Status: Working on it :)

Rolling In The Deep


<i>Dreaming men are haunted men.
-Stephen Vincent Benet</i>

Someone once told me that a dream and a vision are two entirely different things. A dream, by definition, is an unrealistic or self-deluding fantasy. A vision on the other hand is a mental image of what the future will or could be like.
We've all got dreams, dreams of being something bigger than what or who we are now, it's very human. But to envision something, to actually go and do whatever it takes to get one step closer to whatever the hell it is that you want, that takes you a notch higher from your typical human state.

Personally,I like to think that I'm a cut above your average garden variety homo sapien… but don't we all?

My name is Coralie Blevins, I'm both a columnist and fashion designer by trade. I work for a company called Velour, which I co-own with my best friend Jacquie Cohen. We used to design shirts when we were teenagers, but somehow this ludicrous business eventually brought us to the world's attention. As our sales rose we decided that maybe expanding our horizons would be a good idea and so we started designing dresses, skirts, bags and jeans until we got a good enough name in the industry, good enough to be invited to NY fashion week. You must think that I'm living every little girl's dream… Well, I probably am and I have no complaints about it.

If only every other aspect of my life were this good…

<b>4:00 am</b>
"I heard your voice on the radio,
I know every word and the way it goes,
If you could only pl--"
Who the hell would want to call me at such an ungodly hour?!
"Hey gurl!!"
Whoever was on the other side of this line is waaayyyy too happy for me right now.
"Umm hi… who is this?"
"It's Jacquie, darling."
"Dude, what's so important that you couldn't wait until say 9 in the morning?"
"Well Lady Grumpy-pants, I just called to tell you that Matt just called me and pitched me this marvelous idea!"
"Well… out with it!"
"He wants to do a collaboration with us, he says he has a painting that would look really great on fabric and I believe him. I'll email you the pictures in a bit and we can talk about it with him over lunch tomorrow."
"Well, clearly this must be good because you just couldn't wait a few more hours to spill the beans… is that it? Because as exciting as this all sounds I find it really hard to get with it when I'm this tired."
"Alright, alright.. goodnight baby girl."
As much as I love that girl she just makes me want to pull my hair out sometimes.
I close my eyes and will myself to go back to sleep.. a few minutes later I hear my phone buzzing, must be the email Jacquie sent, my eyes are far too heavy and my hands refuse to move. Looks like I'll have to check that tomorrow.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments please?
This is my first original story post and I will try to the best of my ability finish writing it.

Yes, the title of this story was taken from Adele's song.

It's raining cats and dogs where I am tonight, hope you guys are experiencing better weather than I am right now.