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Another Teenage Drama?


When I walked inside the house, I was in kind of a daze. A good kind though. "How was your date." I heard from the living room while I started walking up the stairs.

"Good! Amazing!" I yelled down at them. I continued walking up the stair's and walked to my room. I closed the door behind me and flicked on the light. My room was gray and blue with my bed in the middle pushed against the wall. I had a vanity mirror by the door and a desk under the window across my bed. I plopped on my bed thinking about what had happened tonight, still fully clothed with shoes still on. I jumped up and put on Five Finger Death Punch. I began rocking out to Hard To See as I got dressed for bed.

I put on my smurf pj's and my slippers. I brushed out my hair and washed my face. I turned of the light and got into my huge, warm bed and just laid there, listening to the music pound and reverberate through my veins. Becoming a part of me. I am music and music is me. I would be nothing without the beat and rhythm of a song. Music describes me.

As I was listening to Far From Home, one of their slower song's, I started drifting into a deep sleep. One I haven't had in a while.


When I woke up the next morning, I turned over and looked at my alarm clock. 10:00 am. That's not that bad. I got up and put on my slipper's. I walked out the door and down the stairs. I noticed nobody was up yet as I walked down the hall and into the kitchen. I put some bread in the toaster for toast. And got the peanut butter out of the cabinet. When my toast was done, I sat at a bar stool and ate it, enjoying the peace.

When I finished, I walked up the stairs thinking about the faded blue the walls were. 'Someone should really paint these.' Though of course I knew nobody would. Not for a while anyways. I got to my room and grabbed my towel, heading for the shower. When I finished in there, I headed back to my room. I got dressed, did my makeup and headed back down the stairs, brushing out my hair along the way. My hair is dirty blond and shoulder length. It's curly when I don't do anything to it.

I heard my mom talking to my little brother about how he can't play outside in the clothes he's wearing. I turned the corner and saw why. He's wearing a long sleeve shirt and pants. It's like ninety outside! We get out of school in less than a week and he is dressed for the winter.

"Hey sweetie," She said as she glanced at me then back to Logan, "Just go change into something more weather appropriate and you can play outside!"

"Fine." He stuck his tongue out and stomped out of the room.

"How long have you been up?" Mom asked.

"Since ten or so." I responded, going to the fridge for some water.

"Oh, that's not to bad" Was her response. "Okay. Look, this is killing me!! Give me some details already!!!"

I laughed and told her how he took me to dinner, and was staring at me and asking questions and how he drove all the way to the beach because it seemed like a place I would like. And also how he said he was afraid of dad(she laughed at that part). I told her how he chased me like people do in the movies and we fell then we kissed.

"And then we drove back and he kissed me again!" I finished with a smile.

"Oh honey, it sounds like that guy really likes you. He's a good boy. You did a good job in picking him out." She patted my hand and then went to find Logan because he was taking a while. I didn't tell her how he scoped me out, not the other way around.
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So, I have no clue what's going to happen in the next chapter so, if anyone has any idea's please leave them in the comments!!!!!!