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Another Teenage Drama?


We stood there hugging under the light of the street lamp for about a half an hour before I started shivering.

“Come on, Baby-Momma, lets get you warm.” We drove to his house listening to heavy metal on the way.

We got to Aidan’s house, he led me inside. I looked around the familiar foyer, and up the stairs. I looked at all of his baby pictures, noticing the slight changes from year to year as he grew up. I got a funny feeling, like butterfly wings brushing the wall of my stomach.

We sluggishly made our way up the stairs, Aidan was holding my pinky along the way. Aidan’s bedroom was immediately to the right of the staircase, that hugged the wall. He had a wall painted black, one gray, and the other two were white. He had a TV hanging in one corner, from a little stand attached to the wall. His four-poster bed was shoved in one corner, with a comforter strewn half-heartedly across, in an attempt to appeal his dad’s badgering. His walk-in closet door was open halfway, there was clothes thrown around the room on the floor. His laundry basket next to a black desk with a laptop opened but off on one corner of the table top. Miscellaneous papers on the rest, a jar of pencils and cologne against the wall on the desk as well.

He led me to his bed and I sat down. I kicked off my shoes, glad I was wearing my extra long tube socks because my toes were warm. Aidan walked to his dresser, which was under the wide window. The window was wider than it was long, and it was about four feet or so off the floor. He got out a pair of his boxers and threw them on the bed, then he got out one of his concert t-shirts. Both are really big on me, the way I like to sleep in.

“You can sleep in these babe.” I smiled, but he didn’t see. He had went to his closet, to change from his jeans into a pair of basket ball shorts. And probably another t-shirt. I continued to smile at his back, watching him as he took off his shirt. His back was ridged with his muscles, his arms and shoulders toned from days spent lifting weights, playing sports, and doing other extraneous activities.

He pulled the shirt over his head while he was turning around and a grin spread on his face as he saw me watching him. “Are you checking me out?”

“Wouldn’t you like that?” I winked and stood up.

“I would yes, I would like that a lot actually.” He grabbed my wrist and pulled me toward him. He kissed my lips, then my nose, then my cheeks. Finally my forehead.

“Your in a better mood.” he stated as we pulled apart.

“Yeah, because I don’t have to go back to my disagreeing parents tonight and I get to spend the night with mi amor.” I replied, standing on my tippy-toes to kiss his cheek. Then I walked around his bed to grab the clothes he laid out for me.

He flopped onto his bed and I got dressed while he flipped through the channels on his TV. I got onto his bed as he clicked on a channel. I scooted up to the head board where his head was and I got under the blankets, slightly warm already from his body heat. I stuck my legs against his to steal his warmth and he gasped, but then pushed his onto mine. “Someone’s gonna have to turn off the light.” He whispered.

“I’m already in bed though! Plus I’m pregnant.” I said, loving that I had that excuse. He sighed and flipped the blankets up, off of me as well.

“Jerk!” I flipped the blankets back on top of me, he stuck his tongue out over his shoulder.

“No fair, I can’t []get[/] pregnant!” he mumbled on the way to door to get the light. He flipped it off, ran, and jumped on the bed. I flipped over onto my side, instantly covering my stomach area.

“WOAH. Bro you can’t do that kind of stuff anymore. At least not with the baby present!” I screeched. A look of shock crossed his feature as he got in the bed next to me. He wrapped his arm around my waist and put his other on my tummy. He started rubbing it through the shirt.

“I’m sorry, little guy. Or girl. Are you okay?” I could barely see the outline of him in the light of the moon shining in through the window. He was leaning toward my stomach area whispering to the barely there fetus under my skin. When he was done talking to the uncomprehending baby he looked up at my face. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, you didn’t even touch me. But what if you had landed on me? Or my belly? You could have killed our baby before he-or she- even got the chance to grow.”

“Your right, babe. I’m sorry.” I studied his face, searching for some hint of a joke.

I found none.

It was that moment I realized he was being true, and that he would never lie to me. Or at least I hoped so. I knew that at least when it came to the baby, no matter what happened between us he would there for this little person inside me. I put one hand around him, and the other on his face. I held it there for a minute, and closed my eyes. I moved my hand and put my head against his chest. I felt the warmth of his body, the warmth of his breath of his breath. I felt secure and comfortable, lying there in his bed. I could hear his heart beat and I listened to it as I drifted into a deep sleep.

It was amazing how much I had already changed since this afternoon. Just by thinking about the fact that I might have been pregnant had matured me a little bit, thinking about the reality of it all. I was shocked how right Lacey had been in guessing my symptoms right off the bat. I had been shocked when Aidan had decided to stay by my side throughout the whole thing.

I faintly realized just before my thoughts became incomprehensible that we still had to tell Aidan’s dad that we’re having a baby.
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kristen_amoreuse: Thank you for your comments! You are like my motivation right now! So.. Thanks :D