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Baseball & Ice Cream

Amy sat in the bleachers at the baseball game. She was cheering the Huntington Beach Oilers to victory. Zacky watched Amy with a smile on his face. He was planning on getting a home run just for her.

“Batter up!” The ref called.

Zacky grabbed his slugger and stepped up to the plate, grinning when he heard Amy yell, “Come on Zack!”

The pitcher spat out the shells of his sunflower seeds before winding back and hurdling the ball towards the catcher. Zacky grinned and slammed the bat into the ball as hard as he could. Once he heard the clink he took off running, through the speakers he could hear the announcer, “Home run!”

Once Zacky reached home still sporting a gigantic grin he was pleased to find Amy clapping and cheering like the rest of the home team. Zacky was happy not only because Amy was watching him but because he just one that last game of the season. Matt and Brian lifted up the water jug that was filled with Gatorade and dumped it all over him.

“I’ll catch up with you later.” Zacky yelled and climbed over the fence to reach Amy who was leaning against the fence with a smile on her face.

“Great job Mr. Baker.” Amy hugged him not caring if he was sticky and sweaty.

“Thanks Amy. I couldn’t have done it if you weren’t here.” He hugged her back.

“Whatever. There’s a party tonight at Jimmy’s, you going?” Amy asked.

Zacky was tired and he really didn’t want to party but he nodded, “Yeah, I’ll be there.”

“Great. Can you give me a ride home?” Amy asked.

“Yeah, I just gotta grab my stuff.” Zacky smiled.

“Okay I’ll see you then.” Amy waved and turned to walk away.

Zacky smiled wide watching her hips swing from side to side.

“Oh and Zack” she turned around, “Take a shower bro, you stink.”

Zacky laughed at her joke then climbed back over the fence and into the locker room to shower and change back into his regular clothes.


Zacky couldn’t help but smile to himself when he saw Amy laying on the hood of his car. She had his sunglasses over her eyes and her shirt had rode up a bit, showing a bit of her naturally tanned skin.

Zacky waved his hand in front of her face but she didn’t move so he figured she was sleeping. He looked around for a minute then lightly traced a few circles on her hip.

Amy grabbed his hand and smiled, “Don’t start what you can’t finish Zacky boy.”

Zacky scoffed but didn’t say anything. It was senior year and he of all people was still a virgin. Amy wasn’t everyone knew that but she wasn’t a slut, she just wasn’t a virgin. It’s not like she was jumping into bed with every guy that looked at her.

“Straight to your house, or we can get ice cream first.” Zacky smiled.

Amy leaned back in the passenger seat, “Ice cream!”

Zacky chuckled and flipped on the radio to a station that was playing the latest pop song. He couldn’t help but let his eyes wonder from the road to Amy every once in a while. He pulled up to an ice cream shop and got out. He even raced around to open the door for Amy.

“Aw what a gentleman you are.” She kissed his cheek making him blush.

“Ah whatever.” Zacky tried to play it off and shut the door.

Amy skipped inside and waited at the counter for him.

“What can I get you two today?” Brian smirked and checked Amy out.

Zacky glared at his friend and was about to say something but Amy cut him off.
“I’ll take a small blue raspberry.”

Zacky smiled, “Hey Syn, the usual.”

Brian nodded and winked at Amy before turning around to get their ice cream. Amy pulled out her wallet to pay but Zacky stopped her, “I got this.”

“Aw you’re so cute.” Amy smiled.

Zacky rolled his eyes, “I’ll get the ice cream just go find us a table.”

“Yes sir.” Amy joked and turned around to find a table.

Zacky and Brian both watched her. Brian let out a long whistle which made Zacky jealous. Sure he wasn’t dating Amy, but he wanted to.

“She’s a keep Zack.” Brian chuckled and handed him his change back.

“We’re not together.” Zacky pointed out then mentally slapped himself.

The corner of Brian’s lips turned up, “Well that’s too bad. Is she gonna be at the party tonight?”

“Yeah.” Zacky answered and took the ice cream.

Brian grinned, “We might have to get more acquainted.”

Zacky wanted to turned around, throw the ice cream in his face and tell him to ‘fuck off’. But instead he just walked over to the table that Amy was sitting at and set the ice cream on the table. Amy made most of the conversation since Zacky was kind of out of it.

“Zacky. Hello? I gotta get home and change.” Amy waved her hand in front of Zacky’s face to get his attention.

“Oh what? Yeah okay.” Zacky snapped out of it and grabbed his keys out of his pocket before walking out with Amy.

Once Zacky dropped Amy off she stepped out and knocked on the window signoling for him to roll it down. Zacky sighed and rolled down the passenger side window.

Amy smiled, “So my sexy green-eyed man, your picking me up right?”

Zacky felt 100% better once he heard her call him her ‘sexy green-eyed man’.

“Yeah I’ll be here at seven.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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