Status: Due to logical paradoxes, the story now takes place in 2042, not 2032. Enjoy the story everyone :D please dont be afraid to share it with others!

The Workshop

Chapter III: Transformation

Shaun walked down the hall with the woman, and as he turned around he saw Tania and Janine waving goodbye to him. He waved and offered a little smile, then turned around and followed the woman without turning back again. The halls were painted a dull shade of pink, with white doors here and there. He noticed through one of the door windows that one of the boys that had been called just before him was getting undressed and into the machine. His heart jumped a little, as the realization hit that he was really about to become a woman.

The woman led him to the second-to-last door at the very end of the hallway - room 810A. He wondered just how many rooms were in this building for it to be numbered that high. The woman opened the door and motioned for him to walk inside. He sighed and obeyed without a word.

"Please undress yourself completely," the woman said as the door shut behind her. "Then stand on the platform." Shaun again obeyed without question. He took off his shirt and threw it into a small basket against the wall marked Clothes. He stripped down until he was in his boxers. Since he had 'donated' earlier, his manhood was a bit smaller than normal. Even though it truly didn't matter, he felt a bit nervous for the woman to see him in that shrunken state. "Completely," she said again, her voice suggesting a slight annoyance with him. Shaun sighed deeply and took off his boxers, feeling more exposed than he ever had before. Then he stood on the platform as he was instructed.

The woman stepped toward him, and for the first time he noticed her nametag, which read Angel. She pressed a few buttons and a machine rose up from the floor, with two wrist and ankle holders, and a neck straightener so that the laser would be able to reach every part of him.

"Please place your wrists into the restraints, then your ankles and neck. We can't have you moving too much, or the machine might miss some things... That would be horribly embarassing!" Angel exclaimed.

Shaun followed her instructions verbatim, placing his wrists in the restraints, then his ankles and finally his neck. He then turned his attention to Angel, who had a syringe in her hand, filled with 50mL of a clear liquid. He swallowed nervously, knowing that that was the sedative that would knock him out until the transformation was complete.

"Are you ready?" Angel asked him.

"As I'll ever be," Shaun said.

Angel put the syringe in a vein on his arm and pushed the sedative into his bloodstream. He stood there and waited for the sedative to spread into the rest of his body, as his whole left arm was already numb. Quickly he felt his body weakening, and he closed his eyes, knocked out cold.

Angel walked over to a machine in the corner of the room and started typing commands furiously into the computer. A large, metal shell rose up and over Shaun's body, encasing him completely from the world. Then she clicked the mouse a few times, and watched as the shell vibrated slightly, signaling the beginning of the transformation. She shut the blinds on the windows and walked out of the room to go help her next client.

Inside the shell, Shaun was completely unconscious. The machined whirred to life as three red beams and two blue beams turned on and took aim at him, starting from the feet. The red beams are designed to affect bone shape and structure, while the blue affect the size and positioning of his internal organs, including the muscles. Each beam spund around him faster than the human eye could trace, and slowly his body began to chance shape. His feet reshaped themselves as the beams spun, and his skin drooped where there had been a reduction in bone mass. Next came his legs, kneecaps, thighs, and hips. The skin drooped all over the bottom half of his body, as he was becoming significantly smaller. Then, six green beams switched on and started spinning around the drooping skin. The green beams affect skin and muscle cells, and have to be started halfway through the operation - otherwise they would get ahead of bone and organ lasers and cause his skin to become too thin and stretched over his larger bones, which would rip the skin and cause severe physical damage.

Then another beam switched on, this one was a lighter blue color, designed specifically to affect his sexual organs only. The darker blue beam had drawn his testiles up inside him, placing them where his ovaries were to be, but it didn't change them into ovaries. That was this machine's job. It pointed itself at two different points between his hips, killing each sperm cell and growing eggs at an incredible rate in the sperm's place. His penis had withdrawn inside him, though the skin still hung there for now. The penis would be later changed into parts of the cervix, fallopian tubes, and other female reproductive parts.

After a few hours, a pink beam above Shaun's head switched on. This beam stimulates hair growth, changes it texture, and can even cause it to change color if requested by the client's parents. Shaun's hair grew down to a few inches past his shoulders and was given a wavy texture, adding subtle highlights of light brown to it.

As the red and blue beams reached Shaun's neck, the final beam activated - this time purple. This affected the mind, reshaping it, telling it to release more or less hormones, activating and deactivating some parts of it. The ability to learn was affected most, having increased 20-fold when the beam had finished with that section.

The purple beam, however, hadn't been replaced in over five years, since it was used the least and used the least power of any of the other lasers in the shell. It flickered, almost undetectably when it reached the point in Shaun's brain that would have otherwise caused him to accept and obey his conditioning. However, the machine read that ever part of Shaun's brain had been morphed and molded to fit Tania's and Janine's requests.

It was now 6:12 P.M. The lasers slowed as they finished the last of Shaun's body, and turned off one by one as they no longer needed to change anything. The last beam shut off, and the metal shell started to open around his still unconscious body. The restraints tilted him back so that he was now laying down, and when the metal shell had completely opened, there was Angel, standing next to Shaun as if nothing had happened. She unlocked all of the restraints with the push of a button, and she pulled Shaun's new body onto a gourney, covered him in a thin blanket, and began wheeling him out of the room.

Angel took the gourney to an elevator, and took Shaun up to the 7th floor of the building and took him down to his new room. There, she opened the door marked 702 and pushed the gourney into the room.

"Let's go, Samantha," she said with a smile as she placed Shaun's new body on the bed and under the covers, then turned on the stereo with the 'sleep music.' "I know you're tired, it's natural to be. You've just gone through a huge change! Sleep now, and perhaps I'll see you in the morning."

Samantha turned over in the bed as a soothing, hypnotic voice eminated from the speakers, filling her ears with feminine suggestions and thoughts, starting the true mental transformation.