Status: chasing flashing lights :---)

What Makes It Wrong for Us to Fall in Love?

Good Job!

"We could've walked," Stephen laughed as he opened the passenger seat door for me. He took my hand and pulled me out.

"I guess," I laughed with him as he shut the door and started walking towards the joint.

He opened the door for me.

I got in and pulled him. "Stop it, you're making a scene."

"You know you love it when I'm a gentleman." He scoffed jokingly as he walked to the counter.

"Good morning, welcome to McDonald's! How can I help you, sir?" The lady behind the counter asked cheerfully.

"Uhm," Stephen rubbed his chin. "We'll just have four orders of pancakes, is that alright?"

"Of course," The lady clicked on a couple of things on the screen then looked up at Stephen again. "Drinks with that?"

"Pineapple juice." He answered politely.

"Alright. Is that for take out or dine in?"

"Take out."

"Okay, please step aside and wait for your order," She beamed motioning for Stephen to take a few steps to his right after he paid for the order.

I walked over behind him and waited for the order. I pouted and rested my chin on his shoulder impatiently.

My eyes lit up when the lady handed Stephen four plastic bags. Two of them had the Styrofoam packs of pancakes and the other two had plastic cups of the juice.

"Thank you, have a nice day. Come again!" She greeted before we walked out.

"Nice lady," Stephen commented as he opened the door for me again.

"Stop being a gentleman. I'm serious, Stephen." I said trying not to laugh as I pushed him to his side of the car before he could even try to open the door for me.

"Okay," He just smirked at me then we made our way back to Stephen's.


"Chelle, we're back!" I yelled as Stephen kicked his shoes off and walked to his kitchen.

I heard no response. "Chelle?"

I ran over to John's room and kicked the door open.

"I should've known," I chuckled as Chelle broke the lip-lock between her and John.

Her cheeks were flushing red and so were John's.

"I'm impressed, Chelle," I grinned. "You even got him to take his pants and shirt off."

"Uhmm, yeah." She awkwardly scratched the back of her head.

"Good job!" I jokingly cheered for her.

"Where does Stephen put the towels though?" She asked changing the topic. "I was gonna give him a sponge bath."

"Oh?" I said fighting the urge to tease her about wanting John. "Uhm, go ask him, he's in the kitchen."

"Okay," She shyly excused herself out the room.

I looked at John who was down to nothing but his boxers who seemed almost still half asleep. "Feeling better already, huh?"

"Shut up," He groaned.

"We bought pancakes. After you get your bath, come eat with us, alright?" I walked down the hall and bumped into Chelle who had a couple of small towels with her.

I flashed her a smile then joined Stephen in the kitchen.

He looked up at me while sipping from his pineapple juice. "Come on,"

"Yeah," I pulled a chair out next to him and sat down.

"Here you go," He handed me one of the Styrofoam containers and one of the plastic forks.


"Sure thing,"

Then the atmosphere became awkward.

Awkward silence filled the room.

I glanced over to Stephen while I poured my syrup onto my pancakes. "Stephen, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," He nervously chuckled.

"Ha ha." I sarcastically laughed.

"Seriously, I was just doing some thinking," He flashed me a weak smile and held my hand in his.

"And what were you thinking about?"

"Taking you on a better first date, maybe." He shot his eyebrows up a bit.

"And what's in your mind so far, Mister Gomez?"

"Oh, well, I can't tell you." He winked before the both of us continued having our breakfast.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter sucked.

Sorry, uhm. It's a filler. lol

Next chapter might be boring too. Idk. Sorry.

Thanks for reading tho!