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Brian & Plastic Cups

Amy had gotten a call from one of her party buddies. She felt bad for lying to Zacky but she really wanted to go to a party a few hours away with a few of her party animal friends. Actually she wouldn’t really call them ’friends’ they were more like people she barley knew anything about besides that they liked to party and had good connections for all of the best parties and where to get the best alcohol and cheep cigarettes.

“We’re here.” the driver smiled, parking the car before Amy and the four others pilled out of the car and into the house that’s bass was so loud it was practically pouring out of the house.

Amy headed over to the table that had almost every bottle of alcohol known to man sitting on top of it. She smiled wide and quickly began to mix drinks and pound down shots. This was her night of fun and partying like always, but before she could pound back a shot of Jack she heard a familiar voice whisper in her ear.

“Well hello, beautiful.” Brian smirked taking the shot right out of Amy’s hand.

Her lips turned upward into a smile, “Hey Brian.”

Brian kissed the top of her hand and turned on his charm, “Quick, someone call heaven. They’re missing an angel and I think I just found her.”

“ How many girls have you used that line on?” She giggled.

He downed her shot then gave her a goofy grin, “None that ever called me on it.”

Amy was going to respond but a familiar aroma graced her nostrils. Without hesitation she grabbed Brian’s hand and pulled him with her down to the basement of the house where the stoners had gathered in a circle with Sublime playing, joints lit, and the black light on. The teens took turns passing the weed around acting like they didn’t have a care in the world.

“Wanna dance?” Brian spoke more like a question once he saw that they were both a bit buzzed.

Amy giggled and followed after Brian upstairs into the living room area where everyone else was. On the way over she grabbed hold of one of the plastic red cups that was half filled with some sort of alcoholic beverage. She guzzled the drink down ignoring the burn of whatever it was as it went down her throat. Amy just focused on the music and where Brian’s hands were on her body.

“I’ll be right back.” Amy practically yelled into his ear so he could hear then made her way to the drink table filling up the cup and taking a few sips before heading to the bathroom.

She set her cup back on one of the tables then walked into the bathroom locking the door behind her just in case. She fixed her makeup and hair then smiled at herself. In her pocket he phone began to vibrate and ring with the special ringtone that let her know it was Zacky calling. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she pressed ignore then turned the volume down on vibrate before walking out of the bathroom, grabbing her cup, and heading back to the living room where Brian was flirting with some blonde.

“I’m back.” Amy downed the whole cup then tossed it to the side before slidding in front of the blonde to be in front of Brian.

His cocky smirk appeared, “I see.”

Brian’s eyes were still fixated on the blonde behind her so she quickly pressed her lips against his ear and placed her hand teasingly against the crotch of his pants. She was jealous of the attention he was giving the blonde and had to get his attention back.

“Let’s go outside.” Amy whispered seductively then gave him a small squeeze before turning and walking towards the backyard making sure to swing her hips.

Brian wasted no time getting away from the blonde and following Amy outside. When he got there Amy was sitting with her legs spread apart a bit waiting for him. He smirked, moved in between her legs, and put his hands down on either side of her.

“So.” Brian cocked his head to the side.

Amy quickly pulled his lips to hers and he soon responded back. Their lips meshing together. For Amy everything started getting a bit fuzzy but she ignored it figuring her buzz was wearing off. All she remembered was a vibrating noise and lots of moans.