Vampires Bite

Vampire's Raid

I sat on my balcony and looked over the vast area of land that my father owned. In fact, there were thousands of miles of owned land that belonged to my father beyond the castle. I sighed and hopped off, walking into my bedroom as my nanny, Becca, came into the room.

"Baylee, its time for bed."

I groaned and sat down on my bed and said, "But Becca, it isn't even near full dark yet."

"That doesn't matter. I always put you to bed at this time, and I always will. Especially since they are orders from your mother," Becca said as she pulled the covers of my bed back for me to climb in.

When I did, I sat up and looked at Becca, "When is my mother coming home?"

She sighed and looked at me as I waited for an answer, "I don't know. Her work may keep her for more than a week longer," she sighed and continued on, "just go to bed princess, and remember, her time'll come to be here."

I laid down and snuggled underneath the blanket. Then, I heard a growl at the door as Becca opened it to go out, and my white bangle tiger, Nayomi, came trotting into the room and hopped up onto my bed.

"Oops. Sorry Nayomi. Almost forgot about you," Becca said as she smiled at Nayomi. She shut the door after turning off the lights.

I scratched Nayomi's head and gave her a kiss as she yawned almost letting out a loud roar whilst doing so. I have had Nayomi since I was five years old and since she was born, after her mother was hunted down and kill the hunters found her. I am almost eighteen so that has been at least about thirteen years or a little less. But, one thing everyone else doesn't know about Nayomi, is that she is half vampire half normal tiger. I've made a word for that called viger.

I've always wondered what it would be like to be a vampire, and I tried to get Nayomi to bite me, but she never would. I never poked or prodded her, but even if I did that, I'd still get nothing out of her. I stroked Nayomi's head for a little while until I finally fell asleep.

"Ah!" I awoke to shrieks and screams. I hurried up, with Nayomi and rushed to the door. I opened it and saw everyone running from one direction. Then, Becca came and hurried up to me and grabbed my arm, pulling me with her as she ran down the hall with Nayomi following quickly.

"What is it?!" I asked.

"Vampires! They've invaded the castle! We must get you somewhere safe!" Becca answered as she continued to run almost breathlessly.

Then, as she turned the corner with me, a vampire was waiting in front of us and another behind us. Nayomi was trained to protect me and that's what I think she intended to do, as she lunged for the vampire behind us and Becca hurried me into the nearby room as a few guards hurried down the hall the other way where the first vampire was.

I was in a dark room and I felt my way around. There was no light switch, not even a candle. All of a sudden, I felt a brisk wind in the room that made my short hair dance around my head for a second or two and it settled down. I was startled by it too and I fell back against a fire place mantle, but my elbows caught on it just before I fell.

I searched the dark room with my eyes, but I could barely see anything. It was now after dark and the land was as dark as a room with no windows and no light, but there was a small spark in the fire place. I felt another gust of wind and this time it stopped dead in front of me.

Then I noticed that there was some one there. I could tell because I could see two red ember like dots that were glowing faintly.

"Who goes there!" I demanded to know.

A creepy chuckle came from the one in front of me and I recognized it to be a vampire, most likely male too, by the sounds of it.

"Be calm, my dear. You shouldn't be threatened by me, unless you're afraid of me," He said as he brushed my cheek with his fingers which I quickly shook away from.

I kicked him in the balls and made a break for the door, but he caught my wrist and spun me back to him and glared into my eyes so hard, I felt like I was falling into a trance.

"Afraid, no. Calm, I am. And threatened, hard not to feel that way. You broke into my home and killed half my keepers. There's no telling what you could do to the princess."

"Also, a smart ass," some one said stepping out of the shadows, "Drakon, I'll take it from here," The other vampire, who appeared deathly handsome, said.

Drakon, I guess his name was, loosened his grip on me, but did not let go. He stopped glaring at me too. The other vampire put a hand on Drakon's shoulder and squeezed it. Drakon let go of me and ripped the other vampire's hand off of his shoulder as if it hurt him.

"Back off Marcus." Drakon growled to the other vampire, but Marcus made himself look bigger than Drakon and Drakon backed down.

"Tell them I will join you back at the mansion. I'll not be coming back empty handed either." Marcus said smirking.

I then felt a rush of air fill the room and Drakon vanished in smoke and Marcus disappeared. I looked around in front of me, but I felt an arm wrap around my waist and pull me towards them. A strange trance like humming sound filled my ears so I wouldn't struggle.

A felt a hand tilt my neck to one side and brush my hair away from my neck. A few seconds later, two piercing teeth were in my neck, my blood being drawn from my body. His drink was interrupted as we heard loud crashes and I snapped out of my trance and Marcus let go of me.

"I'll be watching." He smirked as he disappeared in smoke.

I coughed, covering my mouth and waving the smoke from my view as the lights turned on. Becca was standing in the door way. She looked straight at me, horror-struck.

"Dear! You're bleeding!" She screamed hurrying over to me.

I felt my neck and pulled away my hand to look at the blood covering my finger tips. It wasn't that bad, but bad enough that two streams of blood seeped through the shoulder of my night gown. Becca grabbed a small rag from her apron and held it to my neck as my other nannies hurried to help tend to my wound.
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Drakon is pronounced: Drake-on