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Love You Always


I laughed along with Brandon as we chased the famous Stallion Duck. Brandon was behind the poor goose, who was running up and down the beach. Stopping just short from where he was, I laughed as the goose turned around to bare his beak at him. Brandon screamed out in surprise before running over to where I was.

"Mama! Save me!" Brandon said as he jumped onto my arms.

I laughed again before running back to Johny's house, the goose hot on out tails. I opened the gate and closed it shut before the goose got a chance to bite me on the butt. Brandon and I- well mostly me- were panting for breath.

"Why are you two so out of breath?" I heard Val ask us.

Looking over at her, I smiled and said, "It was that freaking Stallion Duck's fault. He wasn't suppose to chase the hell out of me and almost bite me in the ass! Oops!" I said.

Brandon looked up at me and gave me a curious look.

"Mama. What's and ass?"

"It's the thing you sit on," Brian said before I had time to answer.

"Haner!" I said the same time Chelle smacked him upside the head.

"Ow! What the hell man!" Brian said as he rubbed the back of his head,"What was that for?!"

"For telling a three year old what an ass was," Chelle simply said, crossing her arms over her chest.

Me-Along with the rest of the guys and girls, began to going into a fit of laughter. All except for Leanna. She just kept sending me and my son hateful glares. Sighing, I walked over to Johnny, Brandon still on my back, and asked if the food was ready.

"Yeah. Just a couple more minutes," he said, sending me a smile.

I smiled back and went to sit down next to Val, Lacey, Gena, and Michelle. I placed Brandon on the seat next to mines and we all began to talk. We were in the middle of discussing what we were going to do for Brandon's birthday (but talking in our coded language) when Leanna decided to grace us with her amazing presence. Note the sarcasm.

"What the hell are you doing back here?" She seethed.

I looked over at Val, who nodded and asked Brandon if he wanted to go into the pool. Which he agreed to. I waited for Brandon to be out of ear shot before turning to Leanna and gave her a hard and cold look. I smirked in satisfaction when she flinched a little.

"Well. If you must know. I came to visit my fucking brother and mother."

Leanna scoffed and rolled her eyes," Yeah right. I know what your deal is."

"Oh really," I said sarcastically," Well tell me what it is then. If you know so fucking much."

"Your hear to take my Jimmy away from me. Which will not happen!" Leanna said as she got closer and closer to my face.

I laughed in her face and pushed her away from me,"Get off your fucking high horse,you home wreaking slut. Think what you may, but I'm here to spend time with my friends and family."

With that said, I spun on my heel and walked towards the pool. Looking around, I saw that everyone was sending me a smirk and nodded in approval. My eyes landed on Jimmy and I saw that he had a smile on his face. Turning back to the pool, I laughed when Brandon was splashing Zacky. Taking off my shirt,shorts and flip flops, I jumped into the cool pool.

"Damn! Look at this fine Mami over here!" Lacey said with a wolf whistle.

"Damn! You got even more body!"Zacky said, spinning me around the pool.

I laughed and went over to Gena.

"Hey! I have a crazy ass kid. He keeps me on my toes."

"Hm. I might have to borrow you kid sometime," Chelle said, smiling over at Brandon.

I laughed and began to play with my son. But all the while, I couldn't help but feel eyes burning into my skull.
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