The Runaway

peace love and pressure

I was sitting on the shabby floral couch in my living room, the same couch where my brother was sitting when I scolded him only hours before.

We were all sitting in a circle with each of our chairs facng eachother. The whole sceneario reminded me of a scene from a shrink's office, or one of those day time Tv talk shows.

It's amazing how somebody's day can go from good, to bad, to horrific in a matter of moments.

We were all sitting there. My mother, father, brother and I. I had my head tilted down with my hair shielding my eyes so that nobody could see my face and I couldn't see theres.
I didn't want them to see the tears.

"Hayley, look at me." Sighed my mom

I peeked out from behind my hair.

"How did this happen?" She asked calmy. Although you could tell she was on the verge of tears as well.

My parents knew virtually everything about me, except for Dave. I didn't want my parents to know about Dave, He was a musician and had long hair. A "god damn hippie" as my father liked to call them. I knew they wouldn't approve of him so I just kept it quiet for six whole months.

"I'll tell you how it happened." Started my father. "She let this happen because she doesn't know when to close her legs." He sneered. "It's all because of your fucking job. I always knew you didn't know how to raise a daughter right."

My mother bit her tounge; terrified to speak.

I wanted to say that I let this happen because Dave is the love of my life. I wanted to say I let this happen because I snuck out two fridays ago to go to Amy's party and I got drunk. I wanted to say that I let dave go a little too far. And I wanted to say that ever since he was drafted to Vietnam, my life has been a living hell.

But I didn't say it.

I never say anything.

"NO!" I shouted. I didn't mean to, but i did. Now I was shanking uncontrollably. There was no going back now.

"What did you say girl?" Roared my father. He was yelling so loudly know, that his face turned a grousome shad eof purple.

"I SAID NO! She's a great mom! You're just an abusive asshole and you know it! I hate you!"

I spat. Literally, I spit. Everywhere.

And with that, my father leaped up out of his seat like a puma stalking it's kill.

I leaped up off the couch and tryed to back away. But he had me cornered now, it was no use. There was no escape.


He pushed me hard against the wall and hit me hard on the face as my mother and brother wached in horror, his suit wrinkeling from the force.

It was then that I flashed back to the many nights before, where my father slapped, kicked, hit and verbally assaulted my mother and I to get what he wanted. "YOU STUPID WHORE!" he screetched.

"Get off of her!" Yelled my little brother, his voice quivering with fright. It was then that my father hesitated, and backed away from me, still breathing quite heavily.

"Atleast he listens to somebody.." I thought to myself.

As soon as he backed away I flew up the stairs and locked myself in my room. I was blasting my favorite Janis Joplin album so loud that I couldn't even hear myself think. That's what I was going for. I didn't want to hear myself think.

I pulled open my closet door and started to pack my lime green suitcase full of clothes and shoes because I knew that I once I left tonight I was never coming back.
