Phoenix Wright: Guilty As Charged

Case 2: Turnabout Cruise Part 2

Date: 5:12 AM, January 2nd.
Place: Faraday Residence.

I woke up to the sound of a ringtone. My mind blank and hazy, I stumbled out of bed, crashing into the wall. That somewhat woke me up and I answered the phone.
"Mmm," I mumbled. "Hello?"
A familiar voice on the other end replied, "Kay. I need your help."
Now awake, I asked enthusiastically, "Mr. Wright? Hi! How are you? How was the cruise?"
There was a feminine groan in the background.

Spooked, I questioned, "Who, um, who was that, Mr. Wright?"
Mr. Wright, sounding very pained grumbled, "Your new client."
"My....what?" I said. "You seem tired."
"I am," he mumbled. "The cruise was fine until my friend, Maya, came across a corpse. She's the main suspect and I, too, am a suspect. I'm whispering because I'm actually in jail. Again. They don't know I'm talking to you. We need a lawyer. That's where you come in... Please? Please help us."

"M-me?" I whispered. "You must be joking, I don't know anything about being a lawyer."
"Research," snapped Mr. Wright. "I'm in a cell with Maya, for some reason. Just talk to her. She's about your age and as vulnerable and innocent as you were that day."
The voice of a young, teenage girl was whispering on the other end of the phone.

"H-hello," she said. "I'm Maya. Nick, er, Mr. Wright, normally helps me, but we're n a bit of a doozy. Please... I have a little cousin to take care of.... I' scared. Nick said you'd help us. Will you?"
She began to quietly cry.
I heard Mr. Wright say, "Shh, don't cry, Maya, you're going to attract their attention like that."
I groaned, "Ok, Maya. I'll try. I'm just scared I'll lose. I just have no knowledge involving being a lawyer, that's all."
"That's a pretty big 'that's all'...."
Mr. Wright grabbed the phone off Maya and whispered sharply, "Nonsense, you're Edgeworth's partner, you'd know something. I trust you. Don't betray Maya's trust."

I rubbed my eyes and said, "True. Put Maya back on the phone."
I tried to sound professional, "Why don't you tell me about the occurrences of that day?"
Mr Wright quietly laughed to himself.
Maya whispered, "I went down the ship's basement to get Nick a bottle of water. He had a bad cough and was pretty tired, as well as drunk after the party. The stairs and door were both creaky and old. The lighting was dim, but eventually got better.. The first bottle I found with my hands was a glass, alcohol bottle that was empty. The bottom of it was smashed; dangerous. When the lighting got better, I found the corpse of a man, head hung low and therefore unidentifiable. Blood dripped down his head and onto his shoulder. I still haven't found out who he is."

"How scary," I said. "I can relate to you.....................................Okay. I'll swing by at visiting hours later and get your letter of request. I'll do my best. Thank you for your detailed explanation."
"T-thank you," she sobbed.
"Uh oh," said Mr. Wright.
"Uh oh?" I repeated.
Mr. Wright briefly said, "The guard's waking up, see ya, bye."

With that, he hung up, leaving me fully awake and fully confused. I knew there was no way I would've been able to back out after that conversation. I lay back in bed, attempting to fall back to sleep.

Date: 4:00 PM, January 2nd.
Place: Faraday Residence.

I woke up to yet another ringing sound. Groggily, I got up out of bed and looked at the time.
"AHHHHHH!" I screamed. "I OVERSLEPT!!!!"
I sped out of my house, still in my pajamas. I was so involved into getting to the Detention Center, I didn't even realise when people on the street pointed and laughed.
"I CAN SEE HER UNDERWEAR!" one kid cried.
I heard him, but didn't really take in what he said until later.

Date: 4:30 PM, January 2nd.
Place: Visitors Room, Detention Center.

I had made it! I sat on one side of a glass window and a boring room. I didn't really want to be there, as I had learnt to really dislike that awful place. Suddenly, a cute faced teenage girl with long, black hair in a top knot, dressed in spirit medium training acolyte with a Magatama! I had always wanted to be a spirit medium. She looked so cool.........................and scared.

"Maya," I guessed.
She nodded and smiled weakly, "Mhm."
Then she looked at me funnily.
I became paranoid and demanded, "What is it? You don't think I'm up for it?"
I was hurt.
"Nonononono!" she insisted. "But, um. Why are you in your pajamas?"
"What...?" I said.
I looked down at my clothes and exclaimed, "Oh my Gosh! I was running.... In my.... OH MY GOSH!!! Some little kid saw my underwear...."

The policemen wolf whistled at me. I was so embarrassed.
Maya giggled, "Ignore them, Kay. Heh. Umm.... Here's my letter of request."
She handed me a white envelope through a small hole in the window.
"Oh," I said. "Thanks!"
There was an awkward silence broken by a perverted policeman coming up to me and asking if I was available.
"We're busy," snapped Maya.
Tipping his hat, he grinned, "Okay, missy, maybe later. I be liking yer style, that's fer sure!"
"Maybe, sure," I mumbled.
"Now," said Maya. "The ship has boarded near Nick's law office. Show them the letter and they should let you in to investigate. Please find the real killer!"
"Thanks," I joked. "You're too cute to be put in jail, anyway!"
Maya blushed and then laughed as I walked off, being attacked by more brokenheartened policemen on the way out.

Date: 6:22 PM, January 2nd.
Place: Gatewater Luxury Cruise Ship.

After hours of getting lost trying to find the office (yeah, yeah, so I should've asked for directions first, but it didn't cross my mind), I finally found it along with the cruise ship. It was a beautiful ship and hard to believe a murder had taken place in the bottom of it.

A waitress stood in front of the boarding dock.
"I'm sorry," she apologised. "The ship is currently closed."
I showed Maya's letter of request and she looked scared.
"C-come right in...... You know, I'm a witness. Sorta. I guess you'll find out on the 4th."
My eyes widened.
I ran as fast as my legs would take me onto the ship to investigate.

I had to find something. Anything. For Mr. Wright's sake. And for the scared girl, Maya.