Sequel: Happiness After All
Status: In progress

The Messed up Life of Tori


"Hey, I'm Sidney" he smiled and stuck his hand out. 

"Hi Sidney, I'm Tori!" she returned with a big smile and quickly took his hand and shook it. 

"It's nice to meet you! I guess we'll be roommates!" he chuckled and pulled his hands away. He suavely ran his fingers through his hair and flashed Tori a sweet smile. 

"Yep! But it's only temporary. I'll get out of your hair as soon as I find a house!" Tori said quickly. She didn't want him thinking she was permanently moving in. He was a professionally hockey player, he didn't need some girl ruining his "game".

Sidney chuckled and shook his head. "It's no problem at all! It's going to be nice to have some company" he smiled, which made Tori relax a bit. 

"So I guess I'll leave you guys to get to know each other. I'll see you tomorrow!" Joey said to Tori before hugging her and leaving to go back to work. 

Sidney grabbed Tori's bags and helped her carry them to the guest room. "So I heard you're playing for the soccer team? Impressive!" he smiled as he set everything down. "I hope this will do! I cleaned it out since a lot of the team always uses it when they're too lazy to drive home. And don't worry, I washed the sheets" he teased with a contagious chuckle.

Tori couldn't help but laugh, and feel slightly disgusted at the same time. "It's perfect" she reassured him. She set the bags she carried down next to the ones he brought up and started looking around. 

"Some of the guys are coming over tonight, actually. It'll give you a chance to meet them!" Sidney informed Tori with a nod. She looked back at him nervously, causing him to laugh. 

"Why do you look so nervous? Your dad plays hockey! It's not like you haven't met hockey players before!" he teased and playfully stuck his tongue out at her. 

"Yeah, I know. But it's different! I grew  up with them and my dad knew them. I don't know these guys" she blushed, fidgeting with her hands. 

"Well you have nothing to worry about. They'll love you and I'll make sure to keep them in order." he chuckled. "I'll leave you to get situated" he smiled. With that, Sidney left the room and went back downstairs. 

Tori found herself smiling at how nice he was. She heard that he was a sweetheart, but she never expected him to be so friendly. She unpacked and neatly folded her clothes, placing them all in the drawers. She took the rest and hung them up in the closet before sitting down on the bed and pulling out her phone to call Teppo like promised. 

The phone call was relatively quick. Teppo just wanted to make sure everything went smoothly and then let Tori go to get everything else situated.

After a while of organizing everything, tori made her way downstairs and found Sidney sitting on the couch. She sat down next to him, but at a comfortable distance away, not wanting to make things too awkward.

"Everything good? Is there enough room for all your stuff?" Sidney asked, showing genuine concern. 

"Yes! Every thing's perfect. I don't even have enough clothes to fill it all up" she laughed.  

"Good!" Sidney nodded. They sat on the couch talking and getting to know each other. They actually talked for hours. Tori and Sidney has immediate chemistry and she knew they were going to get along so well. 

Before they knew it, the doorbell was ringing. Sidney flashed Tori a smile before getting up and going to the door. Tori sat there nervously and closely watched him. One by one, the guys started piling in and she closely examined him. She recognized some of them. There's the nice guy from the arena. Oh and I think that's Jordan Staal.. Kris Letang.. she thought as she watched them start to come over. 

Sidney walked over with them and stood next to Tori. "Guys, this is my new roommate Tori!" he said happily. "This is Deryk, Jordan, Kris, Tyler, and Marc" he told her, pointing at each one to identify them with a name. 

"Hi" Tori said nervously with a shy wave. They all smiled, but they closely examined her up and down. She started feeling a little self conscious so she reactively crossed her arms over her chest. 

"Hey!" Jordan finally said. He smiled a sweet, warm smile which made Tori quietly sigh with relief. 

There was small talk and everyone went to sit in the living room. Of course the first things that the guys did was turn on the video games and pull out the beer. 

"Tori you want one?" Sidney asked as he walked in with a bunch. 

"Uh, no thanks" she quietly shook her head. She looked back to the game, hoping no one else heard her turn down alcohol. 

"Come on! One beer won't hurt" Jordan teased as he downed half his bottle. 

Tori faked a small laugh but shook her head again. "I don't drink" she said quietly. All the guys quickly turned to her with shock on their faces. 

"Why don't you drink?" Tyler blurted out, sounding extremely surprised. Kris elbowed him and whispered something, causing Tyler to sit back in his seat.

"I just don't" Tori said quietly and shrugged, looking down. 

"Well I think it's perfectly fine. So drop it" Deryk lectured and glared over at Tyler and Jordan. They both made faces and got back to their video game. Tori decided to go out and help Sidney. Things were quiet as they set out some chips. 

"My mom was killed by a drunk driver. That's why I don't drink" she whispered, not looking over at him. She kept herself busy and continued getting food ready. 

Sidney dropped the stuff in his hands on the counter. "Tori, I'm so sorry. Don't listen to what they say. They're idiots. It's okay not to drink and now I understand" he says softly and rubs her back. 

Tori just nodded, looking down and finishing up. "I'll take these out to them" she said, faking a smile before grabbing everything and taking it out. 

Sid sighed and watched her walk out. He ordered the pizza before joining everyone in the living room again. 

They all sat there taking turns playing video games. All of the guys were so into the game that they didn't even hear the doorbell ring again. Tori giggled a little and got up to answer it. 

"It's about time you fu-" Max started but quickly stopped himself when he saw Tori. "Oh! I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean to say that to you. I was expecting Sid" he chuckled. 

"It's fine. They're all playing video games. They didn't even hear the door" she giggled and let him in. Max walked in with a smile and turn to her with his hand out. 

"I'm max!" he said with a smooth smirk as he admired her features. 

"I'm Tori! It's nice to meet you" she smiled and took his hand. 

"Nice to meet you too" he said quietly with a smile. He kept looking her over and didn't let go of her hand. 

"Um.." Tori giggled and tried to pull her hand away. 

"oh sorry!" Max laughed and let her hand go before they both walked into the living room. Tori resumed her spot next to Deryk at the end of the couch. Max went over and sat next to Marc, but he couldn't keep his eyes off of her. Of course Tori noticed, but she pretended like she didn't. 

Throughout the night Tori and Max kept stealing peeks of each other. They both smiled whenever the caught the other looking and turned away with blushes. 

Eventually the guys started to file out and only max was still there. He got up to leave and Tori was actually a little disappointed he didn't talk to her before, although she wouldn't admit it. 

He said goodbye to Sid and walked over to Tori, reaching his hand out for her again. "It was great meeting you" he said sweetly. 

"You too" Tori replied with a small smile and took his hand. She quickly looked down when she felt him put something in her hand. He smirked and walked out, Sidney walking with him. 

Tori quickly looked in her hand and saw a folded up piece of paper. She unfolded it and read it. "How about a date? Tomorrow night?" it asked along with his phone number. Tori couldn't help but smile as she quickly headed upstairs. She grabbed her phone and typed in the number. 

"A date sounds wonderful. Pick me up at seven" she sent with a big smile. She walked over to the window and looked down at the driveway. She saw Max check his phone and a smile immediately formed on his face. He texted back and then looked up at the window as he pulled out. Tori giggled and closed the curtains as her phone went off. 

"Seven it is. See you then beautiful" he sent. 
♠ ♠ ♠
Ahh sorry for the wait! I've had such horrible writers block! But here ya go! I've changed things up a bit. Jonathan Toews won't play a major roll in this. Go subscribe to Happiness After All/! It's the sequel to this so it shortens up!

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