Status: Working on it :)

Rolling In The Deep

City Lights Shining

Living in a hustling and bustling city has its benefits...
If you're a coffee junkie like me, you'd appreciate the dizzying number of cafes or coffee shops you pass on the way to school or work… which is exactly where I'm headed right now.

I have to head off to the publishing office first before I meet up with Jacquie and Matt for lunch, which completely sucks because if I had my way I'd completely skip the trip to the office to save myself from all the aggravation.
Don't get me wrong.. I love my job as a writer but everyone at the office sucks. It's filled with snobby little bitches who think that their daddy's money will get them anyone or anything they want. Although, there are a respectable few who have actually earned their positions in the company, but most of them work from home, just like I do, to avoid all the drama the bitches bring.

I stop short of the main door and tell myself "Alright Coralie, it's an in and out situation. You bring your work in, chat with the boss then ship your butt out of here before anyone else sees you." and with that I take a deep breath and walk myself into the building.

"Hi Coralie!" called a cheery face half hidden behind a desk, it was Maddie the receptionist, one of the better people in this godforsaken establishment.
"Hi Maddie, how've you been?"
"Good.. good.. You in to see Trina?"
"Yes I am, is she in yet?"
"Umm.. I think so.. Let me call her secretary for you."
I really didn't want to run the risk of talking to anyone else, so staying here while Maddie made the call to Trina's secretary was probably best.
Trina, is my boss. She's relatively nice if you do your job well enough and if you're punctual, but when she's in one of her hissy fits you best stay out of the way.
"You're in luck. She just finished talking to one of the junior executives, you can head up over there pronto."
"Great! Thanks again"
"No problem dear."

I slowly peel away from the reception area and work my way towards the elevators. As soon as one opens up I rush inside and search the shiny metal panel for the number 5. All the while repeating my mantra for the morning "In and out… in and out… in and out…"
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is pretty much a filler nothing happens in it.
I'm gonna work on speeding it up a bit so I don't bore any of you, or myself in the process.
Comments please?

ps. It's been raining again. I find that I actually like it when it rains, it makes me feel relaxed.
pps. I've been listening to David Lehr you guys should check out his Purevolume he sounds amazing. Plus if you guys like All TIme Low and The Maine he's got a cover of each of their songs, they are really good.