Status: in the proccess of writing :)


Week One

I was sixteen then Jackie was also as old, or if I may, as young as me. Anyway, Jackie isn’t my sister, just to be clear. She’s a friend I met when we moved to the state of Texas. We always move houses and change addresses because of my mom’s job. No, she doesn’t sell pot or anything illegal that we would be running away from the FBI, she’s a freelance photographer. Ever since my parents got divorced, we’ve been living almost everywhere in the United States. I’m surprised that my brother Alex, he’s 8, can handle all these frequent state hopping. I didn’t handle it as well as him but after three months, I somehow got used to it. I never wanted this kind of life forever, we need to settle down. I’m pretty sure that this is my mom’s way of getting over the divorce.

My father is a good man, always does his best at things. The problem is, he’s the best at work but when it comes to being a Dad, he failed. He was too busy to take care of us, my mom couldn’t accept that. Things got heated up one night and they fought until mom was crying her head off and we had to leave the house immediately. I know, deep inside she still loves my father… that’s why she’s not seeing anyone or at least, not yet.

Can you imagine, in three whole months we’ve moved to five states? Yeah, crazy right? Well, for my mom it was an adventure. But honestly… it’s an adventure I didn’t want to take.
How many first days of school have I gone to since we left Florida? I started my life in Florida but when my parents got separated; my mom decided that we head for California. I thought it was impossible for me to have a life but I did, made friends while at it too. The sad part was when we had to leave for another state and then the cycle would just repeat itself. And you know what pisses me off the most? It’s when I have something good going on then some crazy ass thing happens that we have to leave without even finishing a quarter in school. It’s hard being me right now. And sometimes I don’t know why I have to go to school anymore, it’s not that I hate it, it’s that, I never get actually learn something, now and again I think that going to school is just a waste of time.

Mother dropped me at Redwood High School, a school 15 minutes away from our new home in Rockwall, Texas. The first few hours of school was really boring. It’s like watching a Pussycat Dolls’ concert when they’re in their 80’s. The day was going to be a total train wreck, until I met Jackie Castro in one of my classes. We instantly clicked, just like that. Actually I got to hand it to her, she had the balls to chat me up and I was a new student. She approached me, all smiling and bubbly. At first I thought she was this loud girls because she looked like it. To my surprise, she was just like every other friend I have and had. By lunch time, me and Jackie got a table and continued our chat.

“Never had a boyfriend. It’s like I’m a boy repellent or something…” She said, complaining about how she isn’t getting any yoo-hoo’s from the guys. Jackie is really pretty if you ask me. Brown hair, beautiful blue eyes and I mean beautiful gorgeous eyes like an angels’. “What about you Mia? Anyone special in your life?”
I shrugged. “Well, back in Utah…” I say as I took a spoonful of pudding and shoved it in my mouth. Utah was the state we were in before going to Texas. “I broke up with him.”
“Why? He cheat on you?” She asked as if it were a normal cause of break-ups. Which, I think is true… I shook my head.
“No no no. I had to leave, I had no choice. What else could I have done?” I replied.
“Well, DUH.” She said, as if the answer was obvious. “LDR, haven’t you heard of it?”She raised her brows, making her forehead form few wrinkles. I shook my head again. LDR? Lord of the… oh wait that’s LOTR.
“Long-distant relationships.” She smiled. “And besides, Utah isn’t far from here.”

I thought about what she said and I was baffled. She was right! But I left my now ex-boyfriend torn. Telling him it’s over just by calling him when we were already on our way to Texas. Man, that was crude. As the time passed, Jackie had learned stuff about me. About how I frequently move and how I cannot fall in love. Being me, it’s hard to have a relationship given the fact that maybe after two or three weeks of dating I might suddenly disappear like a bubble bursting in the air. She was very sympathetic, Jackie. I liked her already, she seems awesome to be a friend.
When all of our classes were over, we decided to walk home together. She mentioned earlier that her house was just 3 blocks away from ours. As we walked, I looked around trying to remember every street we pass. My mother forgot to tell me the directions to our house since she couldn’t pick me up, I just remembered it when Jackie asked where I lived. I’m so thankful that I found Jackie.
As we came to their front porch, I noticed that their garage door was open and someone was there fixing a black Bentley. I let out a whistle, it was a really awesome, shiny looking car. Jackie noticed what I did and said that that was her brother fixing the car he won of by hustling pool. Impressive I tell her. She knocked on their door immediately after we stepped on the patio steps. The door opened and someone peered out.
“Sup sis,” He greeted. He had the same blue eyes as Jackie and his hair was in dreads that were tide up in a sloppy pony. I smiled, he then notice me. “Hello Jackie’s new friend.” He said in a somewhat goofy way.

“Mia, this is my brother Jason.” She introduced me. We shook hands. “Jason, she’s Mia. She’s new in school, also new in town.” Jason nodded and smiled.
“How do you like Rockwall so far?”He asked, leaning on the doorway.
“It’s pretty… nature-y.” I shrugged. So far all I’ve seen in this town are trees and flowers. The air here is pretty fresh too.
“Hey wanna go inside to get a drink?” Jackie invited. I said I couldn’t because my mom would be worried about me and I forgot my phone at home. She understood and we said bye to each other, including Jason. He seems like a pretty cool guy. I continue to walk home alone and think of what possible thing might happen to me in the coming days.
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tell me if you want more :)