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Love You Always


It has been four years.

Four years since I've been in my home town of Huntington Beach. Four years since I've seen my step-brother and his band mates. Four years since I've seen the father of my son do something I never thought he would do to me, After that one night, I left and vowed to never go back. But here I am in my red and black camero heading back. Looking at the rear view mirror, I smiled at my son, who was playing with his toy truck.

He looked so much like his father, despite him having my dark brown hair. Brandon looked up and smiled at me. his beautiful blue eyes sparkling in the sunlight. I smiled back and shifted my eyes back onto the road. As I continued to drive, I thought back to when I found out that I was pregnant. I was twenty-one, still young, but very excited. I've always wanted to have a baby with the one that I love. I was going to tell his father, but something stopped me and I left. My step-brother who is more like a brother rather than step, and three of his friends knew why and tried to convince me to stay. I shook my head no to them and begged them not to tell him, and they agreed. That was four years ago. Four years ago today.

"Mama," Brandon called out to me.

"Yeah chickadee?" I said as I pulled out of the freeway.

"I'm hungry!" He whined.

I laughed, his actions reminding me of his father.

"Alright. We'll go get something to eat right now before we head over to Uncle Johnny, okay?"

"Yay!" Brandon exclaimed, clapping his hands.

I laughed and pulled into a Carl's Jr., Getting into a parking space, I shut my car off before getting Brandon out. Walking hand in hand, we went into the establishment and walked up to the counter. Bending down, I picked him up and asked him what he wanted to eat.

"I want some icken ugget and juice," I said, looking at me with his blue eyes.

I laughed and nodded before telling the young woman my order. After receiving the food, I walked us over to a free table and placed the tray on the table. Sitting Brandon down next to me, I opened his box of chicken nuggets and placed it down in front of him right next to his juice. As we began to eat, I couldn't help to look down at my son and smiled. For a three year old, he was pretty tall for his age. His dark brown hair was long. Just shy away from his shoulders. And his crystal blue eyes. Blue eyes that sparkled like jewels when the sun hit them. I sighed and continued to eat my grilled chicken sandwich. Sometimes, it hurts to look at my baby. He reminded me so much like his father.

"Mama. Are you otay?" He asked as he looked up at me.

I looked back down at him and smiled, "Yes sweetheart. I'm okay."

"Otay. I'm done. Can we go see Uncle Ohnny now?" He asked as he placed his empty nugget box on the tray.

"Alright. Hold your horses," I said as I placed my unfinished food on the tray.

Grabbing a clean napkin, I poured a little bit of water on it before cleaning Brandon's face and hands. Grabbing one of his hands, I took the tray in the other and headed to the trash bin. When I dumped the food into the trash, I placed the tray on the little nook above the bin and walked back out to my car with my son in tow. After strapping him into his car seat, I pulled out of the parking lot.

"Ready to see Uncle Johnny?" I asked him over my shoulder.

"Uncle Ohnny! Uncle Ohnny!' Brandon chanted, jumping up and down in his seat.

I laughed and continued to drive for another twenty minutes before pulling into a beautiful brick two story house. When parking my car, I saw that Johnny's truck was there. Looking over my shoulder, I saw that Brandon was fast asleep. Smiling at him, I turned the car off before getting out and taking him out. I smiled down at my son and carefully paced his diaper bag over my shoulder. Going to the trunk, I popped it open and pulled out our luggage before heading towards the front door. Taking a deep breath, I rang the door bell before knocking real hard and fact.

"Hold the fuck up!" A voice called out in frustration.

I laughed and waited fir the door to open. When the door opened, I was met by a man with a blond and black Mohawk.

"Misty!" Johnny exclaimed as he saw me.

"Hey Johnny,"I said as I gave him an awkward hug.

"How are you doing? Come on in," Johnny said.

I laughed and took hold of my luggage.

"Here, let me take that," Johnny said as he took the bag from me.

"Thanks," I said as I followed him up the stairs.

Johnny laughed. It was silent between the both of us as he lead me towards a bedroom. Johnny opened the door and I headed towards the bed and laid Brandon down. When I pulled the black blanket over him, I turned to Johnny and gave him a hug. Since I was a few inches taller that him, his heads were on my boobs.

"God I missed you sis," Johnny said when we pulled apart.

"Me too, Johnny, I said with a smile.

Johnny smiled back and looked over at the bed where Brandon was sleeping.

"He looks like his father everyday," Johnny said, looking back at me.

I rubbed my head and nodded.

"Yeah. I know."

"When are you going to tell him?" Johnny asked as we walked down the stairs.

"I don't know, Johnny. I want to tell him cause I want him to be in Brandon's life, but I'm scared to what his reaction will be," I said.

Johnny nodded and we headed towards the kitchen. I went and sat down at the table while he went to the fridge and brought back two beers. Handing me one, we popped them open and took a swing before continuing out conversation.

"You know, he won't look at you differently, right. He still loves you."

I looked at Johnny confused.

" I thought you said he was with Leanna"

"He is. But that doesn't mean that he's forgotten about you. Whenever he's drunk, he would break down and yell out why you left. That he still loved you. Leanna doesn't know because she's hardly ever here. And when she is, she's clueless of everything."

When Johnny said that, I looked down at the table. Did he still love me? Did he really? As these thought went through my head, I asked:

"How mom doing?"

Johnny sighed and placed his beer on the table and said, "Not good. The caners gotten worse. They won't even let family into her room. Not until tomorrow.

I nodded and looked down at the table. Mom has been sick for two years, and it's gotten worse and worse.I felt ashamed that I didn't come and visit her sooner. We were both quiet before the front door flew open and a voice reached us.

"Yo! Where the fuck are you, shot shit?!"

I chuckled and stood up with Johnny. Walking into the foyer, there stood the one and only M. Shadows, Zacky Vengence, and Synyster Gates. But to me, they will always be Matt Sanders, Zacky Baker, and Brian Haner Jr..

"Hey short shit. Whose the babe?" Brian asked as he looked at me up and down.

I chuckled.

"Still as cocky as ever I see," I said.

Brian looked at me up and down again, trying to figure it out. Looking at the rest of the guys, I saw that they too were looking at me up and down before realization dawned on them.

"Misty!" Matt and Zacky laughed out and came towards me.

I laughed and hugged each men. Pulling back, I was suddenly lifted off the floor and being spun around.

"Oh my God! Misty! My best friend!" Brian yelled over my head.

I laughed again and patted his shoulder

"Hey bestie! How are you?" I asked him.

Brian laughed.

"I'm good. What about you and that little hell raiser of yours?" Brian asked as we headed towards the living room.

I laughed down and sat down next to Zacky.

"We've been good."

"Awesome. What about your photography?" Matt asked, sitting back.

"Just launched. I have had so many calls from different bands, Skaters, modeling agencies, and wedding planers for celeberties," I said.

"Amazing. And how is Brandon taking it all in?" Brian asked.

I sighed.

" He likes to travel. But it gets tiring, you know? And sometimes, he just wants to go home.

The guys all nodded.

"Yeah. We know the feeling," Matt said.

After that, we all continued to talk about random shit and about there tour. The guys kept it to a mimaul. Meaning they kept a specific someone things. It was past midnight when the guys decided that it was time to go home and rest.

"It's good to see you again," Zacky said as I hugged the guys again.

"Same here," I said.

When all the hugging was done and over with, I waved at the guys before closing and locking the door behind them and headed up the stairs.

"Misty," Johnny called out when I was about to enter my room.

"Yeah?" I asked, turning to look at him.

"Do you want to see mom tomorrow?" he asked.

I gave him a sad smile.

"Yeah. I want to see her."

Johnny smile back.

"Alright. We'll go early tomorrow morning because later on I got a date with Lacey."

I awed at him.

"Shut up," He said before saying, "Goodnight Misty."

"Night Johnny," I said before walking into the room and closing the door behind me.

Turning the table lamp on, I saw that Brandon still asleep. Smiling, I went over to my suitcase and pulled out a plane white tank top, pj boxers, and a black bra and matching panites. Going into the bathroom, I left the door slightly ajar and turned on the tap. After stripping and stepping into the water and began to wash my hair with my lavender scented shampoo and conditioner. After shaving the nessicary body parts and washing my body with my scented body wash, I turned the water off and dried myself with a fluffy black towel. After putting on my pj's, I left my hair down and walked back into the bedroom. Climbing into bed, I kissed Brandon's soft cheek before turning off the light and falling into a peaceful slumber.
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