Status: Oneshot. :)

Mother's Day


Three months since she saw their smiling faces. Three months since she was able to hold her little girls in her arms, feel them breathing with the air she helped give them.
Roxie glared at the television screen without really seeing it. All she could think about were her little girls. The ones who had been taken from her way too soon.

Three months ago, she was working. Her husband was sitting at home with their kids while he was on break from touring with his band.

She remembered the phone call like it was yesterday. No mother could forget the sinking feeling in the pit of their stomachs when they received a phone call stating their girls are gone, taken by a man who showed no emotion, no regret, for his past actions.

“Rox, you have to eat something,” Jimmy muttered, watching as his wife of seven years just pushed around the spaghetti on the plate. She just sighed, picked up a little bit, and placed it on her tongue. It could have been rubber for all Roxie knew. She couldn’t taste it, she didn’t have any kind of appetite at all.

Jimmy sighed as he looked over at his two year old son, eating away without a care in the world, like it should have been for his wife. He smirked at how messy the toddler was getting. The boy looked just like Jimmy. Dark hair, bright blue eyes. It was obvious, even at the age to two, that the kid was going to have his frame as well. He was already reaching things on the edge of the kitchen table while he was walking around.

“Roxie,” Jimmy said. Roxie looked up at him, and followed his gaze to their son. Owen looked up at his mother, a spaghetti covered smile brightening his blue eyes even more. Roxie couldn’t help but smile at the boy and shake her head.

“You’re turning out to be just like your daddy,” she muttered, smirking over at Jimmy.

“There’s nothing wrong with me, otherwise you wouldn’t have married me,” Jimmy pointed out.

“Believe what you want Jaime,” she smirked, knowing how much he hated her calling him that name. Jimmy growled and stood up as Roxie squealed. She tried to stand up to run from him, but he was way too fast for her. He had her in his arms, causing the both of them to fall to the floor in fits of laughter. They both sighed as Jimmy leaned against his elbow, his blue eyes staring into Roxie’s hazel ones.

“I love you Rox,” Jimmy whispered, placing his lips gently against hers. She returned the kiss, but a noise broke them apart.

“Your son wants you,” Roxie smiled, though Jimmy noticed they went back to not reaching her eyes. He sighed and stood up, walking into the kitchen to grab a wash cloth for the toddler’s face.

“Dada, love youuu,” Owen said in his two year old way.

“I love you too buddy,” Jimmy replied. “We need to give you a bath to get you cleaned up kid,” he laughed. He carried the baby up the stairs and passed the bedroom that read “Josephine” on the door. He stopped, staring at the door for a long moment.

“Where are you baby Kangaroo?” he asked, knowing he wouldn’t get an answer. He walked into the twins’ room, and immediately looked toward the side more suited for a girl. Over the bed was wooden blocks that read out Alyssa. The stuffed teddy bear he bought her in London before she was even born was sitting in the middle of her toddler bed, looking lonely without Aly dragging the thing everywhere.

He shook his head of the thoughts of his two girls, knowing he couldn’t think about that day anymore. He knew nobody blamed him for it happening, but he blamed himself, more than they would all ever know.


Jimmy walked into the house, smiling at the squeals coming from the three kids running into the room.

“Daddy!” Joey, his precious four year old daughter shouted. “You home!”

“I’m home,” he agreed, stooping down to pick her up. He gave her a tight up before kissing her cheek, causing her to giggle.

“Dada!” Aly and Owen was shouted at him. He got down on his knees, allowing all three kids to tackle him to the ground.

“Okay guys, give Daddy room to breathe.” Roxie said as she walked into the room, drying her hands on a dish towel. She walked up to the group, but immediately joined them on the floor when Jimmy grabbed her arm and pulled her down.

“James Sullivan,” she said, sitting up before Owen, who was bouncing up and down on his father’s stomach, could sit on her head.

“Owen, buddy stop,” Jimmy said as one bounce knocked breath out of him. The boy stopped at once, standing up and running after his sisters into the living room.

“Have fun?” Roxie asked, leaning against her husband as they watched their kids playing together.

“Oh yeah, missed the hell out of you and the kids though,” Jimmy admitted. “That’s every tour though.” he shrugged.

“I know,” Roxie smiled.

“Let me up baby, your son sat on my bladder,” Jimmy muttered, standing up and rushing toward the bathroom. Roxanne laughed and walked back into the kitchen, checking on dinner in the oven. It still had a little bit to go, so she decided to just set the table.

“Oh, so I got a job offer yesterday,” Roxie called to Jimmy as she heard the toilet flush.

“Really? Where at?” Jimmy asked, walking behind her as she reached for plates for the kids.

“A new place that just opened on main.” she replied. “Just a small photography store. I think I might take it though, expand my photography portfolio.”

“Do it,” Jimmy replied. “We’re going to be home for a while. Zack wanted to be here for Gena when she has the baby next month. They’re going to work on final touches for the nursery and have a baby shower for our little group.”

“We have to get them something, it’s tough being first time parents.” Roxie said, looking over toward their eldest daughter Josephine.

“By the way I’ve been meaning to ask. How the hell did you come up with Alyssa Mae?” Jimmy asked. “We have Josephine Maria after my dad and your mom. Owen is my middle name and Thomas just went with it, but there’s are no Alyssa’s or Mae’s in our family.”

“There was in my family,” Roxie replied. “Remember my aunt?”

“Her name was Alice May though wasn’t it?”

“Same thing basically,” Roxie shrugged. Jimmy just shrugged it off as well. He loved the name, it was just random when she said it.


Roxie started her job two days later. She came home, talking about all the kids she took pictures of and how cute they were. She told Jimmy how much she thought of Joey, Owen and Aly as well.

“You know, we haven’t had a family portrait done since Owen and Aly were little babies.” Jimmy said suddenly in bed that night. “I think it’s about time we get another one done.”

“I was thinking that,” Roxie nodded. “I could take them.”

“As much as I love your photographing skills Rox, I don’t think so. I don’t want you to have to rush to be in the picture. We’ll get someone else to take them.”

“Okay then,” Roxie shrugged. Jimmy pulled her closer to him, allowing her head to lay on his chest.

Roxie fell asleep right away while Jimmy laid awake, stroking her long hair. He looked down at her sleeping frame, his heart racing with the thoughts of how lucky he was to have her in his life. How lucky he was to have his kids. He couldn’t picture life without any of them.


“Dadda!” Owen shouted, forcing Jimmy from his thoughts. Jimmy shook his head and grabbed clothes for Owen for bed. He carried the boy into the bathroom and ran the water, helping him get undressed. A mental image of the three kids in the bathtub together, Roxie kneeling beside them getting ready to wash them off came to his mind. He forced the image away, shutting off the water and giving Owen a quick bath.

“Jimmy,” Roxie whispered from the door. Jimmy looked up after making sure the baby shampoo wouldn’t run down Owen’s face into his eyes, and stood up when he saw Roxie holding an envelope.

“What’s that?” he asked, grabbing it from her.

“A-l-lock of h-hair,” she whispered, tears pouring from her eyes.

“Fucking sick son of a bitch,” Jimmy muttered, running his finger of the hair that most likely belonged to Joey. The hair was blond and Joey took after her mother with her hair color. Aly had dark hair like him and Owen. He clutched the hair close to him, letting the sobs tear through his body. He tried to stay strong for his wife and son. For his parents and his sisters. He tried to stay strong for everyone but himself.

Now, holding a lock of hair that belonged to his baby Kangaroo, he couldn’t hold back anymore. He fell to his knees, his body shaking with grief and rage. Roxie reached her arms around him, but Jimmy tried to fight her off. He didn’t deserve to be comforted like that. He was the reason their girls were missing. He was the reason they were taken three months ago.

“G-Get Owen,” he said, standing up and going into the bedroom they shared. Roxie walked into the bathroom and drained the water, grabbing the towel on the floor beside her. She picked Owen up, dried him off, and put on his nightclothes.

Jimmy heard her taking Owen into the bedroom, most likely to put him to bed. He shouldn’t have snapped at her like that, but his guilt was eating him alive.

“I gotta run,” Roxie smiled, kissing Joey, then Aly and Owen. Jimmy walked with her to the front door.

“Have a good day,” he said, kissing her as she walked out the door.

“I love you!” she called before climbing into her car. Jimmy smiled as he shut the door, turning to see the girls were missing.

“Where’s Joey and Aly?” he called playfully, picking up Owen as he walked around the house. When he got to Josephine’s room, he listened carefully, hearing the giggles coming from inside. Someone made a hiss noise, telling the other to keep quiet. Jimmy looked over at Owen, who was smiling as he hid his face in his father’s shoulder.

“We’re going to find you!” he called, opening the door slowly. He peered around the room, and smirked when the curtains moved. He looked down to see the set of feet peeking out. He set Owen on the floor, and snuck toward the curtain.

“Found you!” He shouted, causing both girls to scream. They laughed as they jumped on him, trying to tickle his sides.

“Help me Owen,” Jimmy called. The little boy just giggled and shook his head.

“Nope,” Owen replied.

“Nope? That’s it,” Jimmy said, growling as he picked up Alyssa. He gently tossed her onto the bed, then reached from Owen, who hid behind his older sister.

“Jo-e, elp!” he cried, peeking around his sister.

“No Daddy!” Alyssa said. Jimmy shook his head, standing up to catch his breath. He winced when he felt the dull pain in his chest of his heart overworking, but he didn’t think anything of it. He kept up with his meds. Those had been the strongest drugs in his system for the seven years. And look at what he’s got now. A beautiful wife and three amazing children.

“Mommy went to work guys, what do you say to going to visit Uncle Zacky, Aunt Gena and Rolly?”

“Wolly!” Owen cried happily right away. Owen loved his older cousin, that was obvious when Rolly saw Owen for the first time.

“Let’s get ready to go then. We have to call them first though to make sure it’s okay.” Jimmy said, pulling out his cell phone. He dialed the number for his brother-in-law, who was also a band mate and one of Jimmy’s best friends.

“Hey Jim, what’s up?” Zack answered.

“Hey, you busy?” Jimmy asked.

“Busy doing absolutely nothing.” Zack replied.

“Oh, well we thought about coming over to visit while Roxie is at work.”

“Let’s meet at the park,” Zack suggested. Jimmy had agreed, and they left right away.


Jimmy sighed, leaning against the headboard of the bed. His tears were rolling hot and fast down his cheeks. If he would have known that when he turned his back, that his little girls would be gone in that one tiny second, he would never have agreed to go.

He had been distracted by something for the briefest of seconds. He looked down and the girls were there. Zack had taken Owen and Rolly to the bathroom, so it was just him with Josephine and Alyssa. He heard a scream and looked up, seeing it was kids playing. When he looked back down, the girls were gone. Just like that. He searched around for them everywhere, but they were gone.

Jimmy threw the book in his hand at the wall across the room. He was their father, he was supposed to protect them, but he had failed them. He failed his son and his wife. His best friends and he had failed himself.

“Jimmy,” Roxanne’s voice said gently.

“I shouldn’t have gone Roxie,” he muttered, his sobs escaping his chest again. He felt the dull pain, and knew he should settle down, but he just couldn’t.

“You didn’t know,” Roxie said, even more gently. “You wouldn’t have had anyway of knowing that would happen. Stop blaming yourself, please James.”

“I can’t not blame myself Roxie. I took them to the fucking park. I looked the fuck away! They were taken right from under my damned nose!” He was silent for a long time, too afraid to speak the next words, but knowing they had to be spoken.

“I think it’s time we realize it baby,” he muttered. “It’s been three fucking months. Th-The girls are gone. It fucking kills me more than you will ever know to say it. But we have to believe they’re dead. Otherwise, we’ll just drive ourselves insane. We’ll end up neglecting Owen, and we can’t do that to him. He doesn’t deserve it.”

“I can’t do that Jimmy, I know they’re alive, and I know we’ll get them back.”

“How?” Jimmy snapped, standing up and staring down at her. “How the hell are you so certain?”

“I’m their mother Jimmy. I can feel their alive, deep in my bones I can feel it.”

“I’m their father, why can’t I feel it? That’s not a feeling you have Roxanne, it’s fucking wishful thinking, and I’m not doing that, not toward Josephine and Alyssa. We just have to accept the fact we’re never going to see out girls again and move on with our lives.”

“I can’t move on Jimmy, I can’t.” Roxanne whispered.

“Then I guess that settles things. I know you blame me Roxanne. You never say anything, but I feel you staring daggers at me every so often. I’m pissed off at myself, and I’m not going to live like this anymore. Owen’s sleeping, so I’ll go now.”

“Go?” Roxie asked, looking up alarmed.

“I’m out of here Roxanne. I’m going to my parents’ house for a while. We both need a break. I’ll be back this weekend to keep Owen with me.”

“Jimmy, please don’t leave!” Roxanne shouted as Jimmy shut the door. She collapsed to the floor, her arms hugging her hips. She knew he was gone, and she was the one who had pushed him away.


Roxanne groaned as she heard the banging coming from somewhere near her. Not only was it way too early for her to be awake, her brain somehow kicked in to remind her of what day it was today. Mother’s Day.

“Roxie!” a voice shouted. Roxanne looked at the clock on her bedside table. Two in the morning. She cursed and threw the blanket off of her body, storming down the stairs to see who was waking her up in the middle of the night.

“Matthew Baker, you better have a good excuse for waking me,” she muttered to her younger brother.

“Where’s Jimmy and Owen, get their asses moving and let’s go.” Matt said, ignoring her comment.

“He’s not here, I think he went to his parents’ house.”

“Did you two have another fight?” Matt asked, knowing the whole song and dance. Jimmy would try to get something out of her that she wasn’t ready for. They fought, he left to stay with his parents or one of his sisters, and returned a couple days later.

“Call him, I don’t care how late it is. Tell him to meet us at the station,” Matt said. “And get Owen up and ready to go.”

“I’m not waking my son up at two in the morning Mattie. He has a hard time sleeping as it is.”

“Not after tonight he won’t.” Matt muttered, more to himself.

“This had better be good Matthew or I swear I’ll chop you up and toss you to the sharks.” Roxie muttered, running up the stairs and into her bedroom. She quickly got dressed and went to wake up Owen. She would just throw his shoes on him right now. He would fall back asleep in the car anyway.


Jimmy groaned as he stirred on the couch.

“Jimmy, you’re phone’s ringing,” his mother’s voice said as she walked by the couch. Jimmy grunted and grabbed it, seeing that it was Roxie calling him. He knew she wouldn’t call at this time unless it was important, so he answered the phone.

“Hello?” he asked.

“Jim, Mattie came over, my brother. He wants us; you, me, and Owen; to go to the police station.”

“Why? He didn’t hear anything about the girls did he?” Jimmy asked, his heart racing.

“I don’t know, he wouldn’t say,” Roxie muttered. “He said he wants us there ASAP and if we’re not there, then he’ll feed us to the sharks.”

“I’m on my way,” Jimmy said. He hung up his phone and looked back to see his mother still watching him.

“Want me to drive you?” she asked him.

“I’m fine, thanks for the offer though. I just hope we finally hear good news.”


Matt Baker had always been a rebel. He wanted to be just like his older brother Zack, so he just decided to follow in Zack’s footsteps.

That became a bad choice when Matt was arrested for drugs when he turned nineteen. His parents, his sisters Zina and Roxanne, even Zack had left him in the jail cell. Claiming he needed to learn his lesson.

Lesson was learned, and that is how Matt had decided to become a police officer. He loved the thought of fighting crime, putting the bad guys behind bars, and giving the good ones going down the wrong path a second chance at life.

However, what he didn’t expect was the phone call from his brother-in-law James Sullivan, stating that Matt’s nieces Josephine and Alyssa had been kidnapped while they were out with Owen, Zack, and Zack’s son Roland.

Matt didn’t expect that the biggest case of his career so far, would be tracking down his nieces to bring them home to their parents.

Matt pulled up to the police station, Roxie with little Owen in the backseat, most likely passed back out. Just as Matt got out of his car, Jimmy pulled up in his own.

“What’s going on?” Jimmy asked automatically, walking toward his brother-in-law. Jimmy saw that Owen was asleep and Roxie was about to get him out, so he opened the backdoor, reached in and pulled his son out of the car. Owen didn’t even flinch as his head collapsed to his father’s shoulder.

“By the way, it’s mother’s day sis,” Matt smirked.

“If you brought us all the way here just for that Matthew I’m taking my son and I’m going home,” Roxanne replied, walking into the station.

“You’ll be happy to hear why I said that,” Matt smiled as a squeal came out of nowhere.

“Mommy! Daddy!” the little voice couldn’t be denied.

“Joey?” They both asked, looking around. When Roxanne found her little girl sitting in an office, tears fell from her eyes and down her face. She placed a hand on Jimmy’s arm, who followed her gaze. Sitting next to her was another little girl. Dark hair and bright blue eyes, just like her father. Alyssa was clinging to her sister’s arm, her thumb in her mouth looking exhausted.

“Give me my nephew,” Matt smiled, taking the sleeping boy from Jimmy. “And go get your daughters.” Jimmy handed Owen over right away, grabbing Roxie’s hand as they both raced for the office.

“Baby Kangaroo!” Jimmy shouted as Joey jumped into his arms. He buried his nose deeply into her hair, hugging him as hard as he could without hurting her.

“Daddy,” Joey cried, her arms clinging to Jimmy’s neck.

“I’m sorry baby, I’m so sorry I let that happen.” Jimmy muttered, stroking her hair.

“We go home now?” she asked Jimmy. He looked up at Roxie, who was crying and playing with Aly’s long dark locks of hair.

“Only if this nice policeman let us,” Jimmy pointed out.

“Yes, they can go home,” he smiled. Joey cheered, which prompted Aly to do the same thing.

“Ma’am, happy Mother’s Day,” The officer said as they were getting ready to head home.

“By far the best one ever.” Roxie smiled, hugging Joey to her again. “Let’s go home girls.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for reading! Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out in the world.
Hope you like the oneshot.
Until Next time. :)