Status: Will update after midterms

Castle in the Air

Getting to know eachother


“He-Hello your highness.” I squeaked after my parents gave their “Hello’s” and went off to help my sister finish getting her candy.

Harry looked over at me and smiled, “Hello your highness, enjoying your time here?”

I blinked, “As a matter of fact I am. May I ask why you are here?”

Harry laughed, “Just enjoying my time and going on some rides, say why don’t we go on some together?”

I thought about his proposal and figured why not. I didn’t see anything wrong with going on just a few rides, there were no paps here, well from what I have seen. I nodded my head softly and went to locate my parents with Harry following behind me. I found them near the sour candy bins, “Mother, Father, would it be okay if I go off with Harry and ride some rides?”

My parents turned around and smiled, “Of course. Meet back with us in three hours in the front of the park.”

I agreed just as Harry bid farewell towards my parents as we started walking towards the exit of the candy shop. It was a quiet but noisy walk towards the directory that was located at the end of Main Street. As we came to a stop in front of the directory that showed us a map of the park, I couldn’t help but secretly gaze at Harry as he placed his pointer finger onto the board and ran it down the list to locate our location, completely missing the star on the board that showed our location but I wasn’t about to tell him that.

Harry coughed, possibly out of nervousness, as he turned around and starred into my eyes,
“So what type of rides are you interested in riding your highness?”

I thought about it for a moment. I wasn’t sure on if I should or shouldn’t tell Harry that I was fascinated with Formula one and the American racing sport called Nascar, “Um anything fast really. What ride do you want to go on?” I asked him.

Harry starred at me with a shocked expression. Did he honestly really expect me to say something like “I want to go on “It’s a small world” or “The spinning tea cups”? I really don’t come off as that type of girl do I? If I could, I would walk around the palace and country in running shoes, soccer pants and a race driver t-shirt or some other athlete jersey.

“Um I guess I wasn’t prepared for your answer to be that,” of course you weren’t. “Why don’t we head over to Toon Studio? I believe they have a RC Racer up and running and I heard it’s quite fast.” Harry suggested

I agreed. It was hard to hear him at first but once I started walking a little bit closer to him, everything was crystal clear. Did I forget to mention the fact that he smelt really good? After a few minutes of silence as we walked to the opposite end of the park, harry spoke, “So tell me a bit about yourself Princess Ariabella.”

“Please, call me Bella. I insist.” I smiled “What would you like to know?”

Harry nodded, “Anything you would like to share.”

I thought over everything I liked, “Well my favorite color is blue, my favorite candy is anything sour, I’m fascinated with formula one and I have always wanted to race on a race track.”

Harry smiled, “Ive never met a princess who is interested in a male sport.”

“Oh! I also enjoy paint balling and playing football(Soccer).” I added on

Harry’s smiled grew, “Yep you’re the first Princess I have met who is interested in male sports.”

I turned to look at him, “There is in fact a female driver for the indy racing. And if I am correct, there are female football players.”

Harry nodded, “That you are correct. But have the made an impact while playing the sport like David Beckham.”

“Did he really make an impact or is he just really good?” I challenged.

Harry didn’t answer so I took that as I sign saying “No”. Our conversation continued with the two of us asking each other questions about what we liked and disliked. As I continued to get to know Harry, the more I grew to like him. He wasn’t the type of guy that the reporters made him out to be, he really is someone amazing who wants to do so much more than. He told me about how he loves doing charity work and donating goods to orphanages around England.

When we finally arrived in Toon Studio we decided to get some sugary treat instead of going on the ride since we both were enjoying our conversations. “So what is Kate like?” I asked him as we sat down on a bench that was facing a small pond.

Harry smiled once more, “She’s smart, funny and a perfect match for my brother. She is so quite and laid back but when something needs to get done, she gets it done.”

I nodded my head. Ever since I first heard about her from when Prince William went to university and met her, I’ve always wanted to meet her. “I could introduce you if you would like?” Harry asked after I told him that I wanted to meet Kate.

At first I wasn’t being serious. I was just trying to start a conversation but I could tell by the excitement in Harry’s eyes that he was really planning on introducing us. I have only known him for not even an hour and he is already planning on introducing me to the Duchess of Cambridge.

“That would be wonderful.” I smiled.

It was quite for a few minutes as we enjoyed out treat and gazing out into the pond. There was a family of ducks floating around and I smiled at how peaceful they looked. Sometimes
I envied animals. They could almost do whatever they wanted and had no rules or regulations to follow. I noticed Harry was trying to get my attention, “I’m sorry I didn’t catch what you were saying. Could you repeat that?” I asked softly

Harry smiled and nodded, “I was wondering if you would do the honors and be my guest to the Summer Ball coming in a few weeks?”
♠ ♠ ♠
WOW! 105 readers, 25 subscribers and 3 comments so far! That's amazing! thank you mikeysrevenge for your comment!!!

Pretty short I know...
