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Love You Always


I chuckled under my breath as I walked back out to the backyard.

"Hey. How's Brandon?" Val asked as they all walked over towards me.

"He's okay now. Jimmy's in their playing with him," I said as I got their shoes and shirts.

"So Jimmy knows?" Brian asked.

"Not yet. But I promise that I will tell him soon," I said to them as I slid my feet onto my flip flops.

"Okay. You better. Or else I'm going to have to take you shopping," Chelle and Val said at the same time.

"Oh shit!" I said with wide eyes before running back into Johnny's house.

I heard laughing behind me as I closed the door behind me. Walking into the living room, I saw that Jimmy was playing with his son. I felt a stab in my heart as I watched this. He needs to know, my subconscious told me. Shut up!, I told it as I walked towards them.

"Here you go, Jimmy," I said as I handed him his shirt and shoes.

Jimmy thanked me and began to dress. Turning to Brandon, I saw him jumping up and down on his seat, waiting in anticipation. I giggled before sitting down next to him and placed his shoes on his feet. After his shirt was over his head, Brandon jumped down from the couch and grabbed Jimmy's and mine hand.

"Let's go!" he said as he pulled us towards the door.

"Whoa! Hold your horses, little man! Let me get my car keys," Jimmy laughed as he reached over at the foyers table and grabbed some keys.

I chuckled and shook my head as we walked out and over to Jimmy's car. Sitting Brandon next to me, I placed his seat belt over him before strapping myself in.

"Ready to get that ice cream?" Jimmy asked him as he started the engine.

"Yeah!" Brandon exclaimed.

Jimmy and I laughed as he began to pull out of the drive way and drove down the road. As he drove, I couldn't help but think that this was how it was suppose to be. I sighed and looked out the window. About five minutes later, Jimmy parked his car next to the famous 'Cone'. Taking Brandon out, the three of us headed into the shop.

"What flavor do you want?" Jimmy asked Brandon.

"I want cookies and cream!" he exclaimed.

Jimmy laughed and told the man over the counter what flavor.

"And you?" he asked me.

"Huh? Oh, um. Mint chocolate chip," I said.

Jimmy smiled and shook his head playfully," Still the same I see," he said before ordering for me.

After we all got our ice cream, we decided to walk along the beach at we ate our treats. As we walked down the sand, Brandon was ahead of us. I smiled and let my eyes wonder to where my son was.

"Misty, what's wrong?" Jimmy asked me.

I looked over at him and saw that he was giving me a knowing look.

I sighed and looked down.

"Jimmy. I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" he asked.

"I don't know how your going to take this. All I possibly know is that your going to hate me and want nothing to do with us and- and," I began to ramble before Jimmy cut me off.

"Misty! Your rambling. What do you mean I'm going to hate you? What are you talking about? Misty, tell me god dammit!" Jimmy said when I didn't say anything.

I looked into Jimmy's beautiful blue eyes and said,"Jimmy. Brandon is you son."

When the words left my mouth, his eyes grew twice there size.
♠ ♠ ♠
DUN DUN DUN!!! No way!!!

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