Status: Due to logical paradoxes, the story now takes place in 2042, not 2032. Enjoy the story everyone :D please dont be afraid to share it with others!

The Workshop

Chapter II: Getting Ready

Shaun awoke the next morning at 9:00 AM, an hour earlier than he needed to be up. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, cracked his knuckles, and swung his legs off the side of the bed. He reached down to grab a pair of pants - his last pair, as the majority of his clothes had been removed already to make way for the wardrobe he would be needing soon. He put them on and looked down at his hairy legs and rubbed them a little,realizing they would, after today be smooth for the rest of his life. His mothers had already informed him that he would be modified to where no hair, aside from the hair on his head, would grow. This was an obvious attempt to save money on razors and shaving cream, however it would make his feminine life a little bit easier. He slipped his pants on and staggered over to his closet where he chose the only shirt remaining - a plain black shirt with the names of several popular bands on the back of it, most of which he didn't care for.

He staggered out into the living room to find that only Tania was awake so far. She looked up from the TV and smiled at him with a little wave. He returned it with the live-long-and-prosper sign and a big, sarcastic grin. Tania rolled her eyes and giggled quietly to herself, then turned her attention back to the TV. Shaun walked into the kitchen where a fresh-brewed pot of coffee was calling his name. He got his cup and poured, adding enough cream and sugar to where the coffee wasn't bitter but wouldn't give him a crazy sugar rush.

"You'll need to take a shower and eat breakfast before we leave babe," Tania said as she stood from the couch, bending backwards to stretch and pop her back. "Did you sleep okay?"

"Yup," he said. "Still a little groggy though." He sipped his coffee and his insides warmed as he exhaled deeply. He held up his cup and said, "The elixir of the Gods."

Tania smiled and nodded in agreement. "Oh, remember what else you need to do... You need two 'donations' before they can let you in." She said, lifting her eyebrows.

"Yeah yeah, I already did one, it's in the fridge."

"Oh, alright. Well get that second vial filled, preferably before you shower." His own mother was actually telling him he needed to masturbate. "I'm so excited for you!"

Shaun smirked as he sipped his coffee again. "What are you two going to do while I'm gone? They have to keep me for 2 and a half months and all..."

"We'll be getting everything ready for you darling. Redecorating that hideously boyish room of yours, new clothes, hairbrushes, make-up, all the essentials."

"Ah, sounds, fun?" He asked. Looking into his cup he realized he was already out of coffee and turned around to pour himself some more.

"Yes actually," Tania said. "I've been waiting for this day for a while now... I'm so excited!"

"You said that already," he chuckled. Obviously his mothers were way more excited than he was. He didn't necessarily want to become a girl, but he didn't want to be a social outcast for the rest of his life, either. "I'm going to go 'donate' and shower." He reached into the refrigerator and pulled out a small, empty bottle, about the size of what you might find aspirin in.

"Don't forget you need to eat too, dear. I'll make you something, if you want?"

"Uhh, can I have some pancakes and bacon after I get out of the shower?" He asked.

"Sure thing baby," she said as she reached under into a cabinet and pulled out two cast-iron pans.

"Alright, thank you," he said and kissed her on the cheek.

"No problem," she said smiling.

After making his 'donation,' placing it in the fridge next to the first one, and showering - his last shower as a guy - he dried off and got back into his clothes, combed his hair and went back out into the kitchen where both of his mothers stood, talking about random tid-bits of this and that, none of which Shaun payed attention to.

"Good morning," Janine said, followed by a slight giggle because of something Tania had said.

"Morning," Shaun said back. Tania put a plate on the counter, with two pancakes smothered in butter and drowning in syrup, with four pieces of bacon on the side and a fork stuck in the middle of the top pancake. He sat down and began eating while his moms continued with their conversation.

"Hurry up and eat," Tania said a few moments later. "We need to do some shopping before we take you, and it's about 30 minutes to the Workshop."

"You can't go after you take me? I'm not trying to get out of going, just asking," he said, effectively avoiding the look from his mother.

"No," she said. "We have to provide a few things for your post-transformation body since this Workshop doesn't have the funding to provide everything."

"Okay," he said with a mouth full of bacon.

After finishing his meal, he put his socks and shoes on then went in his room to play guitar until it was time to go. This time playing "Welcome Home (Sanitarium)" by Metallica, he was able to keep himself occupied until Janine called for him from the living room.

"Ready?" Janine asked him.

"Yup," he said, checking to make sure his pockets were empty before walking out the door. Tania was already in the car waiting for them, using the flip-down mirror to apply her make-up and fix her hair. He got in the back while Janine got in the passenger seat, and the car took off silently through the suburban streets of their neighborhood.

After leaving the store with a bra and panties (which Shaun wasn't allowed to see), hair clips, a few shirts and skirts that were for the most part also kept from him, they went of their way and 20 minutes later, arrived at the parking lot of the Dallas Workshop. Entering the building, it was much less crowded than Shaun had expected - perhaps 50 or 60 people total. The room smelled strongly of a flowery perfume, and the walls were painted a dull shade of pink, with the female gender sign painted baby blue on them.

Ha, I get it, Shaun thought.

The three of them walked up to one of the reception counters on the other side of the room, with a lovely, busty woman on the other side who appeared to be filling out paperwork.

"Hello," Tania said. "He has an appointment for noon," she said, motioning towards Shaun who was glancing around at the room with a raised eyebrow.

"Do you have the forms all filled out?" the woman asked.''

"Oh, I have them," Janine said, pulling a stack of papers out of her purse. She handed them to the woman who flipped through the pages to make sure every blank spot had been filled out properly.

"Ah yes, Shaun, if you'll just take a seat over there, your operator will be with you soon." She motioned toward a section of seats with a few boys sitting in various spots. He walked over and sat down. Before he had time to adjust himself and get comfortable, a boy of about 14 years old sat right next to him and held his hand out.

"Hi, I'm Nate," the boy said. "Are you getting your procedure done today?"

"Shaun," he said, shaking Nate's hand. "Yep, are you?"

"No, not today, mine's not until next week. My mom's here to get the form and set an appointment though."

"Ah," Shaun said. "Well, if we happen to find each other after the change, we should hang out sometime."

"Sounds good to me," Nate said. Three women walked out of a wide hallway on the right of the reception desks.

"Jerry Stackhouse," one of the women called out. A boy three seats over from Shaun stood up and walked toward her.

"Taylor Evans," the second woman called. Another boy in the waiting area stood up and walked toward her.

"Shaun Marval," the third woman called out. Shaun stood up and turned around to Nate.

"Well, that's me." He held out his hand. "I'll be seeing ya." Nate shook hands with him again.

"See ya, and good luck!"

Shaun approached the woman, who was wearing a knee-length dress designed to show off her bust in stride. His moms caught him a few yards away from the woman, each giving him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"We'll miss you!" Tania and Janine said in unison. "We love you!"

"I love you too, both of you," Shaun said, hugging them back. "Keep out of trouble you two," he said, smothering the sentence in sarcasm.

"Uh huh," said Tania with an eye roll.

Shaun stepped away from them and towards the woman who had called his name. She smiled at him, flipped her hair back, and motioned for Shaun to walk down the hall with her.

"Right this way, Mr. Marval."
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to:
Cacow :D
for commenting!

The rest of these chapter posts most likely won't be as close together as the first 3 were, just to warn you.
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