Status: Active

Kill All Your Friends.

Something takes a part of me. (Bert's P.O.V)

"Get him out quickly" I recognized that voice as my main doctor.
"Come with me, love" That was my main nurse.
"NO! I'm stupid. I hate myself. Tell him I'm sorry, TELL HIM I'M SORRY!" And that was Gerard.
"Take him to the psychiatrist, please" The doctor, Dr Jones, spoke again.

Something takes a part of me

I wasn't exactly in pain. I felt like I was falling, reality slipping further and further away from my clutches, my head was spinning, the nausea becoming overwhelming, but I wasn't in physical pain. I was fucking upset though. I knew what Gerard had done, and I was scared for him and our relationship. For the first time in two years I doubted his love for me.

Life's kinda always been messing with me

What if it was all lust?

What if he wanted me for sex? And that was it. We fucked enough it was plausible. I kept running the idea though my mind, and the more times I did the more I believed it was the truth. He just wanted me for sex and when I became so ill that it was impossible he lost it.

A cheap fuck for me to lay

The doctors had been working on me and I was beginning to feel the same as usual: weak and sleepy.

"Robert, love, how are you feeling?" My nurse inquired.
"N..N..Normal...But....Gerard?" I couldn't hold in my worry and curiosity about him.
"He's okay, we've put him in the psychiatric ward. Don't worry about what's happened, grief is a terrible thing and it can cause you to do things without properly thinking about it. He was also under the influence of alcohol" She said it to make me feel better but I just felt worse.
"Umm" I hummed.
"You should get some sleep kiddo. You've had a bad day, to say the least." She laughed. I really fucking liked that women, she spoke to me even though I was so weak I couldn't reply. I needed the company too, my friends seemed to have better things in their lives then visit me and my families visits ended up in tears.
I yawned slightly and began to drift off, Gerard's disturbed voice echoing in my head.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for such a long update wait.
Uh, that made sense xD

Song cred: Freak on a leash - Korn.

Comments guyz?!