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Love You Always


I wasn't paying attention to Leanna like I was suppose to. Instead, my eyes were glued on Misty's wet body. When she stripped before getting into the pool, my eyes grew twice its size. Her body was better then I remembered. MY gaze basically burning a hole through her.

"JIMMY!" Leanna screamed in my ear.

"OW! What the fuck Leanna!?" I yelled, rubbing my ear.

"Why aren't you paying attention to me?" she whined.

Suppressing a groan, I gave her a smile and said,"Baby. I am paying attention to you."

Leanna looked at me up and down before giving me a smile and nodding in satisfaction before going on and on about the shopping trip she want to do tomorrow. Again, I droned her out and looked over at the pool. Misty was playing with her son and the girls. As I looked at this before me, I wondered when she had a kid and if the guys all knew about it. Looking over at Johnny, it looked to me that he already knew about this and didn't really mind cause it wasn't a secret. And looking over at the guys and girls, it also looked like they all knew too. Which really confused me. Why the hell didn't I know about this but the rest of them did. As I pondered about this, Johnny called out that the food was ready. Everyone cheered and got out of the pool. The only ones left were Misty and her son.

Keeping my eyes on them, I saw that she helped him out before getting out herself. I had to take a deep breath to control myself when I saw her wet body come out of that pool. God how I wished I was that water right now. Misty got two towels before wrapping one on her son before wrapping the other around her. Picking up her son, they both walked over to the table. Placing him down, Misty went over to where Johnny was handling the food and got two plates before filling them up. This gave me a chance to talk to her son. Getting up from my chair, I quickly got some food and sat across from the kid.

He was sitting their, playing with his hands. Well, more like drumming. That little action reminded me of me. I stared at him for a while before saying:

"Hey buddy. What's your name?" I asked him.

He looked up at me and I had to hide a gasp. His eyes looked exactly like my own.

"My name's Brandon. How bout you?" he asked.

"Name's Jimmy," I said, sticking my hand out for him to shake.

Brandon looked at my hand before putting his small one in mines before I shook them. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"So. What's your favorite color?" I asked him as I took a bite from my burger.

"Blue!: Brandon exclaimed.

I laughed and said,"Mines too."

Leanna came by then and was trying to get my attention. Ignoring her, I continued to talk to the small child that reminded me of me.
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Aww! interaction with his son without him knowing!!!!!

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