Status: Will update after midterms

Castle in the Air

Shop till you drop



"Adeline, il set temps de se lever.(Adeline, it's time to get up.) I told my sister as I sat on her bed, rubbing her back in order to awake her.

It's been a few days since I had told Harry my secret. I don't regret it; not at all. Harry hasn't really said anything about my secret. The only difference is that we both admitted that we both love each other. I don't regret telling him that I love him because I truly love him. Harry is like the missing piece that I have been searching for to complete my puzzle.

I felt Adeline shift under my hand, "Je ne veux pas me lever Bella."(I don't want to get up Bella.) she stated as she looked at me from under her blanket.

I smiled at her messy blonde hair and her bright blue eyes, "Je pensais que tu voulais aller en ville et obtenir une nouvelle robe" (I thought you wanted to go into town and get a new dress?" I reminded her.

Adeline sat up and rubbed her eyes, "Est-Mere et le peer va?" (Is mother and father going?) She whispered.

I moved over to sit next to her, "Ade aujourd'huinon. lls ont une reunion pour assister donc il sera juste toi et moi." (Not today Ade. They have meeting to attend so it is just going to be you and I.)

She nodded her head and jumped down from the bed and walked over towards a maid who took her into her bathroom to get ready for the day. I sighed as I reclined back into Adeline's soft pillows and closed my eyes. Something told me that she would ask about mother and father because she hasn't seen them for the past two days. Well she has, maybe for dinner. I knew she missed them terribly and that was why they were meeting us for lunch and would spend the second half of our trip around town with us.

"She's ready." The maid who took Adeline to get ready stated softly as she walked out of the bathroom, Adeline following close behind wearing a pink flora dress with matching flats and her hair in loose curls.

"Thank you. Go get some breakfast and rest for a few hours, you look exhausted." I told the maid.

"But your hi-" She started to protest.

"I'll inform the head of what I did and you wont get in trouble. Go. Go gets something to eat." She smiled and walked out of the room. I turned to Adeline who was fidgeting with the hem of her dress.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I got down on my knees.

She looked up at me, "Is Hawwy comin?" She asked

I smiled at how she pronounced Harry's name, "Do you want him to?"

Adeline nodded her head, "Okay I'll give him a ring when I get you seated for breakfast. What would you like this morning?"

"Cakes?" she asked.

"Pancakes it is." I replied as we walked out of her room and down the hall and down the back staircase that lead into the kitchen. Whenever our parents were out, we would eat pancakes and greasy sides like sasuage, bacon, and hash browns because our parents wanted us to eat healthy.

"Good morning, it smells good in here." Adeline announced as we walked into the kitchen and over towards the island where a glass of orange juice and a glass of milk sat for Adeline and I.

Our private chef turned around and smiled at us as we sat down, "Good morning girls. How are you this morning?"

I took a sip of my drink and looked over at Adeline, "We are wonderful thank you. How are you this morning?"

Perrier, the chef, set our plates in front of us. "I'm good. I'm planning on proposing to Amorette tonight."

I dropped my fork on the table, "oh! That's so wonderful! Congratulations!"

Perrier smiled and washed his dishes, "Thank you. By the way Prince Harry rang and wanted us to inform you that he was going to stop by for a few."

"Oh?" I was confused but excited.

"Hawy I'd comin?" Adeline asked from besides me. I turned to her and saw she had syrup all over her lips.

I laughed and grabbed my napkin, "Yes Ade Harry is coming."

She nodded her head and went back to eating her breakfast. Adeline and I continued to eat our breakfast with the occasional talk here and they. When we were finished, I offered to was our plates but Pierrer shooed us out of the kitchen. I sighed annoyed as I walked behind Adeline towards the main room. When we got to the door to the theater room someone cleared their voice behind us. I turned around and saw the ginger prince standing there with two white teddy bears.

"What are those?" I asked Harry confused.

Harry looked at the bears then back at me, "I bought them for my two favorite girls."

Adeline laughed and ran over towards Harry, who handed her a bear and picked her up after he set the other bear down. "What is on your agenda today Bella?"

I walked over to him and he picked up the bear and handed me it, giving me a kiss on the lips as well. "Were going shopping for Adeline's new dress. Would you like to come along?"

"Can I?" He turned and asked Adeline.

"Oui." Adeline confirmed.

Harry looked at me and I laughed. "Oui means yes." I informed him, my french accent coming out.

Harry laughed and spun Adeline around as we started to walk towards the stairs that lead to the upper rooms. "Where are we going?" Adeline asked.

"Putting the bears in their new rooms then we will be leaving." I told her as I walked up the stairs. I walked towards my room and opened the door and set the bear down against the wall. I closed my door and we continued on down towards Adeline's room. Once the bears were in their own rooms, Harry picked Adeline back up into his arms and we walked back down stairs and towards the front doors.

"Your highness, the limo is here." A maid stated when we walked into the foyer.

"Thank you Mari." She nodded her head and opened the door for us to step out into the sunlight.

"Good morning Princesses and Your highness." Juan, our driver, stated as he opened the back door of the limo for us.

"Good morning sir." we replied as each of us got into the limo.

"Where are we off to today?" Juan asked when he got settled in the drivers seat.

"Loure-Tuileries and faubourg saint'Honré, please," I replied.

"What's that?" Harry asked as he got a water bottle from the fridge.

"It's a shopping district in Paris." little Adeline said to Harry.

"Oh, sounds lovely." Harry nodded.

The rest of the car-ride was quiet. We had quite a way to go before we got to Paris. After an hour car ride, we finally stepped out of the car into the cool Paris weather. Almost immediately, Adeline was running to her favorite boutique with Harry running after her and myself trying to keep up with the concerned prince and the excited young girl.

Adeline and I started looking through the beautiful dresses in the boutique while Harry stood behind and observed us at work. "Qu'en est-il cette robe?"(What about this one)" I picked a beautiful, pale pink dress to show Adeline.

"C'est beau, mais c'est a long" (No, that one's too long,) Adeline whispered softly as she fingered the pink dress.

"Bon, que dire de celui-ci?" (Okay, what about this one?" I asked as I held up a teal dress that was shorter in length than the previous one.

"C'est correct. Mais ce n'est pas joli." (It's okay, but it's not pretty enough) Adeline stated.

I put back the dress and looked back at Harry with an annoyed smile. All throughout the afternoon, I kept showing Adeline dresses and Adeline always found something wrong with them. "Je veux la robe d'être parfait. "(The dress needs to be perfect) as Adeline had put it. Everytime I showed her a dress, Adeline dismissed it, and Harry would smirk to himself. I must have showed her a hundred dresses with no avail.

"How about this one?" this time it was from Harry. He held up a white ivory puffy sleeve dress that stopped at the ankles. Adeline looked at the dress.

" Je vuex que I'on" (It's perfect!) she shrieked and ran to the changing rooms to try it on.

"Vous montrez sa robe un et elle adore ça! Je montre ses nombreuses et elle les dissmisses!"(You show her one dress and she loves it! I show her many and she dissmisses them!) I stated angrily to Harry who looked confused by my french outburst.

"I dont know what you said but it didnt sound happy." Harry whinced.

"Well, what do you think?" Adeline asked as she stepped out of the dressing room and circled around us.

"Oh it's beautiful," I gasped. "Who knew that Harry would have such good taste in dresses?" I said sarcastically.

"Thank you, Hawy," Adeline looked up at Harry.

"It's absolutely no problem," We then walked up to the register and I started to pull out my wallet from my purse but Harry beat me to it, slapping his credit card on the table before me.

"Don't worry about it," Harry stated as he singed the slips of paper needed.

"Are you sure?" I asked concerned

"Bella, I'm positive." Harry kissed me on the cheek before taking the bag from the cashier. We thanked Harry once again.

"Bella, my stomach hurts. I'm hungry," Adeline spoke up.

"Me too. Is there a bistro you recommend around here?" Harry asked.

I nodded my head, "Yes, it's just around the corner." Harry nodded and we soon walked a block in the district until we reached the Chez Georges.

"My favorite!" Adeline cheered when she saw the oldfashioned wood sign hanging from a pole.

When we got to the front, the host grabbed menu's and imediately walked us into a back corner of the bistro.

"What do you recommend?" Harry asked as he browsed the menu.

I placed mine down since I knew what I wanted, "The Bruschetta is delicious so we can get that as an appetizer, I recommend the Monte Cristo Sandwich."

We settled down at a table away from the window from the paparazzi and waited for the waitress to come get our order, "Bonjour, bienvenue à Chex Georges. Sommes-nous déjà à l'ordre?" (Hello, welcome to Chez Georges. Are we ready to order?)

"Bon Jour. Je voudrais une eau et la marinara Rigatoni." (Hello, I would like a water and the Rigatoni Marinara.) I told the waitress, who then wrote my order down.

"Pour vous belle?" (For you beautiful?) The waitress asked Adeline.

"Puis-je avoir la pizza tomate et basilic?" (Can I have a tomato basil pizza?" Adeline asked softly.

"Can you tell her I would like the Monte Cristo?" Harry asked me.

I nodded my head, "II aimerait que le Monte Cristo." I told the waitress.

"Votre commande sera bientôt en place. "(Your order will be up shortly.) the waitress said and went away.

"Thank you again so much for buying that dress for Adeline, it really put a smile on her face. She's been feeling down the past couple of days, with mum and dad being gone so much," I told him as Adeline was playing with her Nintendo DS that I got her for Christmas.

"Stop thanking me Bella, it was just a dress. No big deal," I didn't have a response so I just smiled like an idiot at him. Thank goodness the food came a couple moments later so I didn't end up smilling at him for the next hour or so. We dug into our lobster bisque which was marvelous. After we ate, it was getting quite dark so we decided it was best to start the trip back home.

By the time we got home, Adeline was already fast asleep and I carried her up to her bed. I walked back down the grand staircase to see Harry leaning against the banister. "Thank you again for... everything," Harry looked at me confused. "You know, after I told you about my secret, I thought that you wanted to keep a distance between you and me,"

"Why would you think that? I told you before and I'll tell you now, I love you so much and I love you even more that you trusted me enough to tell me about the worst experience of your life," Harry was so incredible. We said our goodbye's and Harry left to make the plane back to London. After he left, I had a plastered smile on my face that stuck with me until I went to sleep. Harry was just amazing.
♠ ♠ ♠
thank you so much Julia for helping me complete this chapter!

Thank you so much to all my readers and commenters so far!

Tell me what you think of this chapter..