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Love You Always


I awoke the next morning to the sunlight hitting my face. Trying to move away from the rays of light, I felt something tighten over my waist. I stopped, fearful that it was the one person I thought I left and got rid of when I came back. Looking down at the arm, I relaxed when I realized who it belonged to. I gently stroked the hand before I tried to remove it from me. As I began to lift it up, it suddenly went back to my waist and brought me closer to the body it belonged too.

"Your not going anywhere," I heard his voice whisper into my ear.

Shifting until I was at the other side, I smiled when my eyes landed on Jimmy's sleeping face. Whenever he would sleep, he would always look so peaceful and at ease. Moving a little bit, I kissed the tip of his nose and I saw a smile spread across his face.

"Jimmy. Let me go. I have to go check on Brandon," I whispered.

At the mention of his sons name, his eyes suddenly few open and I was greeted by beautiful crystal blue eyes. Jimmy looked down at me and his smile grew even wider.

"I thought it was all a dream," he said as he buried his face to the side of my neck.

I smiled at his actions and storked his hair how I used to when we were together. When we were together, that thought made me sad. I had no right to do this to him. For all I know, he's just doing this for the sake of our son. Removing my hand from the back of his head, I lifted it up and said to him:

"C'mon. He's going to wonder where I am. Most likely where you are."

Jimmy looked into my face for a few minutes before nodding it and getting off the bed. He walked over to his dresser and brought out a pair of basketball shorts. As I looked at him, I couldn't help the pang of desire that his me. Shaking my head, I got off the bed and proceeded to the door.

"Hey! I'm going first!" Jimmy yelled.

I looked over to see him running my my direction. Squealing in surprise, I dashed out the door and headed over to where Brandon was sleeping. Jimmy hot at my heals. I was so close to entering the room when I felt semi muscular arms go around my waist.

"I go first," I said as he turned me around so I face the hallway with his back to the door.

"Aw! Come on!" I said as I tried to get out of his arms.

Jimmy just laughed like a mad man and opened the door. We tumbled in and I landed on him.

"Hey hey hey! Not in front of the child," Jimmy whispered hotly into my ear.

I looked up and over to see Brandon giving us a curios look. I smiled at him before smacking Jimmy on the leg and getting up.

"Hey baby," I said with a smile as I walked over to him.

"Hi Mommy," Brandon said as I lifted him up into my arms.

I gave him a kiss when Jimmy walked over to us and I handed him over to him.

"Hey little man," Jimmy said, kissing his sins temple.

"Hi Papa," Brandon said, snuggling into his father.

I smiled at his action and looked up at Jimmy. I saw that he was looking down at Brandon. Love and joy in his eyes. Looking into his face, it made me regret not mentioning Brandon to him sooner. As I stared at them, Jimmy told Brandon if he wanted breakfast, which he did. Taking hold of my hand, we all walked down stairs to the kitchen
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