Status: Will update after midterms

Castle in the Air

Letter to Juliet


I still had that goofy love struck grin on my face when I walked into my mother’s room where different gowns were hanging, rolls of fabric on the floor, sewing table and a dress manikin. I gawked at all of the beautiful dresses along the wall. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around and saw my mom standing there. “Don’t just stand here. Go in.” She signed while laughing.

I smiled and walked further into the room and sat on the chair in the middle of the room. “So how was your morning with the prince?” my mother’s signed while talking. When it was just her and I, we signed while talking.

I blushed and looked down before looking back up. “It was pleasant. He’s very carefree mother. And sweet!”

“Did he kiss you?”

“Mother!” I laughed while blushing even more.

“What? I want to know how much you fancy him.” my mother stated as she came over to where I was currently sitting. She grabbed hold of some of my hair and started to loosely braid it while we waited for the seamstress to come into the room with the rest of the other dresses.

“I don’t fancy him mother. I just think he is a sweet guy.” I laughed. “He’s different. Completely different than any of the previous Prince’s I have met.”

“Of course he is! He knows how to respect a woman while the others your father has introduced you to were filthy pigs who wanted sex and did not pay any attention to your wishes to stay pure until marriage!” my mother proclaimed as she finished my braid and walked in front of me.

By now the seamstress had returned and was walking into the room carrying more dresses, "ah there you are! I was looking for you princess!"

I shook my head and smiled, "I came right here after saying my goodbye's to Prince Harry Madame. Would you like some help with those? They look pretty heavy!" I asked as I started to stand up.

"Nonsense!" she shook her head, "I wouldn't ask that of you princess. I just need you to go stand on the platform so I can take your measurements."

I nodded my head, the braid bouncing on my shoulder, and walked over to where the makeshift platform sitting in front of four full length mirrors. I stepped up onto the platform and waited for the seamstress to walk over and do my measurements.

“Soeur! Soeur!) (Sister! Sister) I heard my little sister Adeline laughing as she ran into the room while my father chased after her.

I laughed as I turned around and faced the little sunshine that always lit up my day. " Ade Hé que faites-vous?”(Hey Ade, what are you doing?) I asked as I picked her up and spun her around in the air.

“Le Père et moi étions à jouer et j'ai demandé où vous étiez et il m'a dit que vous jouez habiller et je voulais voir si je peux jouer habiller aussi? " (Father and I were playing and I asked where you were and he said you are playing dress up and I wanted to see if I can play dress up too?) Adeline asked me as she twirled her dress.

I looked up at my mother who nodded her head. I then looked at the seamstress who was pulling out smaller versions of some of the dresses that I would be trying on. I looked at my sister as I set her down and pretended to be sad. “I don’t know Adeline. Are you sure you’re up for it?”

My sister looked up at me and smiled a toothy smile, “I want to be just like you Ari!”

That made me smile, “Then let’s play dress up!” I cheered causing the little ball of sunshine to jump in joy and go over and try to push the second makeshift platform towards the one I was standing on. We all laughed as she tried to push it but failed miserably. My father shook his head and laughed as he walked over towards where Adeline was and picked up the platform and grabbed hold of Adeline’s hand.

Once Adeline was set up next to me, the seamstress walked over, “Do you princesses know what colors you would like to try on first?”

I looked around the room at the different colors and decided on the champagne dresses. Adeline decided to go with pink since it was one of her favorite colors. The first dress I tried on was a strapless cocktail dress that flared out from under the bust. The face I gave when the seamstress was not looking caused my parents to burst out laughing.

The second dress I tried on was a shimmery champagne colored floor length dress that had jewels pinning some of the fabric up in places and it flared out from the waist to the bottom. I couldn’t help but really feel like this dress was made for me. By the way it fit, to the way it looked, to the way it was created just screamed Ariabella.

I saw my father, in the mirror, walking up behind me. He smiled when he noticed me watching him, “You look beautiful Ariabella.”

I turned around and faced him, “Father, this is nothing new. Thank you for your complement though.”

My father nodded his head and gave me a kiss on the cheek before walking over towards my younger sibling who was enjoying her beauty treatment. A few minutes later a butler walked in, “Princesse Ariabella. Il ya une lettre pour vous dans la salle du courrier pour vous. Seriez-vous comme moi pour le mettre en place pour vous?”(Princess Ariabella. There is a letter for you down in the mail room. Would you like me to bring it up for you?)

I looked towards my parents and the seamstress, silently asking if I could leave and fetch the letter myself, my parents nodded their heads, “Just pick the dress up of the floor while you’re walking princess, I still need to do some work on it.”

I nodded my head as I picked up the slightly heavy dress and stepped of the platform. I walked over towards my sister and parents and gave them a kiss on their cheeks before I walked out of the room and towards the mail room. I knew I wasn’t expecting anything from anyone so I was slightly confused as to why I would receive a letter.

As I walked down the many halls, I let my mind wonder to Harry for the millionth time. That was a bit of an exaggeration but I can honestly say that he was on my mind a lot even if he had only left the castle not too long ago. I bit my bottom lip as I thought about my first kiss that I shared with Harry. He was. Gentle. Almost like he was afraid I would break if anything happened. But to me. The kiss was magical.

Could that happen? Kissing someone you barely know even if you felt like you have known them longer and then when you kiss, it feels magical? My mother had told me in the past that when she first kissed my father; she said that she felt like she was flying above the sky. She said that it only happens when you kiss someone that is truly your prince charming. My mother also said that after her and my father shared their first kiss, she felt like she was high. Like his kisses were some type of drug and she couldn’t get enough of him.

I felt like I was flying when Harry and I kissed but I didn’t feel like I was high. Could that mean that he wasn’t my prince charming? I shook my head at that silly thought. Harry and I had just met and we only shared one small kiss, not many. So there was no way that he could be my prince charming.

I pushed all thoughts out of my head as I got closer to the mail room. Still wondering who had sent me something. I said “hello” to the guard that was outside of the mail room as he opened the door for me. Once the doors were fully open I dropped the dress and put my hands up to my mouth in surprise as I stared at the beautiful flowers that were in the center of the room with a small box in front of them. A servant who worked in the mail room noticed I was standing there and quickly bowed before addressing me.

"Princesse, elles ont été livrées pour vous il ya quelques minutes. Je crois qu'il ya une carte quelque part dans les fleurs. Elles sont belles à Votre Altesse! “(Princess, these were delivered for you a few minutes ago. I believe there is a card somewhere in the flowers. They are beautiful your highness!) She said as I walked closure to the flowers.

I nodded my head as I walked closer towards the blossoming flowers. “Merci chérie. Pourquoi n'allez-vous pas prendre le reste de la journée et de passer du temps avec votre famille. (Thank you Cherie. Why dont you take the rest of the day off and go spend time with your family. )

She bowed once more before getting her small pouch and leaving me in the mail room by myself. It didn't bother me that much because i knew that there were guards outside the door that could rush into the room instantly if something were to happen.

I bent down to the flowers and stared at them, noticing a white card sticking out from them middle. I reached up and grasped the thin paper and pulled it out . I turned it over to look for a message or the name of the sender but all i saw was a short message,

Look in box

I was clearly confused as i placed the card back into the flowers and pulled the box away from the flowers and stood up to walk over to where there was a little table and sturdy chair that i could sit on. With the box in my hands i took a seat at the table and slowly breathed out as i took the ribbon of the box. Once the ribbon was off, I slowly grasped the top of the box and lifted the lid.

Inside were the most beautiful glass slippers that anyone has ever seen. Or in my case, i have ever seen. I picked of the folded piece of paper that was under the shoes and opened it.

To my princess,

I figured you would need some shoes to match your beautiful dress. Your father gave me your measurements and i was lucky enough to find these in a small shop in London. They are special just like you. I hope you will accept my gift and i cannot wait to see how the shoes go with your dress.

See you soon my princess !

Prince Harry
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally an update! I want to apologize for not updating in almost three weeks but it's been a crazy three weeks. I finally found a day I could just sit down and write instead of going to meetings and events.

Thank you to the following who have commented and thank you to the subscribers and readers!


Cutie 0.0 Cucumber

I am so so so sorry if there are some words spelled wrong or whatever. My Microsoft word is not working right now.

Can't wait to read what you think of this chapter!