Status: Changed layout



I sighed and looked at myself in the mirror. A simple earth color outfit staring back at me.

My mother was really making me do this. I begged her not to; claimed I was perfectly fine doing home schooling and that it helps more when I’m shooting but she insisted I was not fine.

“This isn’t a normal life for you,” I sighed softly when she said that.

Of course it wasn’t normal; it was her fault my life wasn’t ”normal” but I wouldn’t dare say that out loud. No I’ll keep my mouth shut about it. I was slightly nervous because I didn’t know what exactly to expect; I had never been to a real school before. Always home schooled.

My “childhood” was spent on movie sets with big movie stars as my teachers. They’d help me with my homework while my mom did a scene beside me. Then I grew out enough to remember my own lines and started to star in my own films.

Most of them were directed by my dad of course; pushing that thought away I rushed downstairs.

My mother wasn’t there so I assumed she was passed out upstairs. I shut my eyes and took a deep breath. I was far too nervous to eat and I should go early to find my classes anyway. I nodded at my plan and grabbed my bag and keys before leaving.

The drive was quick, too quick. I sighed before stepping out and placing my sunglasses over my eyes so no one would recognize me… yet. I wanted to get my classes first so I just had to make it to the office with no problem.

Where is the office? Crap! I sighed and rushed up the steps figuring I’d ask someone in there. I chewed my lip and tried to look for someone who wouldn’t flip out when they saw me. Sure I knew it would happen but like I said just let me make it to the office.

My eyes scanned the halls as I looked at the people from my spot against the wall. Across the way in front of their locker was a boy; he looked more like a man, with long black hair.

I had the urge to speak to him; which is very odd for me. I never want to speak to people; they come to me and I just speak back. I’m never one to start a conversation because I was taught that men don’t like girls who speak too much.

Biting my lip I rushed over to the male without drawing too much attention to myself and tapped his shoulder lightly. He turned towards me and his eyebrows raised as a look of confusion overcame his face.

I took his momentary confused silence as a time to get a good look at him; his bone structure was amazingly beautiful and hard with his high cheek bones, his nose had a stud, and his black hair was held at his side with a hat above a bandanna.

“Can I help you?” He asked.

“Yes can you tell me where the main office is?” I asked in my small soft voice.

“Um, I was going there now; I’ll show you…?” He wasn’t sure of himself; that’s why it came out like a question.

“That would be great thank you,” I smiled and he nodded while motioning for me to follow him. We walked side by side down the hall and I got a few stares from people.

I wasn’t sure if it was because of who I’m next to or they were all starting to recognize me but I ignored it and followed the male to the office. We stopped in front of the door and he opened it for me. I smiled as a thank you and walked through.

I stopped in front of the desk and the boy walked off to another male. The other boy had spiky blond hair sticking straight up and was wearing a robe of sorts. I shook my head thinking if my mother saw him she’d made me keep a close eye on him.

Well the old her would. As horrible annoying the old her was I grew to miss her more and more every day. Shaking my head of the thoughts I stared ahead and got the receptionists attention.

“I’m new and need my classes.” She nodded without looking up from her computer.

“And what’s your name dear?”

“Stacy Beau,” her eyes visibly widened and she looked up with a large smile.

Well I made it to the office at least.

“Well hello Ms. Beau; I’ll get those for you right away.” I smiled and nodded as she rushed off.

She returned and handed me the papers; I smiled a thank you and turned before she could bother me. I looked down at my classes for a second then I seen the boy who walked me here leaving. Biting my lip again I reached out and stopped him.

He looked at me confused again.

“I just wanted to say; thank you…”

“Brian,” he smiled and I nodded.

It suited him well.

“Brain,” I finished getting a feel for the name on my tongue.

“No problem um…”

I was about to speak up when I was interrupted by some girl.

“Oh my God it’s Stacey Beau,” my head snapped over to the large crowd suddenly rushing my way and my breath hitched in my throat.

Kids swarmed around me like insects on rotten food and I only caught a glimpse of Brian and his friends shocked expressions before my vision was flooded by teens asking for my autograph.

Great, time to start school…
♠ ♠ ♠
so she met Brian...
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