Status: Will update after midterms

Castle in the Air



I was silent as I skipped through the castle towards Harry’s room that was located on the opposite side, saying quiet “hello’s” to the laughing guards that I passed by. Mother said that Harry asked to stay until I awoke and part of me was ecstatic that the Prince of Wales wanted to stay and get to know me better but the other part wanted to know why he was being so kind to me.

I’ve never had any type of experience with a Prince before because I was to shy to even say a single syllable to them. Some called me names because I was to quite when I spoke or some just looked down upon me thinking that I was just a wannabe princess. Harry was different though, he didn’t call me a name when I spoke nor did he give me a weird look. I couldn’t help but feel a strong feeling towards the ginger prince. Was I falling for Prince Harry?

I was

I came to a stop outside of the guest bedroom and rocked back and forth on my heels, becoming shy about walking into his room. I raised my right hand and softly knocked on the oak door, hoping he was awake.

I heard a soft “Come in” as I gripped the door handle and slowly twisted it, opening the door and seeing Harry sitting at the desk with a computer, scattered parchment, and a pen.

“Good morning Princess. How is your wrist?” Harry asked as he stood up to greet me.

I looked at him, “Please, call me Bella.” I smiled. I surprised myself and him as I wrapped my slender arms around his waist. Harry hesitantly wrapped his arms around mine, “Thank You for helping me in my time of needs Harry. I don’t know how I can repay you.”

Harry sighed as he gave me a light squeeze before letting go, placing his hands on my shoulders and looking at me, “You do not have to repay me of anything Bella.”

I nodded my head as he let go of my shoulders and went to sit back down at the desk. He motioned for me to take the seat next to him; I thanked him as I took a seat. I looked at the parchment that was scattered all across the desk, “If you don’t mind me asking but what is this?”

Harry looked up away from the computer to see what I was looking at, “I-um-I was doing research about Hearing Loss.” Harry was blushing as he looked away from my face and back to the computer.

My heart fluttered at the fact that Harry has taken interest in learning about Hearing Loss, learning about what I can and cannot hear; everything in general about it. No one other than my parents have really taken the time and actually did research about hearing loss. “You really don’t have to do this Harry.” I mentioned as I sat there and watched him work away on his computer.

Harry looked up at me before looking back at his computer, “I want to learn everything about it.”

I nodded my head in understanding. I placed my hands on top of his to stop his typing,
“Harry lets go have breakfast and morning tea in my garden. It looks like you need a break from all of your research.”

Harry looked from the computer to my hands, to my eyes, then back to the computer before doing a few more things and closing his laptop, “Very well then.” Harry said as he got up to go and put his shoes on.

I waited patiently by the door as he got ready. Once he was, I grabbed his hand and lead him down towards my garden. My garden, in my eyes, was a magical place. There were weeping willow trees that lined the walk way, there were bushes of roses, hibiscus, daffodil’s, and many more different types of flowers. Multiple types of birds flew around us as we walked to stone path way towards the center of the garden.

In the center of the garden there was a fountain that was surrounded by a pond containing turtles, and a rainbow assortment of fishes. The fountain was nine feet tall and had three dolphins back to back shooting out water and into the pond. In front of the fountain was a little garden set that had a white metal circular table with two white chairs, backs shaped as a heart, and white cushions on top of the chairs. A tablecloth was already on the table and a tin was covering the breakfast that was strawberry crepes with powder sugar and syrup, a bowl of mixed fruit, and some sunny side up eggs along with a pitcher of orange juice, a tea pot, plates, cups and utensils.

“This is a beautiful garden Bella.” I heard Harry say as we walked closer towards the set up, thanks to my maids who were more than happy to set it for us. I needed to make sure I truly thanked them when Harry leaves.

I smiled and thanked Harry as he pulled out my seat for me before going and sitting in his own seat. It was a lovely day outside this morning, the sun was shining, the sky was blue, the birds were singing their favorite melody, and it was the perfect temperature. I felt something brush up against my feet and I looked down to see a little white bunny with a heart shaped black patch over her left eye. I smiled down at it and picked it up, placing it in my lap as I grabbed a grape from the bowl and gave it to the bunny who happily accepted the treat.

Harry laughed, “You seem to be very friendly with animals Bella.”

I smiled as I ran my two fingers along the bunny’s spine, “Yes I do love animals. They complete me in a way.”

Harry nodded as he took a sip of his tea, “This is delicious. What flavor?”

I picked up my own cup and gave a small sip, “It’s boysenberry tea with a hint of mint. My mother grows fruit in her garden.”

Harry nodded as I placed the bunny back down onto the ground and watched it hop over onto the grass before going behind the bushes, “Did you have a good sleep?” I asked as I poured a little bit of syrup onto my crepes and placed a few sliced strawberries on top.

Harry finished his bite, “This is delicious thank you and yes I slept very well. How about you?”

“I slept wonderful. I feel awful about falling asleep on you.” Harry brushed it off stating that it wasn’t a problem.

We were quite for the next five minutes as we both enjoyed our breakfast and tea. I laughed when I took notice of the little gathering of Bunnies and squirrels at our feet. Harry looked at my confused as he looked down and laughed when he saw what I was looking at. I grabbed a few more grapes along with harry and gave each creature a treat. I smiled as I watched the cute little animals run off back into their safe hiding place, “That’s never happened before. Normally a bunny of two will come out of the shadows when I am reading and they run away before I can even pet them. They must feel comfortable around you Harry.”

Harry laughed as he placed his napkin upon his plate, “I don’t understand why. I never have been in this type of situation but I do have to admit that they were pretty adorable.”

I followed his actions, “They really are. Would you like to take a stroll around the castle?”

Harry nodded as we both stood up and pushed in our seats, thanking the maids who appeared out of the blue, before heading off towards what I liked to call “the enchanted forest.”

I knew I was about six or seven years younger than Harry but that didn’t seem to bother him as we laughed and talked about anything under the sun. As we got closure towards the entrance of the forest I saw that someone had put two stallions out for us. “Harry would you like to ride through the forest?”

Harry looked over towards the horses, “How about we have them walk with us instead?”

I nodded in agreement as Harry and I untied the reins from the poles and took off the saddles from the horse’s backs. Our conversation continued as we entered into the forest, “So why do the press refer to you as the “Wild Child”?”

I knew the real reason but I wanted to hear the truth from Harry, “Because I liked to party and drink. I honestly don’t like my life style, all the party hopping, club hopping, and hangovers. I just want to settle down for once.” Harry whispered the last part.

I nodded my head in understanding, “Why don’t you?”

Harry looked over at me before looking straight, “I guess I haven’t found the right girl to settle down with yet.”

Something inside of me told me that he was lying but I just ignored the feeling, “Have you looked for her?” I asked as I kept my eyes on him, only looking away to step over tree roots.
Harry sighed as he ran his hand through his hair, “I thought the perfect girl, the one I would spend the rest of my life with, was my ex. But when I caught her and another bloke snogging, I was destroyed.”

I felt so sorry for him. No one should have to ever endure something like that. Especially if you’re in love with the person your dating, “I’m sorry Harry.”

He nodded his head, “It’s been a while since we broke it off. It still hurts to think about her but I’m feeling a little bit better. Anyways enough about me, have you found someone you care deeply for?”

I felt my face tint red, “No. I’ve never felt any romantic feelings for a guy nor have I been in a romantic relationship before.”

Harry stopped walking and turned his body towards me, “You’re serious?”

I nodded my head. “I find that very hard to believe.” Harry stated as we continued to walk.

“It’s okay. I am very shy when it comes to meeting new people. My parents have tried
introducing me to different prince’s from across the world but they always look at me funny because I speak so softly.”

Harry nodded his head, “But you are not shy with me.”

I nodded my head in agreement. I wasn’t shy when I met Harry. It honestly felt like we knew each other for a long time instead of just a day.

Harry and I came to a clearing where there was a waterfall in the center. I let go of my horse to allow it to roam around the clearing as Harry and I sat down on the grass and talked some more. I couldn’t help but suddenly feel a deep loving emotion towards the ginger prince that was sitting next to me. Could something happen between us? Could Harry already have found the girl he wanted to spend the rest of his life with and could that girl be me? Would I be willing to form a romantic relationship with Harry if it ever came to the point that he may have feelings for me?

I don’t see any guy who would take time out of his duties to do some research on a girl’s condition unless he truly cares about her. I knew for a fact that Harry had something important to do today and instead he is sitting here in this clearing with me as we talked some more.

Harry coughed and I looked over at him to make sure he was okay. He waved it off, “There’s something I need to tell you.”

I wouldn’t say my worst nightmare was about to come true because it wasn’t a nightmare. It was more of a fear.

“When I met saw you in the candy shop yesterday I felt this pull towards you. As I got to know you more, I realized I was growing feelings for you and as I got to know you a little bit more this morning, I knew my feelings for you were real. Ariabella, do you believe in love at first sight?” Harry asked.
♠ ♠ ♠
I apologize for not getting this chapter out on Monday like I was supposed to. Anyways, this is by far my favorite chapter so far. Ariabella's and Harry's relationship really blossoms here.

I would like to know what you wonderful readers think of this chapter! Thank you so much to the readers and subscribers so far for rating my story. This story is the fastest to receive five or more stars since it started!

Thank you to the following who have commented on the last chapter.


Also, could someone make me a layout for this story? I would do it myself but I don't know how to make one. I will be forever grateful!!!