The Runaway


I contemplated a lot of things during those last few moments of freedom.

It was the end of hopes, happiness, and ultimately, my life.

That's when I started sobbing hysterically.

Nothing was being held back anymore. Every ounce of frustration poured out of me like a full glass of milk spilling it's contents. I don't even think I was breathing.

But as soon as I was done crying, a sea of thoughts clouded my mind.

"There's no screen in my bedroom window". I breathed, my brain surging with thoughts and ideas.
"I could steal a couple of bucks from my old man, climb out the window after everyone has gone to bed and...”

"San Francisco".

That's where I'll go. I'll become a hippie! I mean, everyone's doing it. And god knows I need some adventure in my life"...

It wasn't much, but it was a plan.

So I stood up, zippered my pants, and practically flaoted back to my bedroom.
That night was so surreal.

My face was still splotchy from crying, but my heart was racing because I knew my plan would work.

It had to work.

10 minutes later my mother arrived home from work as usual.

And as stupid as it sounds, I was so wrapped up in the brilliance of my plan that I left the pregnancy test laying out in the open on the counter.

And as soon as my mother came home, she saw it.

The expression on her face was indescribable: A deadly mix of rage, guilt, sorrrow, and shock.

And the only words that came out of her mouth were "wait until your father here's about this"

That's when the real trouble began.