Status: Active

Kill All Your Friends.

I like the way your hair's yellow. (Mikey POV)

I think you're great
And I think you rule.

I left Frank to his own devices as I went to sit back down, I heard him close the fridge but he didn't leave the kitchen. 
I wasn't going to let him make me feel worthless so I ignored him and started flicking through the channels again. 
I was used to this happening to me, I was the forgotten one, I was the one who got bossed around, I was the one who only had friends because of Gerard. 
I couldn't help but feel that Frank was only being nice because he took pity on me or worse to get closer to my brother. 
It had happened in the past and I don't doubt it will happen in the future. 
I couldn't blame anyone really, Gerard is gorgeous and extremely over protective of me. 
If you want Gerard's affection you have to have mine too and that's the way it worked. 
That's the way it had always worked.
I only hoped that Frank was different but the thought still haunted my mind like a ghost.

You don't realize how happy you make me.

The sofa dipped as Frank sat down beside me with a plate stacked high with butter sandwiches, he didn't speak a word. 

Sitting around watching shitty tv.

I left the room to get dressed, my class started in twenty minutes.
My room was tidier than the rest of the dorm, my many CD's were stacked neatly against my dresser and the bed was made.
I opened my cupboard door to be greeted by a dire lack of clothes, I lazily grabbed some and began to throw them on. 
No one was going to pay attention to me so why should I bother looking nice?
I slung my rucksack over my shoulder and walked back to where Frank stood waiting. 
"Shall we go?" I sighed already opening the front door, Frank nodded and followed me to our first class. 

The art class was already half full when we got there, hoardes of unfamiliar faces filled the room. 
I scanned the crowd, my eyes resting on Bert as he stood talking to a dark haired girl. 
Deciding Gerard wouldn't be too far behind I sat down at the same table, Frank moving to sit near the dark haired girl. 
"And who do we have here?" The girl grinned referring to Frank and I, Bert smirked at her before introducing us. 
"Nice to meet you both, I'm Alicia." I felt myself blush as she winked at me and slipped a phone number scribbled on a torn piece of paper my way. 
"Looks like everyone's getting along." Gerard's voice startled me, he seemed to appear from nowhere. 
I watched as he wrapped his arms around Bert. 
I faintly heard Frank sigh.    
♠ ♠ ♠
Song credits-
I like my girlfriend- Amy Can Flyy
