Secrets, Secrets Are No Fun...

"Bastard kept me from my studying."

The next morning, Hermione met Harry and Ron in the Great Hall, where Ron was already stuffing his face. Harry had a purple bruise under his left eye, and a long scratch to the left of his mouth, but all in all he looked alright.

Seamus was at the other end of the table, looking considerably worse than Harry, and whispering angrily to Dean.

As soon as she sat down, her timetable appeared in front of her and she squealed with delight. "Yes! I have ancient runes first thing!"

Ron groaned beside her. "Yes, but look what we have second. Double potions. With the Slytherins."

Hermione brushed him off. "Yes, yes, but that's nothing new, we have that every year. I'm so excited for astrology, you know, that's a new class. A bit like divination, I suppose, but as long as that bloody Trelawney isn't teaching it..." Ron just shrugged and resumed eating.

Once she finished, Hermione bid a quick goodbye to Harry and Ron before heading to the library to do some pre-class studying for ancient runes. Ms. Pince greeted her happily, Hermione seemed to be the only student she happened to like.

As Hermione wandered blissfully between the shelves of dusty books, she heard a loud crash close by.

She turned the corner to find Draco Malfoy sprawled out on his back, heaps of books covering him. Hermione pursed her lips, watching, motionless, but when Draco didn't move she bent down next to him.

"Are you okay?" she muttered irritably.

"What? What happened?"

"Obviously you dropped a bunch of books on yourself."

Draco sat up slowly. "Oh, Granger, it's you."

"Hello to you too."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now move, I have to fix these." He pulled out his wand and levitated the books off of him and back on to their proper shelves before getting up and dusting himself off. He grabbed a book and strutted off to a table to begin reading. Hermione followed him closely, waiting for a thank you, or an apology, or some kind word.

Instead, she got, "Move it Granger, you're blocking my light."

Hermione scowled audibly and walked away, completely infuriated. Glancing at her watch, she saw she only had ten minutes to get to class. She looked back at Malfoy. Bastard kept me from studying, she thought meanly. Then, with one last glance back at the still reading Malfoy, she ran off the fourth floor ancient runes classroom.