Status: Active

Kill All Your Friends.

Head first for halos (Gerard's P.O.V)

Art class was crowded, as usual. Me and Bert were sat in our usual place, joined by Frank and Mikey, and a couple of others. I noticed how Mikey had made friends already, he was in an intense conversation with a girl named Alicia but Frank was silent, staring at me, not concentrating in the work set. Usually Mikey was the shy one.
"You alright Frankie?" I asked, ignoring the jealous glare Bert was giving me.
"Yeah, it's just I'm a bit, erm, stuck" He muttered.
"Do you want help?" I asked, jumping at the chance to be closer to him.
"I'll do it" Bert interrupted, standing up and walking over to Frank. I watched him lean over Frank and begin to speak. I watched as his expression changed from calm to in pained. I watched, concerned, as his knees gave way and he crashed to the floor.
"BERT?!" I jumped up, ran towards him. A crowd was beginning to form around his limp body.
"What happened?" Someone yells.
"I don't know, he was just talking and then, he collapsed!" Frank replied.
"He's unconscious" Mikey yells. My mind went blank. I couldn't concentrate. Red liquid was visible in his nostrils, blood. His lips were limp and lopsided. I felt Mikey's hand slip into mine.
"Its okay bro. They're calling a ambulance. Do you want to go with him?"
"Yes" I couldn't say anything else.
It surprised me when I felt liquid on my cheeks, I hadn't released I was crying. Mikey had pulled out a tissue and was dabbing at my eyes, when he finished he pulled me into a hug. I felt worse then I'd ever felt before. I can't begin to let you know just what I'm feeling.
"It's going to be just fine, the doctors are here now," The door burst open and I watched, horrified, as the paramedics rushed over to Bert. I turned away as they began to work on him,. I couldn't bare to watch it. I only turned back around when I heard a cheer.
"He's concious! He probably just passed out" One of the paramedics announced. "Maybe the room was too hot or the paint fumes ware getting to him, but we need to get him back to the hospital for checks. I don't like the fact his nose is bleeding for a start."
Another paramedic walked over to him.
"Hi mate, I'm Hannah, you passed out love. What's your name?"
"Robert" Bert groans. "Robert McCracken"
"Okay Robert. We're going to take you down to the hospital, get you checked out. Find out why you passed out. Would you like someone to come with you?"
"Gerard" He muttered.
"Is he your friend?" Hannah inquires.
"My boyfriend" Bert replied.
"Okay love. Well, we're going now. Is Gerard in here?"
"Yeah, I'm Gerard" I told her.
They put him on a stretcher and we walked into the ambulance.
"Whats wrong with me?" Bert asked Hannah.
"It could be a range of things. From little things like the paint fumes annoying you or bigger things like an allergic reaction or worse..." I watched as a C formed on her lips.
"Cancer?" Bert muttered.
"Its unlikely but possible" Hannah smiles. "We have to be honest with you but I'm pretty sure you haven't got cancer"
"Better safe then sorry" Another paramedic comments.
Bert wriggles in the bed, trying to sit up.
"Be careful" I advised, moving over so I could hold his hand.
"How long have you been together?" Hannah asked, making conversation.
"Nearly two years" Bert grins.
"Sweet" The male paramedic laughs."Young love."
He'd barely finished speaking when Bert let out a yelp of pain. Before I knew it he was fitting, his body moving in to bizarre positions. I screamed.
"Its okay, darling" Hannah said, gently pushing me out the way so she could reach Bert "Think happy thoughts"
Think happy thoughts
Think happy thoughts
Think happy thoughts

I sat in the hospital waiting room. Hundreds of nurses and doctors performed on my poor boyfriend. Everything that had happened to me today came back in a discusting flashback.

Well now I'm back in the middle of the day that starts it all.
♠ ♠ ♠
Song Credit: My chemical romance - Head first for halos.

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