Status: One Shot

Final Night

Final Night

Ddbill sat atop the very building he had always sat upon. Perched high up the abandoned warehouse. The moon didnt show and rain poured like a water fall. He simply sat on the chimny, stareing blankly out across the city as water drenched him skin and bone. His cloths sagged down his body from all the rain, some parts even clinging desperately to his body to stay on. It had happened again, and this simply was the end result of it. He never knew why. But it never failed. His happyness ended. Onesmall step in the wrong direction and his entire world blanked. His entire heart filled with the greatest of intents and happiness was shattered once more. His eyes held no emotions and his body held no motivation to move. He was nothing more then a shell facading as a human.

Thunder sounded and lightening snapped as the rain grew heavier. His body twitched, aching to move, aching to go where it needed to go, but it did nothing more then stiffen again. Where had everything gone? His mind tried to spark any kind of thought, but was left dulled and numb. Another crack of lightening flashed, illuminating several low class demons amoung the roofs of buildings by his own. He hadnt killed a demon is so long, they had gathered in his area of protection. His contacts abandoned him after they saw he was nothing. He was no longer what he once was.

Thunder roared heavily over the city, masking the growls and screams of the demons as they lunged at him. Claws, tails, jaws, anything lethal to a normal human thrashed and beat down on him in a single instant, thrusting him down into the roof. Blood slipped from cuts, dribbled from his mouth and seeped into his cloths. The demons beat on him, thrashed on him and tore into him, pushing him with force into the roof untill it caved. They all crashed down to the floor of the empty warehouse, causing a loud cracking sound that echoed in the building. The demons growled and screamed more, wanting him to fight back, but he gave no inch. He simply layed there on his side, staring blankly at the large open door to the building.

The demons dismissed themselves as fast as they had come, leaving the fallen angel to lay in grime, still feeling the pelting of rain as it poured thru the roof hole. His arm pushed him onto his back, letting him gaze blankly into the hole as the dirt and blood on one side was washed away slowly by the way. Cuts, bruises, stabs, He didnt feel any of it. No feeling of motivation to have revenge on the demons for beating on him. No thought of how to heal or get out of the rain. Simply a blink of the eyes and he continued to lay in that very spot.

Ddbill simply lays there, staring wih clouded eyes up at the darkened sky feeling the cold pelt of each and every drop of rain. His body was numb, as well as his mind, yet each drop penetrated to his heart. Each drop felt like an anchor being thrown down on him. His hands twitched, yet came to a hault all to soon. Thunder roared once more around the factory, loud booms and cracks echoeing with no end. But one noise pieced the entirety of the building. Ravens. Crows. Birds of the night sounding to the storm.

Numbers outweighing normal sightings gathered around the very hole he stared blankly up to. Red beady eyes stared just as blankly down at him. There was no quarrel amoung the birds, no fighting of any kind. Simply blank stares being exchanged between them and the man on the floor. some of the birds screached at him as if telling him to get up, flapping their wings out. Others simply stared.

One raven dove from his pirch and glided down to land on the mans chest. Its beak pecked at his chest, grabbing his shirt and tugging. No movement. Another bird dove down and joined, pecking at his leg and tugging at his pants. Still, no movement. More and more, the birds dove down one at a time, and pecked at an individual part of his body, tugging and pulling at him. he made no movement and no indication of such. The last bird to dive down on him landed on his upper chest and gazed down blankely into his eyes. His still clouded and unfocused, stared up at the bird.

The birds continued to screach and tug while the single raven screached at his face. The stare the bird gave him was that of pity. Just as the second screach echoed from its throat, a black void instantly erupted from Ddbill's chest, engulfing him and the birds. Black mist slowly circled where they had been. No screach was heard from the birds. Only the loud thundering booms from outside. As the mist circled more, a melded screach of several birds errupted from the mist. The blood churning screach ended just as it had started and the mist slowly disipated as black feathers.

The Mist, becoming nothing more then a pile of black feathers, disappeared without any notion of being there. The rain still poured heavily, beginning to soak the feathers that lay. A screach came from the pile and a single raven unburied itself from the pile. It ruffled its feathers and took off for the hole quickly. The moment it reached outside, a heavy gust of wind blew past it, taking it with. That same wind billowed thru the open door, and cascaded the feather among the warehouse floor. No body was left under the pile. No bird from the unsightly numbers remained. The feathers simply floated about the empty warehouse as the wind died.
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Hope ya'll enjoy it.