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Another Teenage Drama?


We walked to his car and he opened the door for me. I got in and he walked around to the other side. "Ready for your surprise?" He asked and started the car.

"Yeah! The suspense has been killing me!!" I said with a laugh, we were driving down a street I didn't know.

"Good!" He laughed looking at me then the road.

"Haha so are you gonna tell me where we're going??" I asked punching him in the arm, but not enough to disrupt his driving.

"We are going.... to the BEACH!!"

"NO WAY?!?!" I screamed excitedly. We only lived like a half an hour from the Ocean but we never really went that often.

"Way!! Like OMIGOSH!!!" He said mocking a tweeny-girl. I laughed so hard at that it wasnt even funny. Pun most-certainly intended.

"Shut up, are we almost there." I asked grabbing his arm with my hands. I didnt notice until know that I was turned toward him. I didn't move.

"Yupp, just about."

The rest of the ride was filled with babble. I now knew that he has played baseball since he was 9 but had to quit because of his dad. He still likes to play, but can't for the high school team. We got to the beach at around eight. It was dark so Aidan parked the car facing the water, and he left the headlights on for light. I jumped out of the car and ran for the water.