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Another Teenage Drama?


After Aidan left, I called Lacey. I told her to come over to hang out and talk. About half an hour later I was dressed and downstairs in the kitchen eating a bagel. The doorbell rang signaling that Lacey had arrived. As always she looked like a model in her shorts and sandals.

"Hey turd, come on in!" I mocked.

"Turd? I'm hurt, Kels!" She pretended to cry as she walked past me.

"You'll get over it." I said and stuck my tongue out. We ran up the stairs and to my room. Lacey flopped on my bed as I closed the door. "So, guess who was laying in the exact spot you are in now?"

"Uh, you?" She asked looking confused.

"Nope. Aidan Langly!"

"No. Way." She yelped.

"Way!" I yelled jumping up and down.

"You guys didn't... You know... Do it or anything, right?" She asked after a minute.

"Oh God no! I barely no the dude! We just talked all night."

"Oh thats good. You can't lose you virginity yet."

"Why not?" I asked shocked.

"'Cause your you!"

"Um, thanks?" I wasn't sure how to take this...

"You, my friend, are very welcome!" She said with a smile.
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