The Runaway

the beganning of the end

I wish I had spent more nights outside under the stars while in Pittsburgh instead of moping around in my room. I wish I had taken time to smell the sweet scent of the fresh cut lawns on my way home from school rather then racing home to watch TV. I wish I had sat outside and felt the warm sun splash my face. Most of all, I wish I had said 'I love you' one last time.


It was a warm september afternnoon and I had just arrived home from school. Usually I rode my orange 1964 Schwindel bicycle straight to my friend Lizzie's house which was convienantly one block away. But not today. Today I had bigger plans.

I dropped my bicycle carelessly in the front yard and sprinted to the cement walkway leading up to my front door. I reached down into the pocket of my flare legged jeans and felt around for awhile. Alas, I felt the abstract shape of the cold hard metal and pulled it out of my pocket. The gold surface of the key glittered in the mid afternoon sun. It's a shame I was too ignorant to notice it.

"Damn you!" I shrieked and i tryed to fit the key into the lock, and immediately felt bad afterwards. I know it sounds silly to feel bad for taking my rage out on a key. But today I was on a mission, and the more time I waisted meant the less time I had to myself. My last minutes of freedom.

I only had a half hour until my mother came home from work. She was an RN and had recently taken shorter hours in order to take care of my sickly younger brother tod. "Everythings always about Tod". I sighed under my breath. "Maybe if things were about me for once, I wouldn't be in this mess."

When the door was finally unlcoked I stormed up the stairs and threw open the bathroom door. Immediately, I locked the door and plopped down on the toliet seat
reaching down for my floral printed napsac I unzipped the front pouch and pulled out a shiny long pink box.

"Hayley!" Hollered Tod from the couch in our downstairs living room. He had just recieved a Pong game for his 8th birthday, and had been glued to the TV screen ever since. Since he was too sick to go to school, this is where he spent his days.

"What do you want twerp?" I scolded. I always scolded Tod. Sometimes for the most miniscule things. I know he didn't deserve it, he really was a good kid. But sometimes. I had used him as the target of my stressers. "I'm hungrey, can you make me a snack?" He shouted in his 2 year old voice. Tod always used his 2 year odl voice to get what he wanted.

"Make yourself a damn snack. I'm bussy". I replied haphazardly. I really was bussy. Bussy trying to solve more important problems than what to fix for snacktime. For the contents of this box determines the outcome of my future. My destiny in life. And ultimately, the possible end or beganning of my freedom. "It's amazing how one little test and destory your life". I chuckeled to myself while tears welled up in my eyes. Holding my breath, I unsealed the box with my fingernail and peed on it's contents.

An hour later, I walked slowly back into the bathroom, dreading what I would find. I walked over to the countertop where i had placed the pregnancy test and peered down at the results.

It was then that I died a little on the inside.