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Love You Always


"Jimmy. Brandon is your son.'

When those words left Misty's mouth,my eyes grew wide. I looked at her, completely shocked. Brandon is my son? Looking over at where he was, I saw him chasing the seagulls. My eyes followed him and I realized, as I looked at him play, that he is my son. Everything that he did was the same as my own actions. And the way he looked! That should have clued me in, but I was to oblivious to it. Looking back at Misty, I saw that she was looking over at him, tears running down her cheeks.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I managed to say out.

Misty took a deep breath before looking back at me.

"I was going to tell you the day I found out, after the party Johnny threw, but something stopped me."

"What stopped you?" I asked.

"You and Leana naked in the bedroom. That tore my heart apart. Seeing you and her naked. So I did the thing that I thought was right. I took the necessary things and left. I told the guys to keep quiet and-"

"Whoa, hold up," I said, cutting her off,"the guys knew? What about the girls?"

"They knew too," Misty whispered.

I looked at her, mouth ajar. They guys and girls knew all about this and didn't tell me anything/ What the fuck!

"What the fuck! Why didn't they tell me about this?!" I all but yelled.

Misty flinched back and looked over at Brandon. I looked over too and saw that he didn't hear my out burst.

"Because I told them not to. I was scared and thought that you wanted nothing to do with us. I thought that he was going to hold you back," Misty said.

I looked at her, mad. How can she think that. I would have never turned my back to them.

"I would never and you know that! You know that I would have stayed by you side through the whole thing!" I stated, throwing my hands in the air.

Misty nodded.

"I know that. But then, all that was on my mind was heart ache and hurt. It made me feel like I wasn't good enough for you."

I looked at her, shocked.

'Let's not continue this here. People are starting to look," Misty said.

Looking around, I saw that by standers were starting to stop and see what all the commotion was about. I nodded my head and said to her:

"We are finishing this at my house."

Misty nodded and called Brandon over.

"Baby. We're going to go to Jimmy's house okay?" Misty said as she bent to pick him up.

"Oaty," Brandon said as he stuck his thumb into his mouth.

We headed back to my car and got in. After Misty strapped Brandon in, I speed to my house. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Misty texting someone before putting her phone away. Ten minutes later, we arrived at my house. Looking though the window, i saw that Leana had taken she shit out. Sighing a sigh of relief, I shut the car off and we all headed inside.

"Wheres the kitchen?" she asked me.

I showed her to the kitchen and watched as she leaned Brandon over the sink to wash his hands and face. Grabbing the dish towel that was beside the stove, she dried him off before I lead them to the living room. I turned on the t.v. as Misty sat Brandon on the couch to watch some cartoons.

"Jimmy and I are going to talk in the kitchen okay?" Misty told him.

Brandon nodded, his mind distracted by the mesmerizing cartoons. Misty and I walked back into the kitchen and I offered her something to drink.

"Some water please," she said.

I nodded and got her a glass of water and myself a beer. I set the water in front of her before popping mine open and sitting next to her.

"Tell me why you think you weren't good enough for me?" I told her after a few moments of silence.

Misty stayed quiet for a moment before saying,"Because I'm not like Leana. I'm not at pretty as her and act like her and-"

"Misty. That's the reason why I love you! You are nothing like her or any other girl for that matter! You are sweet, caring, loving. Everything that Leana wasn't," I said, taking her hands in my own.

"Then why did you sleep with her and stayed with her after-wards?" She asked, looking at me with tear filled eyes.

"I was drunk. And I thought that she was you because of the perfume she was wearing. And the reason I stayed with her was because, well I saw it as a punishment. Something that I thought I deserved," I said as I felt tears coming out of my eyes.

We stared at each other without saying a word. After a moment, I cut the silence.

"What now?" I asked.

Misty stood up and and took my hand.

"What do you say about meeting you son?"

I smiled and stood up.
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