Status: Active

Kill All Your Friends.

It's gonna be my year. (Gerard's P.O.V)

I admit I was attracted to him. I tried to ignore the feeling of lust but he was too cute for words. His small height, his pretty lips curving upwards at the invitation of a hug, his amazing hair and those beautiful hazel eyes, staring at me. I'd only known him five minutes but, to be honest, I was ready to jump into the next bed with him. I wanna feel reckless, I wanna live it up
"Hey" I smiled, releasing him from my grasp. "I'm Gerard, Mikey's brother, Bert's boyfriend"
"Hi" He beams, he's adorable. "I'm Frank, Frankie, whatever you want"
The phase "Love at first sight" lingered on my mind. He's too perfect. Every glance at me sped up my heart rate, and his touch made me shiver. It was so wrong and I knew it, I've known Bert for, well, forever! And Frank? Two fucking minutes. I was such a mess. Manage me, I'm a mess
I walked over to the radio room technology, switching every piece of machinery off, grabbing my coat and bag.
"Lets get wasted!" I smile, I wanted to forget everything. I hate having unfaithful thoughts. I wanna feel weightless Cause that would be enough
"Fuck yeah" Bert grins, then indicated to Mikey and Frank. "Are they old enough?"
"Dude, they're 18" I raised my eyebrows.
So we walked up to the SU bar, and headed towards mine and Bert's seats.
"Do we have to sit here, it's dark?" Mikey whined.
"This is were me and Ge always sit, we territorial. Get the fuck over it" Bert snapped.
"But.." He began, I interupted him this time.
"Dear brother, please shut the fuck up, thank you"
Frank giggled awkwardly. He has a fucking cute laugh.
We sat down and I laid against Bert, playing with his dark hair.
"Get off, you're so fucking gay" He laughed.
"Mikey. Get the drinks" I ordered, laughing as he scuttled about asking us what we wanted.
I begun to talk to Bert, muttering things too dirty to repeat. It was guilt causing me to do this, guilt at every fucking thought that passed through my mind.
Frank hadn't spoken once but I noticed how he was staring at me intensely. Bert had obviously noticed too because I felt his strong arm wrap round my shoulder. I need to break this awkward silence.
"So, Frank, what course you taking?" I inquired.
"Art and Music" He smiled, his face lighting up, like he was excited i'd talked to him. And this is my reaction
"Like Mikey?" I was secretly pleased he'd choosen a artistic course. "He'll look after you"
"I hope so, I'm kinda nervous" Frank mumbled.
"If anyone touches you tell them you know Bert fucking McCracken" Bert laughs. I'm glad they get along.
Mikey returned bringing not only the drinks but a comfortable atmosphere. I loved my brother, he was so laid back and kind, he'd never think sexual thoughts about another person once in a steady relationship.
Guilt consumed me then. I pulled Bert into an embrace and we kissed, hard. Only stopping when we heard Mikey mutter save it for the bedroom.
"Sorry" I laugh. "You'll understand when your in a relationship"
Mikey sighed.
"I need to go revise a few things. I've my first lecture tomorrow" He muttered, standing up and collecting his stuff.
"I better go too" Frank jumped up and ran after him.
"Bye then" I muttered, moving back to kiss Bert.
Maybe it's not my weekend
But it's gonna be my year
♠ ♠ ♠
Song Credit : All Time Low- Weightless.

Thanks for reading.
