Status: Active

Kill All Your Friends.

I'll always remember the sound of the stereo. (Frank's P.O.V)

Breath in for luck. Breath in so deep.
I slipped silently into the University's reception, it's old carpet was trodden and the paint flaked from the walls.
There were a few people stood around the desk, a woman behind it becoming flustered as she typed furiously on her computer keyboard, I stopped behind a taller boy.
"Name?" The woman behind the desk asked not even bothering to look up.
"Way, Mikey." the boy in front of me stated, but corrected himself when he saw the woman's confused expression, "Michael."
"Oh, Gerard's brother?" The woman's eyes lit up at the thought of whoever Gerard was, Mikey nodded and the woman handed him a white card, "Someone will come to show you around soon, who's next?"
As Mikey walked away the woman's attention was directed towards me, I smiled politely as she looked me up and down, eventually resting her eyes on the scorpion tattoo that resided on my neck.
"Iero, Frank."
I watched as her fingers hit violenty on the keyboard, a few minutes later she reached over the desk to hand me a white card similiar to Mikey's.
I noticed her stare at my tattooed fingers, causing me to quickly pull them away.
I knew coming to here was a bad idea.
I looked around to find that most people had paired up and were talking amongst themselves, my eyes landed on the boy that had stood before me as he leant against a bookcase seemingly alone.
Summoning my bravery I appproached him, he watched me as I moved.
"New here too?" I asked, I was useless at starting conversations but the boy smiled kindly.
"Yeah, the name's Mikey." He held out an extremely bony hand and I took it in mine, hoping he wouldn't notice the sweat.
"Frank." I smiled pulling my hand back.
We talked for awhile, about nothing in particular, until a tall, lanky man with messy black hair disturbed us.
Not only us but everyone in the reception with his shouting.
"Follow me, you fuckers." He boomed only to recieve blank looks, he scoped the room, finally noticing Mikey.
"Mikey, you can come with me then." He ordered waiting for him.
"Can Frank come too?" the man stared at me for a few moments before nodding his head and leading us both out of the noisy reception and towards the much quieter hallway.
It was only an hour before I met the Gerard people were talking about, as we entered the University radio station headquarters I saw him.
Well, I heard him first, then I saw him.
Greasy black hair was swept across his perfectly formed face, large headphones covering his ears messed up his hair further.
"So, remember my cellophane children keep your belts on and your pants up. So long and goodnight." He took off the oversized headphones and looked me over.
My stomach flipped as a smirk crept to his face as he scanned my tattoos, when he stood up to greet us I half expected him to pull me into an embrace, but he wrapped his arms around Bert, our tour guide.
I watched as their bodies rubbed against one another and
Bert's hands roamed across Gerard's backside, they pulled away and Gerard made an immediate bee line for his brother who he also pulled into a hug.
A much more restrained, hands free, hug.
Pulling away he turned his attention back to me.
"And who's this?" He smirked with a sense of arrogance.
"Frank, I met him out there." Mikey answered pointing half heartedly to the reception that lay far behind us.
"Oh what the hell, come at me." Gerard smiled holding his arms out and squeezing me tight, I was engulfed in warmth and the smell of tobacco.
Hands down this is the best day I can ever remember,
I'll always remember the sound of the stereo,
The dim of the soft lights,
The scent of your hair.
♠ ♠ ♠
Happy Start.
It gets depressing.

Song Credits: Dashboard Confessional - Hands Down.

They look like the revenge era.

This is our first fanfiction posted. Believe in us!

Gerards P.O.V up soon :D