Status: Working on it :)

Rolling In The Deep

Plant Life

"So.. how are you feeling about this trip with Matt?"
Here I am Skype-ing with Jacquie while packing my shit for the week long trip. She knows I've kind of had this thing for Matt…
"Good.. It's exciting you know, going to there getting to document the event and hang out with a friend. It's a pretty good deal."
"That's not what I meant…" She says glaring at me from my computer screen.
"Well… what exactly did you mean?"
"I meant, you guys are spending a week together, more or less alone. TOGETHER…. ALONE."
"Yeah so? I really don't get what you're fussing about." Of course I knew what she was talking about. I just really didn't want to think of it that way. Matt was interested in some girl he met at work, probably some chick who's got a really amazing sense of style, pretty, talented, sweet… Ugh, wait why am I even thinking about this?! I shake my head. These are the kinds of thoughts I clearly need to get away from.
I let go of the shirt I was folding "Did you really say for the love of cheese?" I started to giggle
"Haha laugh it up girly, but come on this is your chance to figure out what to do with the feelings you've got for him."
"Look, I appreciate the concern but that really isn't my priority. This is still a work trip, not a journey to self-discovery. Besides he's my friend I don't want to ruin our friendship just because I may or may not like him. Plus he's interested in someone else, he said so himself. You were there remember?"
"Yeah, but that was how long ago? 2? Maybe 4 weeks ago? He hasn't said anything recently about this someone else."
"He's a guy, I highly doubt that he'll keep us that closely updated!"
"You never know until you try my friend."
"Why are you so hell bent on trying to get us together?"
"I dunno, I just want to see you happy. After that douche bag ex of your's left you, you've never gone out on a date not even once, and that was a year and a half ago. Don't even give me that bullshit about not being ready. You've had a hell of a long time to get ready and here is your opportunity practically screaming for you to grab it." Jacquie said with a pretty stern look on her face.
"Look honey, I appreciate it really I do, and you're right… It has been a while but I just don't think I want to rush into anything right now. Okay?" I say sitting down on my suitcase trying to force the stubborn zipper to close.
"Now look.." I say looking up at my laptop "I really have pack my laptop and head off to the airport now. I love you and please stop worrying about me, I'll be fine."
She gives me a skeptic look before she replied "Fine. Alright take care of yourself and have fun with Matt and all your sweaty hipster friends. Love you."
"For the last time, not everyone who goes to Coachella is a hipster!!"
"Meh, whatever." She smiles and waves goodbye as she disconnects the call.
I shake my head at my friend and stuff my laptop into my bag. I grab my massive duffel bag and my backpack and head out the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is pretty much a filler.
The title has nothing to do with the content. I was just listening to Owl City's new album so yeah... that's where I got it from. Listen to it, 'tis good.

I am so proud of New York, this weekend they finally approved of same sex marriage. I am so excited for all the couples that can finally get married.

(No, I'm not gay. Yes, I support gay rights. Problem?)