his helmet on.

I smiled as I pushed the previous conversation to the back of my mind, "I'll go easy on you father!" I laughed as I climbed into the car. 

I want to show Harry the real me instead of the facade I have created but I'm afraid that he wont want to be with me anymore. How do you tell someone that you really love, that you were raped? You can't. 
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