Status: 2/50 One-Shots

I'm in Misery

I'm In Misery

Mandie Philips was not your typical high school prom queen; no she wasn’t your typical anything. Most woman were falling at the feet of Dean Winchester but not Mandie Philips, no she in fact hated his guts since the first time they meet when they were five years old.

June 30, 1985

“Dad seriously I can take care of Katy on my own you don’t need to leave me with Dean, whatever his name is.” Mitch Philips looked back at his daughter that sat in the back seat with her two year old sister Katy.

“Mandie we have been over this before, my friend John and I have to go on this trip for two days so you and Dean are going to watch Katy as well as Sam, Dean’s little brother, now I want you to be quite.” Mitch wasn’t always this harsh to his little girl his pride and joy but she had been bugging ever since he told her she was going to be spending her first night without him in her whole entire life.

The midnight black 1965 convertible mustang came to a stop in front Bobby Singers house, a person Mandie had come quite used to over the past year, she got out of the car, along with pulling her little sister out, she followed closely behind her father as they walked up the front porch.

They didn’t need to knock, Bobby was constantly reminding them they were family they could just walk right on in, and so they did. Mandie was soon hit by a flying paper airplane that landed in her mess of dark almost black curls.

“Dean!” Mandie turned to her left to see a boy just a bit shorter than her with his eyes opened wide. He knew that the tone his father just used meant he was in big trouble.

“You are a truly and idiot, don’t you know how to treat a lady?” Mandie sat her little sister on the ground as she made her way towards the boy that was trying to hide his way behind the couch; it was no use Mandie was now on top of the boy throwing punches at his face. Dean was taught never to hit a girl, in school, now outside of school and they were of supernatural save you, so he did what he was taught.

Mandie screamed as he stopped hitting Dean to cover her left eye that she was sure would be black and blue soon. John and Mitch were screaming at their kids pulling them apart as they tried to escape to them this was far from over and how true they were.

Winchester and the Philips had become somewhat of a family over time.

Holidays they would meet up and spend them together the fathers sit around cleaning guns and weapons talking about tales of things they had killed, while Sam and Katy flirted back and forth, and did what they did best learn from another. Mandie and Dean was another story, Mandie still hated Dean, while Dean had wild hot feelings for Mandie. Her attempts to get him off her back failed.

August 10, 1997

“Sam and Katy you go north, Mandie, Dean you two are going to go south, Bobby you take East, Mitch and I will take west.” Mandie let out groan as Dean gave his usual smirk and “sexy” wink towards her. They were out in the middle of Montana at dark hunting vampires that had been eating towns people left and right.

“Why can’t Katy just go with me?” Mitch hit his forehead; he was growing seriously tired of Mandie always complaining about Dean, it could get tiring though he only had to deal with it when their families would meet up.

“Because Sam and Katy are taking the area that will most likely not get them killed, and you two know how to use a stake now get a move on we don’t have all night.” Sam and Katy glared at Mitch Philips as he and John walked away, Bobby going his own way.

“I don’t even like hunting, why can’t we for once just be normal?” Katy whined as she took Sam’s hand in her small one walking away, leaving Mandie with Dean alone. Before Dean had a chance to make a stupid statement Mandie was marching off into the forest that they were told to go in.

Dean was surly thinking of words he could say to Mandie, he was sure she wanted him. While Dean was thinking of words Mandie was enjoying the silence as she kept her eyes on the ground watching her steps to the best of her effort, but that didn’t seem to last because she was falling straight forward, till someone caught her by the back of her jacket.

Standing up straight Mandie shrugged Dean’s touch off her shoulder turning around to glare at him, and pulling him by the collar of his jacket towards her.

“Touch me again Winchester, and you will be in a world of pain.” Dean smirked and snorted.
“I was just saving a damsel in distress.” Mouth a gaped, Mandie took her fist punching Dean square in the jaw turning around she started to make her way further into the woods. Dean clutched his jaw as he ran to catch up to her.

Mandie held on to her fist for a few seconds rubbing the pain out of it, she forgot about Dean that was till she felt something touch her ass. Her immediate response was to turn around and knee the person in the balls, it just so happened to be Dean.

“Fuck did you really have to do that?” Dean was now on his knees on the ground holding on to his “family jewels.” Mandie laughed as she grabbed the collar of his jacket again leaning down just a little to meet him half way.

“Don’t you ever touch my butt, do you understand me? I’m not your little bitch or whore that you sleep with at those little high schools.” Slapping Dean in the face he flew into the dirt, just as Sam and Katy walked up. Mandie was glad to see her little sister so ignoring her father’s wishes she took Katy by the arm as they started to make their way from the Winchester brothers.

“You touched her butt didn’t you?” Sam looked down at his older brother.

“Yeah, and it was perfect.” Sam shook his head as he helped his brother off the ground. Dean brushed the dirt off his jacket and pants.

“She totally wants me.”

Mitch Philips died when helping Ash, their go to go guy at Roadhouse where most hungers went to, when it blew up, by demons searching for Katy, Sam, Mandie and Dean, because demons were out for the souls of Katy and Sam.

It was the hardest time of everyone’s lives but they went on much like Mitch would have liked them to have. Ash had also been Mandie’s boyfriend of three years, he was one of the things that kept her happy, and she had nothing, she felt.

Dean laid low on the witty comments of Mandie wanting him while trying to lessen her grip on revenge, but it was hard that was till one night it changed it all.

Dean and Mandie sat in the Impala drinking beer with one another as the watched their brother and sister talk about a plan to stop the world from falling apart, after all they both had in some way let Lucifer out of his cage, and they had to get him back in it.

“They sure are stupid.” Dean took a long swig from his beer as his eyebrow raised quite a bit, Mandie found herself nodding in agreement, Dean was right and she knew it. He was right a lot of the time these days, though she would never admit it to him.

For all she cared Dean could still think she hated his guts, but that was far from the truth. She had found herself falling deeply for Dean, but there was no love in their line of work, it wasn't safe, I mean look at what happened to their mothers, they both burned in a nursery fire, both their fathers were gone trying to solve this case once and for all.

“Stupid and in love,” Dean looked over at Mandie confused, he knew his brother Sam was in love with her sister Katy, they didn’t hide it. They were openly dating one another, Dean at first found it stupid and poked fun at them, but as he watched them he realized it was true love, so he backed off, but not Mandie.

She took every chance she could get to tell Katy it wasn’t going to work out. One of them was going to die just like Ash had and the other would be alone forever with a broken heart.

That’s what she wasn’t even making a move towards Dean, there was no need to.

She wasn’t going to let her sister jump into the cage of hell, just to stop the world for ending. No if she lost her sister she was going to lose everything, that ever really mattered and reminded her of the days when everything was okay, and she did have to worry about what was going to happen the next day.

“Mandie you are a coward!” Dean yelled, Sam and Katy had heard Dean, so they took that as their cue to walk away and leave them be, they didn’t want to be in the line of fiery words that would be released into the cold night air.

Mandie faced Dean with a harsh glare evident on her face, quickly she got out of the Impala making her way more into the junk yard where Dean followed right after her, he wasn’t going to let her walk away this time, he was sick of it.

“You are a coward of love, just because you lost just one person doesn’t mean others should fear love like you do. You are scared to love again, I can see that but don’t you dare take it out on my brother and your sister. They deserve each other!” Mandie stopped in her tracks, her converse moved mud around from beneath them as she started to stomp towards him.

Pushing Dean into some old pickup truck she growled, her body somehow had slipped leaving her body leaning against his.

“You don’t know what you are talking about Winchester! I know what is best for my sister, and that is for her to not get caught up in the grip of your brothers.” Punching Dean in the gut he leaned over a little but soon he found the guts to push Mandie down to the ground, into the mud.

“I know what is best for my brother, and that’s Katy.” Dean was straddling Mandie now, as she clawed at his face she was mad or maybe she was furious, Dean took the slaps hits and claw markings she threw at him, he knew he was going to let her go.

Dean got a hold of Mandie’s hands as he leaned his upper body towards hers, her chest was heaving up and down. I’m not sure how long it was before Dean’s lips had attacked Mandie’s but they were suddenly in a fierce kiss, both their tongues fighting for dominance.
Gently letting go of Mandie’s hands, his hands found their way to the back of her head as her hands found them on the back of his pulling their faces closer to one another, their tongues doing somewhat of a tango with one another.

Mandie’s hands traveled down Dean’s back as she slowly pulled his jacket off and soon after his shirt, never cutting the kiss off. Dean’s mind was racing as he pulled away from the kiss, making her groan in annoyance.

I’m in misery when you beat me but I can’t help but love you.” Mandie gave a smirk much like Deans as she pulled him into a kiss once more; again they were fighting for dominance.

“Ehem, I’m glad you two love birds have gotten together and everything, but I believe the world is about to end and you two are playing tonsil hockey,” Castiel appeared out of nowhere causing the two to push each other apart. “In the mud no less.”

Dean got off of Mandie helping her up from off the ground; she pushed the Angel aside and started to make her way inside of Bobby’s. Dean held a smirk on his face and looked over at Castiel.

“She totally wants me.” Castiel walked away shaking his head at his friend.
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Mandie's Everyday Outift.