The Runaway

Open Doors

Scott and I drove for what seemed like days.

Most likely because we had been driving for days.

On one particular day, about a week or so after I left home, the morning sun was casting a warm glow over the horizon. It illuminated the car's interior as well as the left side of scott's face that was facing me.

I remember this day so clearly because that was the day when Scotty and I had first made love. Not the grodey, distatseful kind of sex. But rather, the mezmorizing kinf of love making that sense chills through every pore of your body, The kind of love that made two people so intertwined that every movement was sincrinized.
"I love you." breathed Scotty nearly out of breath as he gently kissed my forehead.
I had only experianced this kind of love making once before when I had first lost my virginity to dave almost 2 months prior. it was pure and innocent, and I absolutely adored every second of it.

I found it amazing, and almost kind of scary when I realized that I might be falling in love with someone other than Dave. he has been my world-my secret lover for as long as I could remember. it frightened me to death to think that my world might be changing.

it fightened me even more to ponder the state of dave's wellbeing. He was deployed to vietnam now. Fighting in a war that should had never even taken place. For all I know, dave might not even be alive.

We departed the turnpike and were now traveling on a conjested highway that read " SanFranciso 2 miles".

"Almost there!" i giggled as I gently fixed my gaze upon Scott lovingly.

"Yeah." Scott answered bluntly.

I could tell by the look on his face that something was bothering him. I didn't even hesitate to ask before he started speaking again.

'i can't do this anymore." He breathed.

"What?" I was flabbergasted. I was staring at him now with an intesnse gaze, completely dumbfounded waiting for him to go on.

"I'm engaged." Was his answer. Scott was gripping the steering wheel tightly; his jaw, clenched with tension and anxiety as he stared blankly ahead trying to avoid me and the rest of the conversation.

'So waht does that mean?" I was yelling now. Tears welling up in the corners of my eyes. I was frustrated and confused, but most of all, I was heartbroken.

"So what does this mean?" I repeated. Screaming a little louder this time trying to coax him into answering me.

"Here's what it means!" Scotty screetched back. And before I knew it, I was lying on the warm, California pavement watching Scotty speed off in the opposite direction.

Immeditely, I stood up, trying desperately to gather my thoughts. It was a breezy, misty morning. I had my arms crossed in front of me to shield my exposed arms from the earlymorning chill.

Brushing myself off, I started to walk towards the nearest town wiping away my tears with the upper part of my arm.

I noticed for the first time now that my baby bump was starting to peak through my blouse. And I didn't care. This was the first time in while that I didn't care what anyone thought of me. I was cold, hurt, and alone. I now desperately wishes that I had stayed at home and had not foolioshy ran away. I longed to be in my warm bed and far away rom here.

"Hey, you need a ride ma'am?" Called out a car of boys about my age.

I had nothing to loose.

Keping my head hanging low and my fridgid arms concealed, I nodded and got in.