Status: Will update after midterms

Castle in the Air

I love you



I closed my eyes briefly as I welcomed the warm wind whipping in my face as I drove my car faster. Whenever I am on the track, I feel safe, I feel at home. Some would say that I was born to race, I would tell them "I just enjoy it." Some would ask why I don't race professionally, I would tell them "Racing is a hobby". 

My father wasn't always royal. He was a poor commoner, selling breads on the streets in order to gain money to feed his family for the night, if he was lucky, he would make enough to feed for a few days. My grandfather was in the army when my father was a little boy so my father never knew him. When my father's younger sister was born, my grandfather was killed in combat. When his family was informed, my father told me that he didn't feel any emotion because he never knew his father. My father also had told me that the next day, he went out to the markets and sold whatever he could find in the house for food. 

A few years later, my father was walking home from the markets late one night when he heard yelled around the corner. Being the nosey person he is, my father went to check it out. He told me that the scene he saw stunned him. There in the middle of the street was the king, laying in a pool of his own blood with his guards dead around him. 

"You were never meant to be king." My father over heard as someone ran away.                 

My father dropped what he was holding and ran over to see what he can do to help the king. My father noticed that the king didn't have my strength left to hold on so my father started yelling for help to see if he can awake anyone in the town. Thankfully there was a guard who was off duty and lived a few houses down from where my father and the king was. The guard heard him yelling and rushed to see what was wrong, only to be stunned in place. My father yelled at him not to just stand there. The guard recovered and ran over to the king. What happened next changed my father's life forever.

"Make this boy king." these four words shocked both the guard and my father. Before either of them can say anything, the king was already dead. Normally, there would be a family member waiting for the throne, but there was no one. 

"Wh-what did he say?" My father asked, speechless.

The guard looked from the dead king to my father, "You're the new king your majesty." The guard bowed before my father causing my father to jump up and pace back and forth.

As my father paced, the guard pulled out a flare gun and let it off. Letting the guards at the castle know that something was wrong. Before they knew it, they were surrounded my the citizens and the guards. The guard who was still next to the king, informed everyone of the kings words. People gasped, people cried, people yelled out questions asking how this happened. No one had answers, no one knew why my father was chosen. 

"I was taken back to my house to get my stuff, my mother, and my sister later that night. When my mother saw the guards, she started crying, thinking I was joining the army but when the guards bowed and called her 'your highness' she fainted." my father told me many years back.

Since that night, my father has been the best king for our kingdom in it's history. My father still keeps his old life close to his heart by going down into the markets and giving money to children who are trying to earn money for dinner. 

I drove my car back to the finish line where my father was waiting, leaning against the side of it. "You slowed down half way, what's wrong?" my father asked when I got out and pulled my helmet off. 

"Nothing is wrong father, I was just remembering the story you told me about how you became king." I stated as I took the water he was holding out to me. 

"I see." my father said as he took a drink of his own water. "Harry arrived a bit ago, he should be arriving soon." 

I nodded my head, "Do you want to go another round?" 

My father smirked as he put his water down and grabbed his helmet, putting it on, "I thought you would never ask." 

I placed my water down against the cement before grabbing my helmet and climbing through the window of the car and pulling my helmet on. I flicked the engine on along with the throttle and oxygen tank. I looked over towards my father to see him holding a thumbs up as he revved his engine. I copied his actions before shifting the gear and slowly moving forward. We pulled up to where one of our house servants stood holding a green flag. I revved my engine, waiting patiently for the guy to wave the flag, giving the go. I heard a beeping coming from my left side and I looked over to see Harry arriving at the track holding a sign that said 'good luck bella'. I laughed and looked back over towards the flag bearer who held up one hand, counting down from five causing my father and I to rev our engine again. The flag was waved and my father and I were off with me in the lead. Our track was a 2 and a half mile oval track that had a small lake in the middle of it. We didn't have to worry out the animals in the lake because there was a wire and cement wall locking them in. 

We got to the middle part of the track and my father took the lead. I groaned and pushed the gas further, switching gears as I did so that way my car would get a little more power. I looked at my father and smirked when I passed my fathers car. Number one rule is racing is to never take your eye off the road when coming up to a turn and that was the mistake I had just made.

Everything happened so fast that it didn't register to me that I had just crashed head on into the cement wall. Because it was such a strong impact my car lifted and went over the wall. Smoke quickly filled the car and I was loosing fresh air fast. I didn't get hurt because I had multiple seat belts on and that saved me from any serious damage. I quickly tore off the wheel and tore off the seat belts before climbing out of the window and onto the grass. I looked up and saw that the engine of my car was in flames and I quickly scrambled to get away as far as I could. When I got about a few yards away, the car blew causing me to go flying. I soon skidded across the grass, thankful my helmet was still on along with my chest and butt pads. 

"Airabella!" I heard my father yell frantically. 

I coughed as I stood up and brushed off the dirt on my butt and legs. "Are you okay!?" My father asked as he pulled off my helmet and looked over my head to see if I had any major injuries. Thankfully I didnt.

"That. Was. Awesome." I laughed.

My father pulled away from me and looked at me strange, "You just flew over the wall and your car is inflame." 

I smiled, "I'm okay though. That was really awesome though! I've never been thrown though." 

My father sighed, "At least your okay. Harry nearly had a heart attack when we saw your car go over." 

Harry saw?! "H-he saw?" I asked. 

My father nodded, "Yeah, let's go and get you checked up."

I nodded my head and allowed my father to wrap an arm around my torso to help me walk even though I could walk on my own. I looked back over towards where my car was to see workers putting out the flames, "I'm sorry for what I did." 

My father looked over at my car as we walked by, "It's okay. That was just one of your practice cars. You have more but you will need to be more careful next time." 

I nodded my head as we got closer towards the entrance of the track where I saw a ginger haired prince trying to calm down my sobbing mother. Harry looked up when he heard us walking towards them and I could of sworn I heard him say "Oh thank god." He motioned for my mother to look up and when she did she ran over and wrapped her arms around me, "What were you thinking!" 

"It was a mistake mother." I informed her as a nurse checked over me, "I looked over at father and that's when I crashed into the wall. But I'm fine." 

"That's right. There is nothing wrong with her." The nurse informed my parents. 

My mother nodded, "No more racing for a few!" She said sternly before walking away with my father.

I smiled as I looked over at the ginger prince who was standing with his hands in his pockets, "Ello Harry. I'm sorry you had to see that." 

Harry brushed it off by wrapping his arms around me, "I'm just glad your safe or I wouldn't know what to do." 

"What do you mean?" I asked confused after he pulled away and grabbed my hand. 

"In reference to what?" He asked as we walked on the grass back towards the palace.

"You said that you wouldn't know what to do if I didn't come out safe. What do you mean by that?" I asked. 

Harry took a deep breath, "Remember when I asked you if you believed in love at first sight?" I nodded my head, slightly afraid of where this was going. "I fell in love with you at the candy shop Bella. I fell even more in love with you at the summer ball. When I watched your car flip, I was afraid that I was going to loose you. I can't go a day without thinking about you or hearing your voice. 

"You mean so much to me that it actually scares me. I've never felt this way about someone and I don't know how I should act. I'm in love with you Airabella. I really think your my soulmate." Harry told me. 

I looked into his eyes and saw 'love' in them. I knew I loved him. I knew since our first kiss. I also knew that I was scared to tell him because if I let my heart go, I don't know what I will do if everything Harry and I have together suddenly end. 

"Ha-harry." I whispered. 

"Shh. You don't have to say anything bella, I just needed to tell you that. I've been wanting to tell you that since the ball." Harry informed me as he took my hands in his and kissed my knuckles. 

"I-I have something to tell you." I stated. My entire body was shaking with fear as I was about to tell Harry my biggest secret. There were many ways on how he would react to me telling him that I was raped. He could get angry. He could get up and leave. Or he could not talk and then get angry. 

I was going to find out soon though. "What is it my love?" Harry asked as we sat down on a stone bench in front of one of our many water fountains. 

"A few years ago, my parents had a ball to welcome a neighboring king into our country. The king had two sons who were my age and I was to dance with each of them. I didn't have a problem with it because it was recommended for me to dance with them. 

"The king, his queen and sons were going to stay at our palace for the few days that they were there. I didn't have a problem with it because it gave the prince's and I more time to get to know each other. When they arrived and I met the prince's, I saw that they were very handsome. Your  still handsome to me though Harry." I informed him causing him to smile and squeeze my hand. 

"The second night of their visit was the worst. The rooms that the prince's were staying in was a few doors down from mine. Late at night after everyone was asleep, I was in the study reading a book when one of the brothers came into the study and asked me if I could help him with something. I agreed and placed my book down on the side table and followed him into the room he was sharing with his brother. What I didn't know what that each brother was intoxicated. Everything happened so fast. Before I knew what was going on, one brother had my arms tied and a wrap around my mouth so I couldn't scream. Both brothers picked me up and tossed me onto the bed. Soon one brother was kneeling above me and pulling off my silk pants while the other one ripped open my silk shirt. 

"Once my clothes were of-" 

"Stop." Harry interrupted me. 

I looked at him and saw that his face was red with anger and his hands were shaking. "Harry." I whispered.

"Don't. Finish. That." He stated through clenched teeth. 

I nodded my head and looked down at our hands. I moved one hand and placed it onto his and started rubbing the back of it. "Who else knows?" Harry asked. 

"My father heard the brothers and came into the room. He screamed and called the guards to arrest them. My mother knows as well along with their parents but other than that. No one." I told him.

"Why did you tell me?" He asked as he kept his gaze on our hands. 

"Because I love you. People who love each other shouldn't hold secrets no matter how strong the secret is." I informed him. 

Harry looked up into my eyes and I saw that he had tears in his eyes, "I will never let something like that happen to you." Harry pulled me into a tight embrace and I instantly felt safe. 

"I love you Harry." I told him as I wrapped my arms around his torso. 

Harry tightened his arms, "I love you Airabella. So much."

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Thank you Julia815645219, cutie0.0cucumber, and choirgirlx3 for your comments. Same with everyone who has commented on this story so far!

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