Status: Due to logical paradoxes, the story now takes place in 2042, not 2032. Enjoy the story everyone :D please dont be afraid to share it with others!

The Workshop


By the year 2015, it had become undeniably clear that women were the dominant gender, in every way, save for physical strength. At least 200 studies from 1st World countries all over the world suggested this. However, in all other areas - education, social skills, child care skills, political skills, technological and scientific skills, just to name a few - women were dominating men and doing so in push-up bras and 3" heels.

During the 2016 elections in the United States, several corrupt - and somewhat perverted people, both men and women, and from both the Democratic and Republican parties, were elected into the Senate, House of Representatives. Even the Vice President was a bit strange.

By April 2017, rumors of a new bill to be passed by Congress were circulating through the media at light speed. No one seemed to have a clear-cut idea of what the bill was about, but it seemed that the bill would, if passed, changed the way gender equality was viewed in America - and eventually the world.

In February 2020, the first Workshop had opened in Boulder City, Nevada. People were hesitant to visit the Workshop at first, for obvious reasons.

Then, people learned what it could do for their kids and their futures.

Parents and their children flocked from all over Nevada and the 5 states surrounding it to place their children in the Workshop. The Workshop consists of a two-and-a-half-month process in which the candidate, generally ages 13-18, undergoes a total transformation, each detail of the transformation decided for the candidate by the parents.

These young boys would be placed in a machine, completely naked and sedated, constrained at the wrists, ankles, and neck, as any major movements would cause a disruption of the transformation process and would need to be started over - quite time consuming, considering most transformations take between 4 and 6 hours. A laser would spin around the boys at 500 miles per hour, yet be completely silent. The laser made contact with every single cell of the body and literally changed the genetic coding inside the chromosomes, even the skin pigment. As a result of the process, the capacity to learn and absorb information was increased as much as 20-fold. A major achievement by any means. The country was back on track as one of the world's most intellectual regions there ever was.

At the end of the process, the boys emerged as sexy, women, exactly to the parent's specifications, given the bust size and figure measurements, hair length, point in puberty if the candidate was not yet finished with it, facial changes, and most of all, genitalia changes. Younger boys could be transformed into girls of an equal-or-so age, and develop accordingly. Older boys could be transformed into fully developed women. The option became available a year later that allowed the newly transformed females to be able to go through the menstrual cycle, just as natural born women. In the same year, women of all ages were able to have their bodies transformed, for bigger breasts, longer hair or hair of a different color, darker skin, different colored eyes, and so on. This process didn't take nearly as long.

After the initial transformation of male-to-females came the conditioning. The newly transformed girls were given a schedule of the "classes" they would be taking to learn femininity, make-up, dressing up, dealing with the menstrual cycle, everything of essential knowledge to a girl. Even in their sleep, the girls could not escape the conditioning. "Sleep-music" was played as the girls were fast asleep, which was actually a recording of a hypnotic voice, giving the new girls very feminine suggestions about how to act and appear in public.

Scientists have estimated a 1 in 1 billion chance of anything going wrong with the transformation process. Now, in the year 2042, U.S. President Ivanka Trump has passed a new law, requiring there to be 10 Workshops for every 1 million people in each state. Other countries have taken up the Workshop fad, with over 80 countries around the world having over 100 Workshops. The ratio of women to men has quickly risen to an astounding 8:1, and researchers have estimated that there will be no males over the age of 20 left in the world by the year 2070.

Each candidate for the Workshop is required to give sperm at least twice before actually undergoing the transformation. The male to female birth ratio has risen to 10:1, as the majority of women, both transformed and natural born, are having Y-Chromosome sperm artificially inseminated with their eggs.

Transformed women often remember their time as a male, even in the female state. But because of social and parental pressures, the transformation has become a welcomed process, and is often seen as a rite of passage.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases have become practically non-existent, and the process is being experimented with currently to cure cancer of all types. Breast, colon and liver cancers have already been successfully cured, and many more experiments are underway.

The world population has risen to 10 billion. Tampon and menstrual pad stock owners are effectively the richest people on Earth. Hundreds of new planets have been discovered, with 4 of them appearing to be able to support life as we know it.

In June of 2042, a boy's mother decided it was time for her own son to undergo the process she had undergone at his age of 15. She even had her own sperm from before the transformation combined with her eggs in the hopes that the boy would look exactly like she had as a child. Shaun didn't quite want the process done to him, but he did have a lingering need to conform to society.

There's only a one in a billion chance of something going wrong... he thought. It'll be perfectly safe.