Status: Will update after midterms

Castle in the Air



“Adeline! Where are you Adeline!?” I cried out frantically looking for my younger sibling. We were walking towards the castle and there was a kiosk with different Disney memorabilia and I let go of Adeline’s hand for a split second. Long enough for her to run off.

I have looked behind trash cans, various bushes, and different kiosk carts and still haven’t found Adeline. I was close to going and looking for my parents but I instantly regretted it because I knew I would get a great deal of different punishments. i decided to go back to the kiosk where I originally was to see if I can retrace my steps, as I was walking back I heard a small voice whisper. I turned towards the source and saw Adeline sitting on a bench twirling her wand around.

I sighed in relief as I ran up to her, kissed her on her forehead and hugged her tightly,

“Adeline, pourquoi vous vous éloginez de moi?” (Adeline, why did you walk away from me?) I asked her when I looked at her face.

“Je viens et je m’assis depuis mes pied ont été mal Bella.”(I just came and sat down since my feet were hurting Bella.) She replied back. I nodded my head and stood up taking her hand.

“Do you want a piggy back ride Ade?” I looked down at her to see her beaming up at me. I smiled and got down on my knees so it would be easier for her to get on my back.

Once I wrapped my arms around her legs and I was for sure she was secured safely to me,
I started walking towards the castle. I listened as Adeline told me what she wanted to ask Princess Aurora if she saw her, I smiled as Adeline talked about anything and everything. She truly was the light to my day, I would do anything for this little girl and by anything I also mean if it cost my life.

Not that many people really understand Adeline and my relationship. Other royal children always ask me, “Why are you hanging out with her?” or “She’s your sibling, shouldn’t you hate her?” I will either reply back “Hate is a strong word,” or I just ignore them and carry on with a different conversation. I don’t think our relationship is weird at all.

“Bella look!” I heard Adeline cry out. I looked up and saw a blond haired lady wearing a pink dress taking pictures with younger children. “It’s really Aurora Bella.” Adeline whispered.

I took her off my back and sat her on the ground. I smiled as she ran around and hid behind my leg, “Adeline, come out.”

I felt her shake her head and her grip around my legs tightened, “Common Adeline, go say hi.”

Another shake of her head.

I turned around and got down on my knees and looked into Adeline’s blue eyes. I saw fear in them but I knew that it wasn’t fear of being in danger, it was fear of a little girl meeting her favorite Disney princess, “Ade, she’s a princess just like you. Do you remember talking about how much you wanted to meet her and telling me about all the things you wanted to tell her?”

Adeline nodded her head while putting her thumb in her mouth. I took her thumb out of her mouth and held her hands, “Don’t be shy Adeline, go say hi.” I smiled as she nodded her head.

“Will you come with me Bella?” Adeline asked before I stood up.

I smiled, “Only if you promise to go say hi and don’t be shy.”

Adeline smiled and took hold of my hand, leading me towards Aurora and Prince Philip. I smiled as I felt her hand squeeze mine as we waited patiently for the family in front of us to finish taking pictures with the Prince and Princess.

It wasn’t long before it was our turn and I was so proud of Adeline as she walked up to Aurora and started talking about anything. I watched as Aurora took Adeline’s hand and started spinning her around; Adeline couldn’t help but laugh which brought an even bigger smile upon my face.

“Adeline will never be able to thank you; you do know that right Ariabella?” I distinctively heard my mother’s voice from behind me. I turned around and smiled at my parents as they watched their youngest child have fun with her favorite princess.

“C'est vraiment mon préféré Adeline sourire.”(That truly is my favorite Adeline smile) my father stated as the three of us watched the scene in front of us.

I wasn’t jealous of Adeline; not at all. I was happy for her. As I watched Adeline interact with Princess Aurora I forgot why I was ever jealous in the first place. I was too old to have fantasies about Disney princesses and I was too old to want to play dress up in princess costumes. I have my own princess gowns and tiara’s back at the palace that I shouldn’t want to be a fictional character that was created by ink and later turned into a movie. I am living my dream and I shouldn’t have to want to live a different royal life.

As I came to a conclusion, I realized that I wasn’t appreciating my lifestyle the way that my parents want me to. I can honestly say that I was acting pretty childish with my day dreams and that I knew I needed to really start paying attention to my mother and father during our weekly talks about what charity events and parties I will be attending during that week.

“Ariabella.” I heard my name being called. I looked towards my mother who smiled at me.

“We will be leaving in a few hours to head back home. Is there anything you would like to do?”

I smiled, “Could we go to the candy factory and gift shop please?”

My parents nodded their head just as Adeline walked back over towards us. I smiled as I knelled down to her level, “That was so much fun! Aurora was so nice! Did you see us twirling father, mother, and Bella?” she asked.

I smiled as I saw her glowing, “I did Ade.”

“It’s Ariabella’s turn now Adeline. Why don’t you get on your fathers shoulders and we will head over towards the candy store and gift shop?” My mother asked Adeline. Adeline smiled and laughed as she walked over towards our father and he picked her up; swinging her in the process.

Once she was secured on his shoulders we started walking towards Main Street to where all of the shops were. “Mother, father after we are done in the shops may we get something to eat?” Adeline asked.

Our father nodded, “That sounds like a splendid idea.”

I smiled as my stomach gave a small growl. I didn’t want to have a big breakfast because I wasn’t sure on if I was going on rides that could possibly make me vomit. In a way I knew that our time here was limited because of all the stares we were receiving from other guest.

I ignored their stares and whispers as we continued to walk towards Main Street. Everything about Disneyland was magical; from the characters walking around to the funky buildings, from the rides to the food that was sometimes shaped like Mickey’s head. I loved it here and I didn’t want to leave.

I smiled as I saw the big sign that said “Candy” up ahead. Now the little girl inside me could really be unleashed, candy was a huge weakness for me and being in a store full of different type of candies, lollipops, chocolate bars and more; I couldn’t contain my excitement!

“Airabella is already bouncing dear.” My father laughed.

I smiled over towards my parents before they nodded their heads and allowing Adeline and I to run the remaining distance towards the shop. As we got closer, scents of the sweet goodies inside drifted out onto the street and my smile grew even bigger.

“What are you getting Bella?” I heard Adeline ask I we came to a steady walk before we stepped onto the sidewalk and into the little shop.

I looked around at the different dispensers and smiled, “I might get some sour candy and maybe a Mickey lollipop. What are you getting Ade?”

I heard her clicking her tongue, “I might get some chocolate, sweet candy, and maybe a lollipop or two.”

I smiled, “Let me know if you need any help okay? I’ll be over in the sour area. Actually I’ll come with you to make sure nothing happens.”

Adeline nodded her head as she took my hand and lead me towards the right side of the store where there was a huge variety of different chocolate candies and fudge. As we got closer I couldn’t help but notice another person getting some chocolate sweets. There was something different about this person, I suddenly felt very drawn towards him.

How do I know the person is a guy you ask? The broad shoulders, tone biceps and short fiery red hair under a blue baseball cap gave it away. I ignored the nagging feeling in my gut as Adeline and I got closer towards the other person and started looking at different chocolates.

“I don’t know what to get Bella.” Adeline stated.

“I highly recommend the choco balls. They are very delicious.” Red haired guy stated walking towards us.

I looked up and noticed that he was wearing dark shaded aviators, a white polo and dark was denim jeans. His voice sounded oddly familiar and I couldn’t place where I heard it from.

Adeline spoke up, “What are choco balls?”

Mystery boy smiled and got down on his knees to be at Adeline’s height. I wasn’t very comfortable with him talking to my sister so I placed my hand in hers about ready to walk away, “its okay Princess Airabella I won’t do anything.”

My eyes widen, “Ho-how do you know who I am?”

He laughed as he looked up towards me, “Your disguise is not very good miss.”

I looked up as the bell on top of the candy shop door chimed and I smiled in relief as my parents started walking towards us, “Mother, Father! This man knows who we are.”

My father looked towards mystery boy as he stood up. My eyes widened even more when my father took his arm off of my mother’s shoulders and held his palm out towards mystery boy, “Ah Prince Harry, what a pleasant surprise it is to see you here!”

My mouth dropped open in shock, embarrassment, and surprise.
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WOW! 58 readers, 15 subscriptions, and two comments all on the first chapter?! That's amazing! Thank you so much readers! Also I want to thank Rainy Days and Flacksgirl for your kind comments. I'm glad you like the story so far!

Maybe more Subscriptions and comments? I can't wait to see the outcome!